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SteamID64 | 76561198103358658 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:143092930] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:71546465 |
Country | Israel |
Signed Up | November 20, 2016 |
Last Posted | November 30, 2020 at 3:10 PM |
Posts | 558 (0.2 per day) |
dishsoapalright its good to callout pedophilia but lets not use nursey being a trans person as a way to deem all trans people as pedos. thats not cool.
i personally am not mentioning another trans couple as a way to mock their identity, you can be whatever the fuck you like, just don't date someone that's younger than 18 when you're a damn adult and know full well what you're doing
also, just want to say that ekh0 didn't really make a generalization at all, banning people that post in this thread (when they have something valuable to contribute) has the opposite effect of what should be happening!
i don't think that the kinklist was posted as evidence for nursey to be proven to be practicing pedophilia, rather it was posted to highlight the underlying fetishes that are usually akin to pedophilia. similarly, reimu and saila is another good example of pedophilia that is completely ignored simply due to the fact that they are part of a group that is "marginalized"
tell me i'm naming and shaming, but the fact that this egregious behavior is so routine in this community is just retarded
there are a lot more people that do this that are not listed, this behavior is normalized somehow and will get swept under the rug by everyone despite the importance of recognizing how many idiots get away with this shit
looking forward to playoffs! gl!
my ban was non-negotiable from the beginning, bringing light to the autistic circlejerk of admins in rgl was my main intention, if i was banned for what i said after the fact, then it probably would have been listed as a ban reason. use that big brain that you have please
dippidyis any of what ppl are currently posting about even worth responding to
what lol
the admins have responded to only two or three things clearly, other than that they have given vague responses. from the side of rgl admins, every question should be worth responding to because of how new their league is and the fact that a large amount of people are currently unhappy with rgl, so cleaning up their image and giving people clear answers should be a priority.
also, it's not surprising that a teammate of the head rgl admin for 6s is looking to mock the value of complaints/questions that users of the league have. makes you wonder.
here's an example for you: https://www.teamfortress.tv/53402/rgl-invite-s1-happenings-discussion/?page=5#143
dishsoapwhy hasn't an admin responded to the clear issues that they have once again left unresolved.
something something this isn't my division something something i wasn't allowed to comment on this matter
unfortunate that nobody from rgl will make a statement! hopefully we can buy sigafoo's $9.99 dlc for feedback :P!
MotoriMost overrated person in tf2 he doesn't even edit his own videos
i was talking about this guy lol (and anyone else shaming those who enjoy this guy's videos)
i have no interest in creating drama with you :)
imagine gatekeeping what people can and cannot enjoy on youtube :P!
can't wait to play sunshine! :)
ok, ignore the fact that you were not involved in bowl's ban, you, as previously stated, are involved in all bans relevant to sixes in some way, but i'll take your word on this one. why are the guidelines for bans (for the same reason) so case-by-case when they are literally the same at face value. (one person alts, another person alts, yet they receive a different punishment.) i'd like for you to answer the other questions that I have as well.
edit: rgl admins handle bans in their respective leagues, hl admins handle hl bans, 6s admins handle 6s bans.
additionally, if you didn't handle this ban, i will assume that sigafoo was involved with it full-time, considering you're a 6s admin, not a hl admin. therefore, why hasn't sigafoo answered the questions of the community in the past threads that have been created in relation to bans? i'm not attempting to create drama here, i'm just concerned about the unfair treatment of players based on the personal relations of admin-player
edit 2: https://i.gyazo.com/a69c0d834b24524b3196695b62b0f603.png he's active on tftv, it seems he just chooses to answer the questions that do not taint rgl's public image, you can only ignore the criticisms from your playerbase for so long before the bomb explodes
edit 3: https://i.gyazo.com/7d070486b101839c4ab3972d7dd2e9c0.png i also hope that the rgl admins are not going back on their mission statement and making rash, unfair ban decisions. that would really hurt the image of an otherwise consistent and admirable league.
hey, can an rgl admin (daf) give me a reply? why are the bans so inconsistent, why is communicating with admins so limited and difficult? can you comment on the reasoning why bowl's ban was changed twice?
damage control isn't ignoring the community