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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted September 3, 2024 at 12:13 AM
Posts 123 (0 per day)
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#40 best burger place of all time? in Off Topic
Tholeburger chain is different from best burger. a lot of small burger places are far better than in n out/five guys/shake shack or whatever. I live in the Bay Area and I am kind of obsessed with cheeseburgers so I have tried most of the high rated ones in my area. Personally, this place called 'Konjoe Burger' is the best I have tried, however they only have one location last I checked.

oh beast, also from the Bay Area and Konjoe Burger Bar has really good burgers, I've only been to their downtown SJ location. As for chains I really like the Habit Burger Grill.

posted about 4 years ago
#27 Book recommendations? in Off Topic

+1 for Sanderson. Personally I started with Stormlight and I believe it's his best work, but a lot of people will recommend you begin with either Mistborn or one of his "standalone" novels Elantris or Warbreakers (think he will eventually make sequels to these, additionally they aren't really standalone anyway as most of his books are connected through what he calls the "cosmere", sharing a universe/magic systems/rarely characters).

One of Sanderson's strong points is that he makes these really well though out, creative, and just cool magic systems. In Mistborn you consume metal, metabolizing it in order to achieve various effects such as emotional control, the ability to push and pull oneself around, etc (its cooler when he explains it).

Sanderson is also really good at world building and plotting out/pacing his stories. I believe his fans have coined how he ends his stories with multiple story lines converging as the "Sanderson Avalanche".

His biggest weakness that he himself admits is definitely his prose.There are definitely times when characters/descriptions feel kind of bland I guess. A lot of people also do not like how he writes female povs/romance.

Also if you care, his novels while definitely targeted towards adults, can be kind of prudish? There is violence, killing, references to rape, but Sanderson is a Mormon, and the lack of any mention of sex, even in passing, even only hinted at, can be absent in some of his books (Mistborn/Stormlight). Not saying there should be GRRM sex scenes, but the lack of sexuality in his books is very apparent, so if you want to coom beware.

posted about 4 years ago
#108 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports


posted about 4 years ago
#4 lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)

need a demo sub from jan 15 - feb 1st

posted about 4 years ago
#123 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV
Glop@nimby or anyone interested in fantasy. The Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson is fucking primo, I love it. The series is very detailed and is much more gritty than wheel of time. It might be discouraging because it's very complicated and has a shitload of characters.

Also I did finish WoT nimby, Sanderson did very well on the last few books; I couldn't even tell Jordan wasn't writing.

I hear so many good things about malazan, I haven't picked it up after finishing WoT because I wanted a break from these massive, complex fantasy series lmao. I hear the first book gives people trouble because it doesn't give much context, but it gets way better after that.

After I finished WoT, I finished the book of the ancestor series by Mark Lawrence, that series was super great, imagine if the world was freezing and humanity had to live on a fifty mile wide, long strip of land because the moon is focusing the suns rays or something.

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the world is now falling victim to an encroaching ice age. The remaining civilization lies in The Corridor, a strip of land about fifty miles across around the center of the planet. As the ice walls of the North and South close in, the different nations on the world get more desperate for land and resources, leading to the war that comes to its peak in this final book.

Then add warrior nuns and magic. It's like a blend of a little sci-fi, grimdark fantasy, and a magic/assassin school.

After that I went through a few series and popular releases:

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I liked everything a lot except for the licanius trilogy.

Children of time was really crazy. Earth is dying and humanity fucks up a terraforming project to make a planet inhabitable by bio engineering intelligent gorillas and inadvertently creates a race of intelligent spiders...

My favorite was the Book of Babel series by Josiah Bancroft. There isn't really some gimmick or quirk a lot of series depend on to hook readers or make them interesting, but it is still so different somehow. A man loses his wife during their honeymoon and goes on a journey to rescue her from this giant tower that is basically part continent (there are cities and "countries" controlling different sections of the tower, Bancroft calls them "ringdoms"), part world wonder, and part tourist destination.

The author actually doesn't waste words, I was constantly engaged. I can't think of another series that can change in tone and setting so quickly and flawlessly. The range of emotions and really, the depth and amount of possibilities in the world he built made the books kinda mind blowing .

posted about 4 years ago
#1 lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)

now just looking for subs, our pocket scout will miss a couple 930s per week because of school starting in january so you will get playtime then. need demo sub from jan 15th to feb 1st

pocket: nimby
roamer: antlers
p scout: reika
f scout: shim
demoman: ooze bruiser

posted about 4 years ago
#3 SIN K4RMA lft advance demoman in Recruitment (looking for team)

a demon on the demoman class

posted about 4 years ago
#7307 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#36 Half-Life: Alyx in Other Games

I've tried vr a couple times and it was honestly super fun. It was actually way more immersive then I thought it would be. It was a vive and it didn't feel like I was just wearing a helmet with a screen in front of my face, actually kind of felt like I was in the game, no lag or delay, controls felt natural(prob depends on the game), visuals were fucking awesome, etc.

Not saying this half life game will be good but VR definitely has potential imo.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 get your penis analyzed in The Dumpster


posted about 4 years ago
#3 tiger mafia LFP medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

*edit* finalized roster no longer lfp

posted about 4 years ago
#1 tiger mafia LFP medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

We have finalized our roster. We are now looking for subs. If you sub medic you can play sun and mon 930 because bloompi has HL.

We went 9-7, 0-1 in main last season and are looking to make playoffs again. We do weekly map and demo reviews.

Scrim schedule is likely Sunday-Thursday 9:30 10:30, possible we take one day off. Scrims will start about a week from this post.


Scout: reika
Scout: Shim
Pocket: nimby
Roamer: aiera
Demo: ooze_bruiser
Medic: bloompi

Add me:

or shim:

posted about 4 years ago
#13 Team Names Thread in TF2 General Discussion

the take it boys


posted about 4 years ago
#191 RGL Main S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

gg john deere, i enjoyed the season, will be back with tiger mafia for next season

posted about 4 years ago
#105 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV
Glop@feces @nimby

OMG I LOVE BRANDON SANDERSON AND PAT ROTHFUSS!! I've been through all of Sanderson's books related to the Cosmere. Also been through all of The King Killer Chronicles. Right now I'm on book 5 of The Wheel Of Time, by Robert Jordan, and Brandon Sanderson (he finished the last 2 books after Jordan died). Wheel Of Time is an amazing series so far.

Hey my bad bumping a dead thread but I remember somebody mentioned WoT in this thread. I started reading wheel of time in December and I just finished a memory of light, the last book.

Holy shit this series was great. Before reading WoT I had stormlight, kingkiller, and first law as my top 3 but wheel of time was better than all of them. The battles in the last two books were insane. 12 books of setup/development led to the most ridiculous shit. Ending was amazing.

Robert Jordan died before the series was finished. Four years later they got Brandon Sanderson, who at the time was pretty much a nobody, to finish the series. I'm shocked by how good of a job he did. You could tell the style/prose was slightly different but every character, characters who had been developed across millions of words, felt just as genuine as when Robert Jordan was writing.

The series isn't going to be for everyone, Jordan's writing can be overly descriptive sometimes. A few of the books called "the slog" (https://i.redd.it/ihqfile627g11.jpg) are said to be extra difficult to get through. I loved it though. I think Amazon picked up the series recently due to the GoT fantasy tv show craze and are gonna start filming soon.

Was a great read hope you're enjoying/enjoyed it glop :>

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posted about 5 years ago
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