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Last Posted April 25, 2014 at 9:19 PM
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#20 Help with TF2 database design in TF2 General Discussion

The nitty gritty of normalization can get very hairy. Long story short, do it on data that shouldn't be normalized and you will get stuck with all the negatives with very little benefit.

What is the real purpose of this data? A lot of read/write? Analysis? How much data will there be? In the world of DW/BI, you rarely see normalization for a reason(long story short). Normalization trades performance for efficient use of space, read/write operations, etc. If analytics is your primary need, you shouldn't need to carry out normalization so heavily. If you're limited by hardware, you may need to consider going one way or the other even if the data you have and the purpose you need may require otherwise. If your data isn't going to be too big, denormalization isn't going to be too necessary either.

It seems that you will be doing analytics similarly to what BI people do. You should consider making your database similar to that of what you see in a DW and mix in normalization when necessary instead of taking normalization to the extreme. When I worked as a data warehouse consultant, getting this done correctly was one of the key concepts to master. Since you don't have a DW size of Loblaws but also will likely have decent amount of data needed for analytics, you shouldn't need to go with either extremes of normalization/denormalization. Keep in mind though, even databases that should carry out normalization often eventually need to be denormalized for performance reasons. I am now a SDE with specialty in ETL, and RDBMS, and denormalization is one of the things I have to do now because our database is getting too large.

posted about 10 years ago
#111 tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
LinI tried staying active and fixing broken bots and banning people if they deserved it but for not being able to that + shit talking cinq's friend, I got my admin removed.

You were caught giving away server rcon, mumble privileges, changing people's aliases in mumble, and petitioning for your friends to be unbanned when they were caught breaking rules.

Only 4 had high enough privileges to use admin commands in the bot that fixed things.

You weren't one.

Given admin in start of September.

Removed in start of December.

4 bans recorded total.

1.1 ban per month.

Nice try.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Linux in Off Topic

Dual booting will not hurt your performance at all since only one of Windows/Linux will be loaded in your computer. Only if you're say using a VM to boot linux within windows or doing something similar might do that depending on your specs.

Fog, how familiar are you with working with terminal, linux in general, etc?

Arch Linux is one of THE most customizable linux distros out there. Which isn't a bad thing if you're very experienced, but if you're not... then you're screwed because after installing all you're going to get is a terminal, and you will have to install EVERYTHING with pacman. Also, updates can often occasionally completely fuck your installation.

For anyone that cares, here are the distros that I recommend if you're new to linux, aren't familiar with the terminal use, and just want something that works out of the box.
1) Linux Mint with Cinnamon or Mate (I recommend cinnamon for new people, if you are a gnome 2 junkie like me, mate)
2) XUbuntu (Sorry, I just can't stand Unity in Ubuntu)

If you have some experience, these can also work.
1) Fedora
2) Debian

Unless you're REALLY experienced, avoid these like hell unless you're serious about learning linux and how the thing actually works underneath.
1) Arch Linux
2) Gentoo
3) Slackware

Some of you might be wondering what Gnome, Unity, Cinnamon, Mate, KDE, XFCE, and other of these terms floating around are. To put it simply, they determine what your system will look like. (I am REALLY simplifying it here).

Unless your computer is a POWERHOUSE, I suggest that you avoid KDE.
If you want to squeeze all the performance, energy, etc you can, then I suggest going with XFCE or other not as intensive graphical environments. Otherwise, unless your computer is old, Cinnamon and the others should do the trick.

I suggest taking this quiz for anyone who's interested in getting into linux - it's a bit outdated but still will give you somewhat accurate distros that are good for your level.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Introducing TFTV+ in News

I don't know what TFTV uses, but as a software developer and a former data warehousing specialist I can tell you that most of the performance degradation will likely be coming from the DB.

Virtually for anything, you WILL have to trade functionality for performance/space/etc at some point. So more stuff you tack on, this could potentially include an ever so growing number of joins, etc. As the site acquires more data, that will slow the performance even more - potentially far worse than linear time, depending on the data modeling.

Even if DB is normalized smartly, indexed properly, and queries optimized fully, at some point what I said above WILL force a re-design for optimization purposes if DB acquires enough data. (I doubt that TFTV will get to that point for a looong time though, and at that point the hardware should get some serious upgrades)

So right now, adding on additional functionality might seem like much to you right now, but taking poor action right now could easily blow up on enigma's face later.

posted about 11 years ago
#95 the state of tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

All right, I'll clarify some things.
We had a big clean up of admins recently due to the fact that there were a zillion admins who never showed up and never actually did stuff.

Ex: Cinq and I recently fixed a bug in the bot that allowed more than 2x the number of players needed per class to add up during captain mode. This bug had caused there to be 5-6 scouts/solis in the normal mode that follows up thereafter, causing the bot to be forcefully fixed by an admin unless those extra players removed.

Barely any admins besides eulogy, cinq, myself and a handful of others would do anything about problems as such. We have a group where all bans are posted. Again, only a handful of admins actually ban players for excessive offclassing, trolling, what have you.

I used to be much more ban-happy, but I've been very busy for the past month (never mind that I ping 190 to DA and 170 to Chi now). When I did ban people, I got complaints for banning for "little" things. Let's see, would you rather have the admins be lenient or would you rather them be cut-throat and restrictive? Now, where do you draw the line?

Said expletives in game. Ban. Complain. Ban. Kept spamming binds. Ban. Do you see how ridiculous this can get? Even little things like this can offend a person. Banning for petty things offends the person banned. But what defines petty? That is entirely subjective.

As far as in-game stuff goes, #tf2mix is not intended for experienced players. What is ok for a game in ESEA is not necessarily ok for new players. Running snipers a bit too much, a viable opening for a pyro, whathaveyou is often opened up by the inexperience of these new players. Abusing this is not ok, because it ruins the experience for the new players. See an opening? Fine. But hold back. Most of the time, not like it will work with better players anyway.

I'll end with this. I see many, but not all, complaints coming from people who barely play on #tf2mix or who just complain and never do anything about it. Want to complain? Fine, then be willing to do something about it instead of sitting there complaining and not doing anything. We rarely get requests asking to help by being an admin. Why aren't you doing that?

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Newbie Mixes in Events
ToastyTHTPraytell, who in newbie pugs wanted this? (Because I sure didn't)

And your immaturity is the reason why your opinion is kindly ignored.

Mr_PerfectWe are currently in the final stages of testing everything for this IRC Bot which Cinq was so nice as to let us have.

I'm the one that wrote the bot, foo. Cinq hosts the bot on atf2.org and he provided the system that the bot uses and was based on.

EnemaMineCan we use a standalone IRC client to join these?

Yes. In fact, we strongly encourage you to do so!


Newbies, if you can, please try to use the mibbit option or the option of a stand-alone irc client on your computer. This way, we do not get the atf2.org host g-lined and get everyone kicked out.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Changes to the Newbie Mixes in TF2 General Discussion


After a long, arduous, painful journey some time of development, the Newbie Mix team is pleased to announce the first release of the #tf2newbiemix IRC Channel and the newbiemix bot!

ykpegedese (solve the anagram) wrote the bot as a fork to the #tf2mix bot written by cinq. Cinq has also kindly been host the #tf2newbiemix bot with the #tf2mix bot on atf2.org server. Please shower Cinq with your thanks, newbies!

The plan is to use the IRC bot for newbie PUGs and newbie mixes with the more experienced newbies. Since all the upper level pug systems use IRC, the idea is that we introduce the newbies to the system and make it as painless as possible!

Wezlyyy.com has kindly provided THREE servers for newbie PUGs during the weekday's. The Please pepper him with your thanks, newbies!

This channel is NOT intended for ESEA players. Instead, this bot is targeted to be used by players NEW to competitive play with some newbie mix experience. Please let one of the newbie mix admins/moderators know if there are issues with players like bape trolling in the channel.


Set up your own IRC client http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/1291


1) Browse to www.mibbit.com, click Launch App
2) click server, fill the Server section with irc.gamesurge.net
3) fill Nick with your alias, channel with #tf2newbiemix
4) press connect!


1) Browse to atf2.org
2) Fill in with your alias
3) Connect
4) type in /j #tf2newbiemix in the bottom chat box

Type !man for help.


Newbiemix bot is very similar to the bot in #tf2mix. Commands used are mostly the same. However, the newbie mix bot does not have a captain mode, but instead a coach mode. During the weekdays, the bot will automatically run under non-coach PUG mode. Please ask the moderator/admin in the chat to switch the modes if needed (for example, two coaches are present).

The SOLDIER class is divided to two sub-classes, pocket and roamer. Add up as pocket or roamer instead of as soldier. (!add pocket)

To coach, you must have one or more seasons of ESEA Open or higher, and you MUST be authorized by an admin or a moderator to coach. If you have 1+ season(s) of ESEA open, please ask one of the moderators/admins to authorize you to coach in IRC, Steam, or Mumble. Use the syntax !add coach class to add as coach. The coach mode the game is on will determine the class that the coaches play.

Newbie Mixes Steam group page is found here.
The bot was developed in Python using gedit and vim in Linux Mint 14. BOO Emacs
If you'd like to be a moderator or an admin of the newbie mixes channel, please help out with the newbie mixes and ask one of the admins for approval.

If there are any questions, concerns, bug reports with the bot, etc, please do not hesitate to contact one of the following newbie mix admins!

Karova, lamefx, loserd, MrPerfect, Noona, Scoots, shredder


posted about 11 years ago
#10 FPS HELP, WILL PAY KEYS IF SOLVED in TF2 General Discussion

What have you tried OUTSIDE of TF2?

Can you also post some spec's of your computer?

Honestly, it could be an overheating issue. A good number of computers also come with absolute piece of shit thermal greasing work. If that was the case with yours, that could be another cause, in which case you'd be better off re-greasing.

Well, given your comp seems to be a couple years old, it probably is a good idea to re-grease your cpu anyway...

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Anyone here with new G400S? in TF2 General Discussion

I just received my replacement g400s after my g400's sensor decided to go kerplunk on me. It's got a freaking fancy magnetic cover and all, but how does it compare with the old g400?

To be honest, I wasn't too big of a fan of the g400 since I was used to the g500 and the g400 felt too small and light. Hell, the damn thing broke down on me after using it just twice while I was on the "test it out play around" stage!

But I'm inclined to give g400s a try.

Is there anyone here with the new g400s that has had enough time to play around with it to give a breakdown of the new mouse? How does it compare with the old g400? Does the sensor feel ok, accurate?

I am not interested in another mouse, don't bother telling me all that other crap about zowie or corsair or whatever that you guys did with cyzer's thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#253 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

If anyone figures it out for mine I'll be impressed.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Virus/Trojan/Worm Help in Hardware

Don't bother with AVG.

Since the picture was cut I couldn't tell for sure but I'm pretty certain that that is very likely to be one of the fake antiviruses. Usually they aren't too bad to clean up. I used to have to deal with a lot of those at work back when I worked in IT.

a) boot into safe mode with networking (when your computer starts one of the boot screens may tell you to press certain F# button, try one of those. If not, what I do is just try buttons from esc->F12 just a few at a time)

b) unless the computer is infected with something really serious, you should be able to browse the web in safe mode. Download malwarebytes http://www.malwarebytes.org/ and superantispyware http://www.superantispyware.com/. Run both of those in safe mode (be sure to update). What you can also do is download the installers for those programs in a different computer and copy them over to the laptop with a flash drive.

c) Combination of those two will typically get most non-severe things -- Give that a try. Also, write down the exact name of that malware program and google this: the name of that program, bleepingcomputers. Bleeping computers will likely have a tutorial for that malware unless it's REALLY new. It will be another guide you can follow since I can't write too much on this.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Casting Professionalism in TF2 General Discussion

I wonder what that idiot thinks about Stephano and Idra.

No one here is technically a professional with regards to TF2. Yes, it's still ok for non-professionals to be held up to professional level of conduct. And we have TFTV and VanillaTV for that. YOU, Sal, are your own thing. Outside of casts you do for aforementioned organizations, you make the rules about what you do. Since you're technically not a professional caster of TF2 (unless MLG asks you to cast TF2...), I see no reason to strictly hold yourself to professional code of conduct outside of TFTV unless you desire to do so.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 wanna be in a frag video? in TF2 General Discussion

http://stats.atf2.org/log/dallas_1360231260_badlands/ tick 93000 speedygeek

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Community Video - Send me your Stuff! in TF2 General Discussion

well, I went through my demos and got the ticks I included in the files by watching them literally right before I posted it here, so my demos should all work. Let me know if they don't.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 Community Video - Send me your Stuff! in TF2 General Discussion


here you go

posted about 12 years ago
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