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Signed Up July 14, 2014
Last Posted March 17, 2021 at 10:48 PM
Posts 387 (0.1 per day)
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#153 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
coIecriticism =/= hate.

flame has posted some very valid points as to why overwatch is structured poorly and doomed to fail. your comment however serves no purpose besides ball-licking

"looking pretty cool' is a mediocre statement to say the least. but i guess it's the representation of the type of player-base blizzard is trying to get into their game.

yep seems like hate to me

posted about 8 years ago
#3 What is cl_interp? in Q/A Help


posted about 8 years ago
#151 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News

why so much hate on OW? from what ive seen on streams it looks pretty cool and I definitely will be spending more time playing it than tf2 when it comes out.

it also will be nice to get more than 2 updates per year imo

also yay mm in tf2, let's just hope they will balance some unlocks when TB campaign is over

posted about 8 years ago
#1 minor screen tearing in Q/A Help

so, whenever i switch my weapons i get some sort of black screen/screen tearing for 0.5 sec

any1 knows how to fix?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Monitor Overclocking Issue in Q/A Help

there should be a setting in your gpu control panel which allows you to scale screen to full

posted about 8 years ago
#4 What is the hardest e-sport in Off Topic


choose two

posted about 8 years ago
#7 TF2 update for 2/2/16 in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 team working on hat changes instead of bug fixes. great

posted about 8 years ago
#81 tf2 players with the best voice in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#16 0 lerp discussion in Customization
QuertTripzIt's a placebo I remember looking at other players configs and there net setting and reading about how if you change the cl_updaterate to 128. The lerp can go super low but it just shows the number you specified.
that's basically it. it doesn't show the number you put but the lerp shown in the net_graph is correlated with the updaterate value. net_graph shows lerp 0 but the lerp isn't actually 0. this game is 66tick, lowest you can possibly go with the network settings this game has is 15.2....net_graph showing lerp 0 when you up cl_updaterate to crazy values is just some bug or whatever. this guy is crazy and deluded.

console shows cl_interp 0.0000000 with 0 lerp settings and cl_interp 0.015151515 with 15.2 lerp settings.

my argument is not: hey guys, look! it says that lerp is 0 on net_graph 1.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 0 lerp discussion in Customization
sopsI think we should just wait for the days where the highest ping you could ever get on any server would be 30.
tf2 will still be alive by 2025


posted about 8 years ago
#10 0 lerp discussion in Customization
Phoenix21why do that?
it kills any hit reg weapons and melee, as if people don't cry enough about the hit reg in this game.

i would say that it actually makes it better :)

posted about 8 years ago
#8 0 lerp discussion in Customization
coIeafaik it's placebo and even if it shows lerp 0, it's in reality 15.2

this is why i wrote about console showing cl_interp 0.0000 value on 0 lerp settings and showing cl_interp 0.015151515 value on 15.2 lerp settings.

jesus, did u even read my post?

posted about 8 years ago
#7 0 lerp discussion in Customization
mfor medic/demo when i want 0 lerp i use interp 0 interp ratio -1

its definitely a tangible difference (similar to going from 50 - 30 ping) as to how u see/feel explosions from projectiles

hitscan gets rly washy so i use 15.2 on soldier but ya

also certain people (enigma/westcoasters) get warpy when im on 0 but whatever

i dont think you know what you're saying, you dont get 0 lerp with cl_interp 0 and cl_interp_ratio -1.

minimal cl_interp_ratio value is 1 so there is no point in setting it to -1. also you would need a high cl_updaterate value for 0 lerp, which u did not even mention

also, in my experience hitscan is working excellent on 0 lerp since players visual models perfectly match their hitboxes

posted about 8 years ago
#6 0 lerp discussion in Customization

Also permanently displaying net graph lowers your fps.

i don't think so, there are couple of videos on utube showing 0 lerp vs other lerps

thats why ppl bind it to tab

posted about 8 years ago
#1 0 lerp discussion in Customization

so idk if everyone knows, but you can change your lerp to show as 0 on your net_graph 1 by setting your cl_updaterate value to something super high, like 100000.

the thing is that a lot of ppl say that every normal server will run at max 66 tick.

however, if you use values for 15.2 lerp your settings will be:
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_updaterate 66

your console will then show cl_interp as 0.01515151515.......

and if you use values for 0 lerp:
cl_interp 0
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_updaterate 100000

your console will cap your cl_updaterate to 66, BUT your cl_interp will be 0.00000.....

try it for yourself and tell me if you actually notice any difference in rocket firing speed etc.

posted about 8 years ago
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