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Signed Up March 6, 2014
Last Posted September 28, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Posts 48 (0 per day)
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#174 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
complexityhellraiserRagorismUNBAN HIM PLEASE GOD


you practice your aim all day everyday then when you go in a pub you hide from little kids that can't aim or you only go in pubs with 12 people in them because 32 person servers make you hide the whole time like every other pussy

then you make fun of pubs

do this one time, it really isn't that difficult


you can even let me be the red demo in the video trying to kill you before you melee the sentry

make sure you put the sentry in the same spot and jump from the same spot


you didn't put the sentry anywhere near where you were suppose to put it and you didnt jump from where you were suppose to and i didn't even know that there were items that gave the demo extra health but you sure did and you used it when i obviously didn't.

i am going to go to bed, you can add me tomorrow and we can go into an empty server and i will put a sentry up and coach you through it

you can get b4nny in here and we can see if he can do one of the 2 difficult parts of the video that the thread is about

M can get dingo in here to see if he can do this easy one

and the M dude is trying to say i am stupid, 3 people he looks up to have already told me he is super annoying

posted about 10 years ago
#170 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

alright I did it in one try, that was fucking easy

get good idiot

you did exactly what i thought you would do, i went through this with some of other comp dude a year ago and he did exactly what you did except you went one step further and upped your hp

were you wearing the ali baba boots or something

and 75 percent of the people here fell for it and still don't understand what is happening

i took it easy on you and didn't have you try one of the difficult ones to duplicate

posted about 10 years ago
#166 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

"Why do you have 200hp" HAHAHA

what are you laughing at, he butchered that video and lied about it and you fell for it

i took it easy on him and let him do one of the easy ones and he did exactly what i expected he would do

posted about 10 years ago
#164 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
mok so replying to u is stupid seeing as how ur an alt or a really dumb pubber fanboy but so is everything else in this thread and i just got home so why not

here we go
BSPEAnd I guess you think you're funny calling someone a coke-head or a retard?i pointed out that its recreational cocaine and not for medicinal or professional purposes so im not sure what the problem is here

calling somebody a retard will always be funny as it makes me feel better about myselfOh come on, this guy's a master. You just can't see it because you're stuck in this competitive circle jerk with jizz in your eyes. I play with him often. I friended him after playing with him twice because of how much he got shit done.damn u added a pubstar twice? but u fail to realize that the whole reason comp tf2 is hard is because ur actually playing against competitive people who are trying to win too?

doing this shit in pubs is like airshotting somebody with numbers in their name, its stupid and nobody cares because u can do anything u want against bad players
The whole time he was in there he was describing exactly what to do to the cowards, and started using his colorful language only after they refused to push/stop hiding.

But you have no clue which parts are easy and which aren't because you really don't know what you are looking at.
again u guys have this weird delusion that people who play the game in 6s or 9s dont know how a pub works or dont understand the limits of the classes or the game engine

u are terribly horribly wrong and it blows my mind but i guess thats why u only have the mental capacity to pub
When you go into a pub you're part of the problem. You say he's playing against bots and retards but you hide from them when you're there. If they are really retards go in there and shit on them like he does.
idk who u played who hides in a pub but any mid open+ player can pretty much run any badwater server into the ground on any class so again not sure which air quotes 'competitive' players u have seen hiding from u in pubs but i would think thats the exception not the ruleYou want a show? Friend this guy and join a game he's in.

And why did someone say something about dingo's alt on the first page? I don't know who dingo is but you shouldn't confuse anyone with this guy, there is only one him. He's a fucking master and you can't fit his play into your competitive wikipedia pages so you say it's shit.

prolly cuz dingo is always down to double sticky jump melee kill somebody even if theyre on a team that win like 5 esea lans and i46 but idk man these fierce pubs u describe must be on some secret server cluster

i still refuse to believe that this guy or his following are real, capable people who have jobs and are tolerable in person but thats just a coping mechanism for me dealing with idiots in this world

apologies for all the words

if you go into a 32 person pub and get on blue you are going to hide, all your training and good aim didn't change the fact that you are going to hide

you are spewing all kinds of lies

are there any videos of dingo jumping and meleeing things

you still have no clue what you are looking at

posted about 10 years ago
#112 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
x3oh man you pwned that auto aim sentry in the video so many times.

proud of you so much

now try to pwn real people aiming plz

teamfortress.tv = competitive tf2

aint seeing any competitive discussion here.

get lost in pubs plz

you suck in pubs why are you talking shit about them, you go into a pub without your team and you are lost

posted about 10 years ago
#109 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
chaingun_joeA noob so uppity, I thought I was browsing the World of Tanks forum for a minute...
wthizaxi heard you are a tranny

go into a pub and record it so everyone can watch you hide

posted about 10 years ago
#103 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

go in there and make some videos and show me how well you hide


cmon pussy

i don't like daily responsibilities

i heard you are a tranny

posted about 10 years ago
#101 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

go in there and make some videos and show me how well you hide


cmon pussy

i don't like daily responsibilities

i heard you are a tranny

posted about 10 years ago
#99 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
HuckwthizaxHuckwthizaxMasterKuniCongrats, you're probably the greatest pub player known to man. Those 12 year olds never saw it coming.m4risau think ur good because u can kill sentries as a class designed to kill sentries

in a public server


i think i am good because all of you are so bad

go ahead and show me how you play in a public server that is where most of the goldrush badwater videos were made

go in there and record yourself hiding for me
People here don't measure our skill in how good we are at killing sentries in silly ways.

yes you leave the sentry alone until someone ubers you

because you are a pussy
Holy shit how does someone get this big of an ego from pubbing? The players you play against probably have less than 1/20th of your hours, and you think so highly of yourself because you outplay them?

you faggots just don't understand anything, i am not bragging about outplaying kids in pubs, i am showing you what it is like to not play like a pussy

it doesn't matter who is in the pub and you play like a fucking 2 year old when you step into pubs against people with 1/20th of your hours

you are just going to play like every other pussy

even if someone has a gun to your mother's head, you are going to play like a pussy in a pub while looking down upon the pussy kids you are scared to move forward on

posted about 10 years ago
#95 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
HuckwthizaxMasterKuniCongrats, you're probably the greatest pub player known to man. Those 12 year olds never saw it coming.m4risau think ur good because u can kill sentries as a class designed to kill sentries

in a public server


i think i am good because all of you are so bad

go ahead and show me how you play in a public server that is where most of the goldrush badwater videos were made

go in there and record yourself hiding for me
People here don't measure our skill in how good we are at killing sentries in silly ways.

yes you leave the sentry alone until someone ubers you

because you are a pussy

posted about 10 years ago
#92 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
MasterKuniCongrats, you're probably the greatest pub player known to man. Those 12 year olds never saw it coming.

go in there and make some videos and show me how well you hide

posted about 10 years ago
#91 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
MasterKuniCongrats, you're probably the greatest pub player known to man. Those 12 year olds never saw it coming.m4risau think ur good because u can kill sentries as a class designed to kill sentries

in a public server


i think i am good because all of you are so bad

go ahead and show me how you play in a public server that is where most of the goldrush badwater videos were made

go in there and record yourself hiding for me

posted about 10 years ago
#87 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

wthizax i think the sort of players that congregate here aren't the sort of players that prioritize objectives while playing pubs

the fact that you are the sort of player to alias as "GOTOTHEPOINTFAGGOTS" makes it difficult for that sort of player to take you seriously. please quit while you're ahead.


one more reason you are a queer, whatever my names are in game shouldn't have anything to do with this thread or my videos

and if all of you twinks would go forward instead of padding your kdr then i wouldn't have to have names like that

that is just one of 10 things that you have with every pussy that ever gamed online

if there wasn't something wrong with your dick you might be 1 percent like me

posted about 10 years ago
#81 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion

do the easy demo shit in the video and maybe you will learn something, the easy shit is easy to do all day long on any map at any time

yes i know, you are happy being a pussy

that is the number to the server where most of the vids were made

posted about 10 years ago
#78 wthizax, The Legend in TF2 General Discussion
b3b0pThis guy can't be serious. Someone tell me he isn't serious.

as serious as when you are scared to go forward because of one puny sentry

when someone says "go to the cart"

and you say "we can't, there is a sentry in there" like someone who just started playing last week

about the same seriousness as that

posted about 10 years ago
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