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Signed Up March 6, 2014
Last Posted September 28, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Posts 48 (0 per day)
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#77 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Himewthizaxno, i bumped this thread twice because these pussies like vile were in a pub with me hiding from the cart for 6 minutes at a time and when i tell the team to stop hiding he blurts out he doesn't need to push the cart and i should go to ugc or something
Okay so vile plays like a little bitch in pubs, I understand. Whats that have to do with the rest of the community though?

i think i already said it but, i am in a pub, some faggot like vile is hiding 50 yards behind the cart for 5 minutes with the rest of our team

i say "go to the cart pussies, stop hiding"

he says "i don't have to go to the cart, this isn't highlander"

then he brings up how he is a comp player

posted about 10 years ago
#71 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
mi just wanna clarify to say i dont think theres anything wrong with playing tf2 for 9000 hours for fun or as casual player but when ur using it as a basis of skill when ur literally just a pubber with 0 comp xp its pretty silly

no, i bumped this thread twice because these pussies like vile were in a pub with me hiding from the cart for 6 minutes at a time and when i tell the team to stop hiding he blurts out he doesn't need to push the cart and i should go to ugc or something

no pussy you need to push the cart instead of hiding behind it for 16 minutes

and i am not using it as a basis of skill i am saying this is what you can do if you are not a pussy

go into a pub and record it and it will show that you play like every other pussy that you make fun of in pubs

you move forward slower than old people fuck

it wouldn't matter if you had 20 thousand hours of pub time you would still play the same way

slower than old people fuck

posted about 10 years ago
#69 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Ragorismwthizaxwhat are you a little fkn girl

pussies that hide in pubs are talking shit to me and you have a problem with me?

i could be wrong but someone told me that biga is some 10 year old troll and this jizzchin asks me if i am biga?

please, any of you panzies that have a problem with me, do the easiest thing i do in that video as a demo then come back and talk to me

of course you have no clue what part in the video where i make a sentry melt is easy

literally nobody cares, idiot

almost 9,000 hours of pubs, god that's a disgustingly disproportionate waste of time. I'd probably hang myself if I was still bad after almost 9,000 hours in a game, holy shit. Come back when you can make it out of Iron rofl (or better yet, don't)

Just MGE vile and get 20-0'd already

i really have about 6000 hours of playing time but i played like this after the first month of playing all of you comp people can say "it is just a pub" all you want but all of you still play like a pussy when you step foot in a pub, you still hide behind the cart and you are still scared to death of a sentry

posted about 10 years ago
#60 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
staticwthizaxi make the best videos in the world

the reason you don't know what you are looking at is you have so much more in common with 6 year olds that just started playing last week
wthizaxdoes biga triple sticky and melee level 3s in 15 seconds that take you and 10 of your friends 10 minutes to kill
you seem self entitled

so basically a dick

what are you a little fkn girl

pussies that hide in pubs are talking shit to me and you have a problem with me?

i could be wrong but someone told me that biga is some 10 year old troll and this jizzchin asks me if i am biga?

please, any of you panzies that have a problem with me, do the easiest thing i do in that video as a demo then come back and talk to me

of course you have no clue what part in the video where i make a sentry melt is easy

posted about 10 years ago
#57 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
Moywthizaxi make the best videos in the world

the reason you don't know what you are looking at is you have so much more in common with 6 year olds that just started playing last week
are you biga

does biga triple sticky and melee level 3s in 15 seconds that take you and 10 of your friends 10 minutes to kill

posted about 10 years ago
#50 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

i make the best videos in the world

the reason you don't know what you are looking at is you have so much more in common with 6 year olds that just started playing last week

posted about 10 years ago
#47 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

if more than one person added you it was the same person from alts trying to get you to mge

which you wouldn't do

he said he would ammomod but you were scared

posted about 10 years ago
#45 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

it was one guy and you wouldn't mge him, you would only endif or whatever its called in a server where your ping was 20 and his was 120

posted about 10 years ago
#43 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

do any of you know a pussy named BasedViva

posted about 10 years ago
#104 Music in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#41 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

does some pussy named daddy atomisk come to this place

posted about 10 years ago
#40 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
defythis thread blows ass

it is the best thread ever, pussy

posted about 10 years ago
#51 Secret Life of STAR Revealed in Off Topic

jesus christ these noobs make money and i only have 260 subs, i make the best videos

posted about 10 years ago
#33 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
synchroI don't get it.

the main point of the video is to show you how easy it is to kill those sentries that everyone is scared of

posted about 10 years ago
#32 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
LightningSpikeYo the music choices were spot on imo, extremely solid.

thanks, i knew teh first song would be a problem with a bunch of people

posted about 10 years ago
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