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Signed Up March 6, 2014
Last Posted September 28, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Posts 48 (0 per day)
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#17 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
Lightstrikerwthizaxlethargistis this the same dude who posted his wack ass fragvid with shit music and yelled at tftv for not liking sentries if so im glad i get to see the legend at work
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ban him

i am giving you the best advice you are ever going to get in life and you want me banned

i am hoping there is a nuclear war very soon

lol really dude....
This guy can't be serious

exactly which part of "nobody within 6 degrees of seperation of your whole family tree can do what i do" do you not understand?

posted about 9 years ago
#14 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
lethargistis this the same dude who posted his wack ass fragvid with shit music and yelled at tftv for not liking sentries if so im glad i get to see the legend at work
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ban him

i am giving you the best advice you are ever going to get in life and you want me banned

i am hoping there is a nuclear war very soon

posted about 9 years ago
#11 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
wthizaxlol you don't know who i am. you are so cutehttp://i.imgur.com/PgZKIIi.png
ur a no life hahaha

i am the best gamer in the world and i am a pussy magnate

i play golf at 10 am 5 days a week

3-4 days a week i go to the best mall and pick up 2 girls around 4pm and take them to the hyatt, my aunt runs the hotel so i have a free room 365

then i come home and play tf2 and watch sports

what is your life like

posted about 9 years ago
#3 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster

lol you don't know who i am. you are so cute

posted about 9 years ago
#1 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
#41 bullet actually in open in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#38 bullet actually in open in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#221 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Hardingocan someone please lock this thread

we need a couple more pussies like m to come in here and say that shit that they or nobody on their friends list would ever do is easy

and another ali baba

posted about 10 years ago
#215 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
loljkI don't think people should antagonize this guy. This is obviously the high point of his life so let him have it. I don't want another school shooting, it would be too much for my little heart to handle.

Hey wthizax your video is pretty sweet. I appreciate your contribution to the TF2 community. I don't think many(or any) invite players can pull of what you did in your video and even pull it off as consistently as you are able to do. I am reevaluating the way I play the game because of your video. I see how my former play style could be branded as Martha Stewart-esque and I need to further masculinize my game play style to achieve desirable results.

get the pussy demo on your team to do what ragorism couldn't do

all of the reddit pussies said that any decent demo can do anything i can do

i am not asking you to do the difficult shit, just the medium shit

i just want to see one person do it right, then you can learn a little bit about not hiding

i mean that person will revert right back into a pussy but he can at least tell his grandchildren that he stopped being a pussy for 15 mintues that one day in 2014

posted about 10 years ago
#213 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
RagorismHellbentRagorismwthizaxnerd drivelnah literally nobody cares

how about this, go positive in a lobby and we can talk, okay

Proceeds to post 40 more posts
You must have missed the part about instigating and goading more posts out of him because they're fucking stupid and hilarious, due to your poor reading comprehension and selective reading.
this is almost as crazy as uploading a 10 minute video of yourself bitching about an already known hacker in pugna/mix after you yourself upload 2 30 minute vods of this hacker's stream.

oh wait
Crazy in what fucking way? Pointing out the obvious and making a video (by the way it's 5 and a half minutes long, good job pulling numbers out of your ass) that's mildly educational and amusing? Uploading the fucking hilarious VODs that were bound to be deleted within minutes? Are you serious right now or are you actually this retarded?
Seriously ragor, I've never seen anyone take internet knighthood as far as you.I genuinely have no idea what you mean by this, but whatever you say, dude. I just call shit when I see shit, there will always be contrarian idiots regardless, looks like you get to be the first, congrats
You sound like a whiny bitch all of the time.ROFL since when exactly? I can't recall a time where I've ever fit that description

I really don't give a shit if you don't like me, I'm not here to impress you, I'm merely here to amuse myself and others. There's a reason people think you're a dickhead, and now I can see why - starting shit with niggas over nothin'

and now I must Sabergo to bed idiot

ali baba, do you want to go into a server now

it is so easy, it isn't like i told you to do one of the difficult things to do

posted about 10 years ago
#188 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Ragorismwthizaxyou said it was easy, you must know all kinds of demos that can get that done in 5 minutesnigga it was easy, and I did it in one try, how you originally asked before you changed up your request

shut your mouth when men are talking

the post was never edited, i have been through this before with pussies just like you and they fucked up just like you did, i know i have to spell it out because you will cheat and then lie

keep practicing those pills so you can hide in pubs

stop lying pussy, don't post again

god is watching you

admin ban this person for lying 50 times in one thread

kids lie over and over again and i get banned

posted about 10 years ago
#184 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

get back to me when u can get 12 doms without one of your fanboy pub meds on your nuts. i don't even play demo in comp and i'm able to completely demolish pubs. you having an ego from destroying such players is insane

get your boyfriend to do the video, that is so easy

where do i have medics on me

why do i get banned when all of you are so stupid

get you boyfriend to duplicate the easy video

one of my dumbass friends got 15 doms once, he is a fkn pussy

get your boyfriend to duplicate the video

you said it was easy, you must know all kinds of demos that can get that done in 5 minutes

have your boyfriend add me and i will go into a server with him tomorrow and make sure he doesn't try to cheat like ragorism

it is real easy, i have faith in your boyfriend

posted about 10 years ago
#182 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
mghughlaurie9000 hours of tf2 pubbing and doesn't know demo has an item that gives more health


on topic sticky jumping and meleeing a sentry isn't difficult please stop

the real number is about 6 thousand hours but that doesnt matter because you could have 30 thousand pub hours and you would still hide and move like a turtle

go get one of your boyfriends to do what ragorism couldn't do

do you understand what is going on here or do i need to tell you

go back some posts and reread what you are suppose to do so you don't fuck up like ragorism did

to future pussies that are going to say the same shit these pussies are saying, first go into an empty pub that you don't have any admin powers in, use a stock sticky, a stock grenade and a persian, put the sentry where it is in the video (or because you will at least cheat a little bit only cheat with the sentry like 1 or 2 feet instead of 20 feet like ragorism and hugh laurie's boyfriend and jump from where i jumped from

it is so easy, i know none of you would ever actually do it on your own but it is easy

you can do it

otherwise, don't fkn talk to me

once you have graduated that part, you can try to do the advanced one and i won't ever post here again

posted about 10 years ago
#179 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Ragorismwthizaxgo get b4nny because you can't read and you keep arguing with lies
LOL ok

he's streaming right now, you go ask him nerd http://teamfortress.tv/stream/b4nny

get anyone who can follow simple instructions and doesn't bump his hp up and then lie and waste my time

you should have never posted in this thread

posted about 10 years ago
#176 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Ragorismwthizaxyou didn't put the sentry anywhere near where you were suppose to put it and you didnt jump from where you were suppose to and i didn't even know that there were items that gave the demo extra health but you sure did and you used it when i obviously didn't.wait a minute how am I supposed to play two classes at once ??????
i am going to go to bed, you can add me tomorrow and we can go into an empty server and i will put a sentry up and coach you through it

you can get b4nny in here and we can see if he can do one of the 2 difficult parts of the video that the thread is about
not worth the effort, go to bed nerd
M can get dingo in here to see if he can do this easy one

and the M dude is trying to say i am stupid, 3 people he looks up to have already told me he is super annoying
Well he's not wrong about what he has to say l0l

go get b4nny because you can't read and you keep arguing with lies

posted about 10 years ago
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