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Signed Up February 5, 2015
Last Posted October 19, 2018 at 7:44 PM
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#3 esea premium code in TF2 General Discussion

thank you, i really appreciate it/

posted about 6 years ago
#1 esea premium code in TF2 General Discussion

does anyone have a spare esea premium code they can give me?

posted about 6 years ago
#313 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic
GetawhaleI've gotta think there's a way to post about his tweet without being dickhead fuckin children

do you know what community you're in? lol

posted about 6 years ago
#5 #Badboy in The Dumpster

i feel disgusted with myself for listening to this type of music in middle school

posted about 6 years ago
#201 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion

It's an absolute shame that TF2Center, RGL, and HLPugs (these two are ran by nearly the same group of peple) could have actually made the community gain a small percentage of players instead of decreasing it if they simply just decided to run the services like human beings instead of banning players because of their "admin discretion" rules. Recently, an admin for one of these services were clipped on twitch, being racist, and they self-banned themselves for 5 minutes to avoid any punishment or backlash. It's one thing to ban players for dumb shit like Froyotech being "too good", but it's another thing when there are many examples of admins not enforcing the rules on each other or themselves.

I don't know where things went wrong. RGL and HLPugs started out strong. It just seems like the admins are suffering the same mental condition that Warpy on TF2Center has. We've reached a point in the competitive TF2 community where the main concern isn't the player-base getting smaller due to players moving on or playing another game, but it's the player-base getting smaller because of the way things are being run. It's not professional. It's completely childish.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Anyone on here go to FSU? in Off Topic

I went to UF and left Gainesville to go to FIU, and half of my friends go to FSU. Is that good enough?

posted about 6 years ago
#101 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion

You know, the best part about this is that RGL is pushing really hard on it's statement on how different they are than UGC. Not only did you practically mirror all of UGC's faults, but you somehow made it much worse than UGC, with the excuse of there being a prize pool.

posted about 6 years ago
#40 Florida High School Shooting in World Events

As someone who literally lives in Parkland, lives .1 miles away from Douglas, and actually attended the school, I have to say most of the comments I've been reading online are actually fucking disgusting. I've never had the city I've lived in be in a national spotlight, and it's worse considering it's in the spotlight for an incredibly awful and cruel "reason". It's really different reading about this when it happens in another state, but when it happens in your community, all your views pretty much change on how these things affect you.

There's conspiracies that there wasn't a shooting, that there were a team of shooters, that the kid was brainwashed, that it was a false-flag shooting to cover up some epic NSA/wikileaks headlines that were supposed to be on the news today. There's people asking why students were taking video of this, when no other school shootings had video. There's people literally photo-shopping this shooter's instagram photos with trump hats and re-uploading them on a fake account to push an agenda, when I've LITERALLY seen this kid's instagram before this shit happened, and people are literally eating it up. There's so much mis-information that's being spread, and people truly don't know half of what this town is going through right now. I usually never let comments get to me about any type of topic or subject I enjoy because it's the internet, but when your city IS the subject or topic, and people are just spewing bullshit when they don't even live in the same state, it makes your blood boil.

Sorry, I just needed to rant/vent. Just imagine a shooting happening to the high school you went to and everyone in the country thinks your town can't control it's own kids or think the town faked it in order to push some type of fucktarded political agenda when people simply just can't accept the fact that there are deranged people out there that are willing to do some fucked up shit.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 is rainbow six siege worth it? in Other Games
tojowhy is the red dot bad in particular

It's not bad, it's just preference. The same reason why people say particular crosshairs or resolutions in csgo or tf2 are bad/good. It has no effect whatsoever. I can play with a red dot better than an acog or other types of scopes, but that doesn't mean its "better" than the others.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 ESEA S26 GF: froyotech vs. SVIFT NA in Matches

go slemnish

posted about 7 years ago
#25 circa hackusations in TF2 General Discussion

I personally think every cheater should be permanently banned from ever competing in the game they cheated in, but leagues feel differently and just hand out a ban for 365 days and hope the player just decides to wait it out and play legitimately when they come back.

I don't %100 agree with this, even though I agree with the fact that people DO change, but when you get caught for cheating, it changes everything. It pretty much just shows that a player would literally do anything but practice to gain an advantage over a player, and they could care less if they ruin the game for someone. There's a bigger percentage of players who've been banned before in the past for cheats, and then getting banned again, than for players who come back after the ban and are clean.

but lets be real, if you're going through a ton of effort to cheat in this particular video game, then wtf are you doing

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Big announcement from tfcl (Free lan travel) in TF2 General Discussion
tsarditch this weeb ranking system for actual divison names like Invite Main IM and Open instead of S A B and C

What's even the point of this?

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago
#27 People using Miggy's passing to troll in Off Topic
ComangliaMore looking into these accounts suggests this is probably some cheating circlejerk that's been personally affected by Miggy.

Probably the same cheating circlejerk that was oddly and specifically upset that Heavy Whuppins Guy got banned (wonder who could possibly be in that group of people), and tried their absolute hardest to harass Miggy by going into pubs on different accounts and alias'ing under his name and hacking to try to ruin his reputation, and trying to harass him here on TF.TV (which lasted for a solid 5 minutes).

posted about 7 years ago
#3 how do i deal with demomen in mge as scout? in TF2 General Discussion

If you're bad at strafing, then don't ever jump, because it'll just tell the other class where you're going to land. Start off simple and just strafe back and forth without jumping if you're getting raped by just jumping around and not being able to land a shot

posted about 7 years ago
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