swampcreatureanyone know where i can get the GreenDotBlackOutline crosshair? ive been looking for it but the links to download it are all broken now
edit: the one that dolphin rider uses https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/545298547814808363/C72F09992DA9AA3D28CECB518222CB6B04501675/
Don't have the original download but I have a pretty exact recreation.
And then this.
Here it is on 720p w/ crosshair3 @ scale 26. You'll probably have to fuck with it a bit if u use a different res.
edit: Also tob recreated vtf versions of it cuz he's epic @ https://www.teamfortress.tv/56226/tobs-crosshairs
But iirc dolphin originally stacked a hud xhair with crosshair3