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Signed Up December 9, 2012
Last Posted September 3, 2024 at 12:13 AM
Posts 123 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.5
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144 hz
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Keyboard VORT3X RACE 3
Mousepad steelseries
Monitor Zowie XL2411
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#21 where u stand after winning a life in spire mge in TF2 General Discussion

virgin spot is only gay if you counter jump after the other guy lands on the chad spot

posted about 5 years ago
#27 Procrastinating in Off Topic

I disagree. I've had an Adderall prescription for almost three years now, ever since my second semester in college. I don't take it 7 days a week, usually 3-4 times a week just so I can pay attention in lectures and to efficiently finish papers and study. It will effect everyone differently but for me It will last about 5 hours and during that time I can pretty much nonstop focus on what I need to pay attention to whether it be a lecture, homework, or studying.

I don't take it during any of my breaks(summer/spring/winter). Side effects are minor at the dose I take which is 20mg 3-4 times a week. Max once a day. Maybe a slight headache/nausea after it wears off, sometimes no side effects.

Before my prescription I was able to get through highschool fine but in college its harder to bs your way through classes, especially if your majoring in STEM. There is a balance between willpower and talent/interest you need to succeed in school. If your researching a subject you are interested in you will find it easier to focus on it. I found that no trick was able to make me focus on shit I didn't enjoy. (doing school work in library, turning off phone, no social media, anti-procrastinator apps). I would rather stare at the wall than study for a compsci midterm.

It will be different for everyone. For some people they will be able to find a way to end their procrastination habit and succeed in school or whatever. For me I wanted a solution. My first semester I failed two classes and was in academic probation. The following semester I found a psychiatrist and got an adderall prescription. Ever since then my classes have gone great. Mostly As and Bs with the occasional C. I know multiple people who got through college w/ an adderall/similar drug prescription and now work full time still using adderall, their bosses knowing they use it, w/ no problem.

WARNING I would not get an adderall prescription if you have an addictive personality. It is very similar to meth and if you abuse it it could ruin yr life. DO NOT tell anyone you have adderall. They will ask your for some and never shut up. If you do give them some they will probably ask again. Plus its very illegal to share yr prescription for a controlled substance. Final thing add/adhd is a real thing no matter what some people will say. Sure many people will claim they have add/adhd as an excuse but its still real condition. Chemical imbalance in brain. If you have add/adhd you will still be able to focus on the things that you find mentally stimulating. Drugs not only solution.

posted about 5 years ago
#65 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV
translucentfecesI'm interested as to where you are in the Gentleman Bastards series - I've only read the first book. The friend who recommended them to me said they get kinda weird/different following that.

I'm only about a hundred pages into the Gentleman Bastards series. Only thing that is turning me off a bit is that I just finished Mistborn and they seem a little similar with the team of scammers. Gonna have to keep reading to see if I like it.

After Gentlemen Bastards I'm contemplating either reading the First Law books, Malazan which I hear is super confusing and dense so not sure about that one, or more Sanderson.

posted about 5 years ago
#62 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV
translucentfecesI'm reading the Name of the Wind series again because eventually I'll be reading the second book when the release of the third is announced.

I'm planning to restart the Silmarillion in earnest this weekend. The introduction is really beautiful so I always lose steam after reading it.

(Seriously anyone who hasn't read Name of the Wind but is looking for a good book should really consider this one)

Name of the wind series was so fucking good. Only thing I'm sad about is that there's only two books and the third is a long way off. Have you read any Brandon Sanderson? I recently read his stormlight archive series. Prolly one of the best fantasy series i've read in my life. Right now I'm reading Sanderson's mistborn series as well. What is cool is that he connects a lot of his books in a universe called the cosmere. So there will be references and connections across his series that are supposed to eventually all come together.

For anybody looking for good high fantasy books I've found tons from the r/fantasy top lists. also reading Gentleman Bastards by Scott Lynch, not sure what i think about it yet.

One more book I wanted to mention is the three body trilogy by Cixin Liu, craziest sci fi books i've ever read. Take an alien invasion to a hyper realistic level. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/907ty2/the_rfantasy_2018_top_novels_poll_results/

posted about 5 years ago
#30 Pour one out for your old homies in TF2 General Discussion

GLUKKON who now benches 3 plates and has a hot asian gf about to graduate from uc irvine to make big bucks programming and MARTY who now probably works at google and can still bench 3 plates, made up the GAMER SCOUT DUO, POTATO i.e TOMMY WANG young gamer csgo god now finally in college, <S> fattest pocket but not fat IRL baby ripped af http://i.imgur.com/6n9JPXQ.jpg, <S> now is in school to become a game designer ALTITUDE COW most well mannered gamer next to glukkon idk what your doing now GECKS tf2 casting legend and nuts medic now working in esports and cant forget TENNA didnt feel right leaving u out even though u left after 1st season and DC even though i unadded u because i was mad the team died

all in all u guys were the best teammate wish u all sucess further u fucking normies. and dont worry boys roster is still in my hands if u ever come back https://play.esea.net/teams/90765

posted about 5 years ago
#1 nimby LFT roamer/pocket open in Recruitment (looking for team)

no longer LFT

posted about 6 years ago
#359 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
BilbertScrewballRuns like trash. Can't maintain 144 fps on lowest settings 1080p on GTX 760. Dips below 60.I was getting around 150 FPS with a GTX 650Ti BOOST. I'm using 50% resolution scaling, which is still pretty sharp. Also using the LOD tweak recommended by stabby.

Im using nvidia inspector and I can't change the LOD texture filtering setting in qc to 15. The drop down only goes to 3 and if I type in 15 it always resets to something else. Is there another way or am I doing something wrong? http://etf2l.org/forum/customise/topic-17728/

posted about 7 years ago
#324 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
stabbyFor people struggling with FPS, the LOD tweak makes a huge difference--doubled my FPS from 30-40 to 60-80!

Set it up the same way you do in TF2:

Regarding the lod tweak am I doing this right? There are two texture filtering LOD options, one for opengl and one for directx. When I change one the other one changes too. Plus sometimes I'll refresh and the values will switch back to something between -3 and 3.

Screenshots, before: https://gyazo.com/f37ad92f1d3c77fb8035d8a52179f90d after clicking apply changes: https://gyazo.com/76831e2cc573aac812203b7c777c088d
edit: ok my fps is a lot better with the lod tweak only on the directx option.

posted about 7 years ago
#239 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games

lf for spare keys please

posted about 7 years ago
#29 pushup thread in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#30 Supreme in Off Topic


posted about 7 years ago
#23 Most death you've ever gotten in TF2 General Discussion

http://imgur.com/a/cpot2 I have the third most deaths in any season of esea tied with harbleu and only beaten by bloodsire season 8 by 1 death and oplaid in s6 at 478 deaths

Show Content
posted about 7 years ago
#70 MGE players in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#70 Which hero do you main? in Off Topic

big crimson

posted about 7 years ago
#40 Insomnia58 highlight movie released in News

emkay back at it again

posted about 7 years ago
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