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I want to start a band and I have a friend that I jam with sometimes but we both play guitar and we have very different tastes in music and we are both very lazy and I don't know what to do. Playing guitar is really all I give a shit about right now and I want to be able to express myself through my own music. I write stuff by myself sometimes which is fine but I really want to experience being in a band, jamming/recording together and playing gigs but I don't know anyone else who I could start a band with :(

I want to start a band and I have a friend that I jam with sometimes but we both play guitar and we have very different tastes in music and we are both very lazy and I don't know what to do. Playing guitar is really all I give a shit about right now and I want to be able to express myself through my own music. I write stuff by myself sometimes which is fine but I really want to experience being in a band, jamming/recording together and playing gigs but I don't know anyone else who I could start a band with :(
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FryskI want to start a band and I have a friend that I jam with sometimes but we both play guitar and we have very different tastes in music and we are both very lazy and I don't know what to do. Playing guitar is really all I give a shit about right now and I want to be able to express myself through my own music. I write stuff by myself sometimes which is fine but I really want to experience being in a band, jamming/recording together and playing gigs but I don't know anyone else who I could start a band with :(

craigslist, facebook groups, local concerts, etc

make friends with a bassist or a drummer, ur already the guitar player

[quote=Frysk]I want to start a band and I have a friend that I jam with sometimes but we both play guitar and we have very different tastes in music and we are both very lazy and I don't know what to do. Playing guitar is really all I give a shit about right now and I want to be able to express myself through my own music. I write stuff by myself sometimes which is fine but I really want to experience being in a band, jamming/recording together and playing gigs but I don't know anyone else who I could start a band with :([/quote]

craigslist, facebook groups, local concerts, etc

make friends with a bassist or a drummer, ur already the guitar player
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ReflectoSoldier fucking sucks. I love the class but scouts, demos, and meds are so good that soldiers just become accessories on their teams at higher levels. I see all the time teams opting for worse roamers bc they are good friends and even though the player might be below the skill level of the team it doesn't matter bc there is only so much damage a bad roamer can do (and only so much good a good roamer can do). And it fucking blows when i see these great scouts meds and demos get opportunities to play for great teams based on of their individual merit because of how impactful their classes are. And a lot of roaming at a high level is coordinating with your team and you're team being able to follow you up and less about your individual skill. Im not saying that I'm not getting a fair shake or people are stealing spots i should have bc i don't feel like that but when I look at high invite i just have no fucking clue how you get there without being in their friend group. I wish I put all my time into another class and I'm too pussy to try to learn something from the start again.
tl;dr: im starting to feel the limitations of soldier/roamer in the current meta and it sucks long dick

I was wrong. Corsa was right. I just wanted to say that for anyone that is thinking like I did. I didn't see the way it really works until recently.

[quote=Reflecto]Soldier fucking sucks. I love the class but scouts, demos, and meds are so good that soldiers just become accessories on their teams at higher levels. I see all the time teams opting for worse roamers bc they are good friends and even though the player might be below the skill level of the team it doesn't matter bc there is only so much damage a bad roamer can do (and only so much good a good roamer can do). And it fucking blows when i see these great scouts meds and demos get opportunities to play for great teams based on of their individual merit because of how impactful their classes are. And a lot of roaming at a high level is coordinating with your team and you're team being able to follow you up and less about your individual skill. Im not saying that I'm not getting a fair shake or people are stealing spots i should have bc i don't feel like that but when I look at high invite i just have no fucking clue how you get there without being in their friend group. I wish I put all my time into another class and I'm too pussy to try to learn something from the start again.
tl;dr: im starting to feel the limitations of soldier/roamer in the current meta and it sucks long dick[/quote]
I was wrong. Corsa was right. I just wanted to say that for anyone that is thinking like I did. I didn't see the way it really works until recently.
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daybraekI'm taking college classes at UCLA over the summer (as a high school student), and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I've never lived alone before and it kind of feels like a mess. Both of my two roommates are Chinese and speak very little English, so I haven't really had any interactions with people as just casual conversations. It sucks, idk how to meet people and the only people who approach me are people I don't really want to interact with. I have no idea how I'm going to make friends over this summer and feel like I'm just going waste my time away going to class + work without actually enjoying myself.

what program are you doing? if its the summer discovery thing i’m doing the exact same thing but in santa barbara, i’m pretty sure i visit UCLA sometime during classes

[quote=daybraek]I'm taking college classes at UCLA over the summer (as a high school student), and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I've never lived alone before and it kind of feels like a mess. Both of my two roommates are Chinese and speak very little English, so I haven't really had any interactions with people as just casual conversations. It sucks, idk how to meet people and the only people who approach me are people I don't really want to interact with. I have no idea how I'm going to make friends over this summer and feel like I'm just going waste my time away going to class + work without actually enjoying myself.[/quote]
what program are you doing? if its the summer discovery thing i’m doing the exact same thing but in santa barbara, i’m pretty sure i visit UCLA sometime during classes
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daybraekI'm taking college classes at UCLA over the summer (as a high school student), and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I've never lived alone before and it kind of feels like a mess. Both of my two roommates are Chinese and speak very little English, so I haven't really had any interactions with people as just casual conversations. It sucks, idk how to meet people and the only people who approach me are people I don't really want to interact with. I have no idea how I'm going to make friends over this summer and feel like I'm just going waste my time away going to class + work without actually enjoying myself.

unfortunately there isnt a lot to do around UCLA besides a ton of house parties but those arent as good as USC's house parties but you wont get robbed at a ucla house party, you're KIND OF close to santa monica and theres a ton of bars around westwood but i dont know if those things are really your scene

[quote=daybraek]I'm taking college classes at UCLA over the summer (as a high school student), and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. I've never lived alone before and it kind of feels like a mess. Both of my two roommates are Chinese and speak very little English, so I haven't really had any interactions with people as just casual conversations. It sucks, idk how to meet people and the only people who approach me are people I don't really want to interact with. I have no idea how I'm going to make friends over this summer and feel like I'm just going waste my time away going to class + work without actually enjoying myself.[/quote]
unfortunately there isnt a lot to do around UCLA besides a ton of house parties but those arent as good as USC's house parties but you wont get robbed at a ucla house party, you're KIND OF close to santa monica and theres a ton of bars around westwood but i dont know if those things are really your scene
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I bought a car so I can have more opportunity to practice driving other than relying on my mother to give me her car (she's running her own business and is balls-busy all the time) or my partner's parents car who just bought a new expensive bloatmobile which makes me uncomfortable to drive it. Since I bought it two months ago I have driven my car three times, and have gone to drive with my mother twice. The last time I went in my mother's car, I got middle fingers and got screamed at for following traffic laws (sorry man, I don't care how much of a hurry you're in, I'm going to go the speed limit because if the popo pulls me over, I have to test for my license again, and start the 3-year long process again. Also I have no intention of not following the speed limit even after I have a full license because, quite frankly, this whole "you can go this much above the speed limit" is retarded. 50 km/hr in the city and 80km/hr on the highway is plenty fast to get where you're going in a decent amount of time, and if it's not, either count the drive as part of the experience or consider the fucking airplane). Then I also nearly got into an accident where I had a right-of-way and the idiot bitch in the other car, again, screamed at me even though it was on her to yield to me and I expected her to use at least a portion of her brain to realize that she should let me pass before stomping on the throttle. Last time I went with a licensed driving instructor in a car that's literally labeled "student driver" on every exposed surface, I also got honked and yelled at multiple times. Every time I drive as a passenger there are at least 2-3 instances in a 20 minute drive where we almost get into a collision that ISN'T our fault, and at least 5 instances of someone clearly looking down at their phone on their lap/passenger seat/propped up against the steering wheel with their hands <---???

And I'm honestly just so fed up with literally everyone who drives right now. I think re-testing should be absolutely mandatory, people should lose their licenses for a significant amount of time at first offense of distracted driving, and ignition interlock devices should be standard on every fucking car. There are so many of these fucking idiots who either grew up in a time when driving tests were non-existent or came from somewhere where driving isn't the privilege that it clearly is, but some kind of a god-given right, and they expect that everyone else around them will just accept that it's their right to do whatever the fuck they wanted because their time is just SO much more precious than everyone else. GOD forbid they lose 2 minutes of their life following the speed limit, or 5 seconds to yield at an intersection! No, if you're an inconsiderate and ill-informed asshole you SHOULDN'T have the right to drive a 2+ ton vehicle that could seriously maim or murder someone, not to mention destroy expensive and well-loved possessions.

On the flip side, I would absolutely love to be able to take a comprehensive course on driving in all kinds of hazardous conditions, gaining better control over my car, skid control and defensive reactions in unpredictable situations, but the only way I can do that is if I take up rally racing (or pay for instruction on a track), which costs thousands of dollars that I don't have (and also won't really protect me from the other idiots on the road).

TL;DR: People suck at driving, they are not tested nor punished anywhere near enough for being discourteous and literally destructive on the roads, and driving instruction or expectation of basic competency is woefully inadequate.

I bought a car so I can have more opportunity to practice driving other than relying on my mother to give me her car (she's running her own business and is balls-busy all the time) or my partner's parents car who just bought a new expensive bloatmobile which makes me uncomfortable to drive it. Since I bought it two months ago I have driven my car three times, and have gone to drive with my mother twice. The last time I went in my mother's car, I got middle fingers and got screamed at for following traffic laws (sorry man, I don't care how much of a hurry you're in, I'm going to go the speed limit because if the popo pulls me over, I have to test for my license again, and start the 3-year long process again. Also I have no intention of not following the speed limit even after I have a full license because, quite frankly, this whole "you can go this much above the speed limit" is retarded. 50 km/hr in the city and 80km/hr on the highway is plenty fast to get where you're going in a decent amount of time, and if it's not, either count the drive as part of the experience or consider the fucking airplane). Then I also nearly got into an accident where I had a right-of-way and the idiot bitch in the other car, again, screamed at me even though it was on her to yield to me and I expected her to use at least a portion of her brain to realize that she should let me pass before stomping on the throttle. Last time I went with a licensed driving instructor in a car that's literally labeled "student driver" on every exposed surface, I also got honked and yelled at multiple times. Every time I drive as a passenger there are at least 2-3 instances in a 20 minute drive where we almost get into a collision that ISN'T our fault, and at least 5 instances of someone clearly looking down at their phone on their lap/passenger seat/propped up against the steering wheel with their hands <---???

And I'm honestly just so fed up with literally everyone who drives right now. I think re-testing should be absolutely mandatory, people should lose their licenses for a significant amount of time at first offense of distracted driving, and ignition interlock devices should be standard on every fucking car. There are so many of these fucking idiots who either grew up in a time when driving tests were non-existent or came from somewhere where driving isn't the privilege that it clearly is, but some kind of a god-given right, and they expect that everyone else around them will just accept that it's their right to do whatever the fuck they wanted because their time is just SO much more precious than everyone else. GOD forbid they lose 2 minutes of their life following the speed limit, or 5 seconds to yield at an intersection! No, if you're an inconsiderate and ill-informed asshole you SHOULDN'T have the right to drive a 2+ ton vehicle that could seriously maim or murder someone, not to mention destroy expensive and well-loved possessions.

On the flip side, I would absolutely love to be able to take a comprehensive course on driving in all kinds of hazardous conditions, gaining better control over my car, skid control and defensive reactions in unpredictable situations, but the only way I can do that is if I take up rally racing (or pay for instruction on a track), which costs thousands of dollars that I don't have (and also won't really protect me from the other idiots on the road).

TL;DR: People suck at driving, they are not tested nor punished anywhere near enough for being discourteous and literally destructive on the roads, and driving instruction or expectation of basic competency is woefully inadequate.
8 Frags +
MalloryTL;DR: People suck at driving

Yup, welcome to the road, buddy.

I myself was very confused today when a lady waved me ahead of her at an intersection where I had a stop sign and she did not

TL;DR: People suck at driving [/quote]

Yup, welcome to the road, buddy.

I myself was very confused today when a lady waved me ahead of her at an intersection where I had a stop sign and she did not
2 Frags +
ShearsMalloryTL;DR: People suck at driving
Yup, welcome to the road, buddy.

I myself was very confused today when a lady waved me ahead of her at an intersection where I had a stop sign and she did not

Don't get me started on that. There's an intersection a block away from my apartment that's the only non-4-way stop in the neighborhood and it's like fucking nobody knows how to drive through it. You either get the mongos blowing through it at 2x the speed limit (there's a playground across the street, buddy, and it's on the crest of a hill which means you have no fucking idea what's going on over it, so... maybe slow the fuck down?) or people who stop and wave/gesture at you, the one waiting at the stop sign.

TL;DR: People suck at driving [/quote]

Yup, welcome to the road, buddy.

I myself was very confused today when a lady waved me ahead of her at an intersection where I had a stop sign and she did not[/quote]

Don't get me started on that. There's an intersection a block away from my apartment that's the only non-4-way stop in the neighborhood and it's like fucking nobody knows how to drive through it. You either get the mongos blowing through it at 2x the speed limit (there's a playground across the street, buddy, and it's on the crest of a hill which means you have no fucking idea what's going on over it, so... maybe slow the fuck down?) or people who stop and wave/gesture at you, the one waiting at the stop sign.
2 Frags +

I wish more people played Red Orchestra 2. It makes me very upset that more people do not play Red Orchestra 2.

I wish more people played Red Orchestra 2. It makes me very upset that more people do not play Red Orchestra 2.
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VandI wish more people played Red Orchestra 2. It makes me very upset that more people do not play Red Orchestra 2.

did u watch teemu92 vids?

[quote=Vand]I wish more people played Red Orchestra 2. It makes me very upset that more people do not play Red Orchestra 2.[/quote]
did u watch teemu92 vids?
6 Frags +

whenever i cast i always struggle casting the first mid and choke or go silent and make the other caster deal with it but for some reason every other mid i can do it >:(

whenever i cast i always struggle casting the first mid and choke or go silent and make the other caster deal with it but for some reason every other mid i can do it >:(
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Spui want to not play this game anymore but i have nothing better to do
[quote=Spu]i want to not play this game anymore but i have nothing better to do[/quote]
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My internet is bad and people use all of what little bandwidth I have, despite me asking for just a little bit of time to play, so in the evenings I can't scrim at all or have a reliable connection and it's honestly one of the biggest barriers holding me back, making me so unconfident in my ability as a player because I can fail due to something completely out of my control, at any moment. I just want to play every night and get better, but it's like trying to play rugby whilst having a seizure.

Hopefully I'll have better internet in a few months, till then just have to be 'classic ash' with the 'classic timeouts'.

My internet is bad and people use all of what little bandwidth I have, despite me asking for just a little bit of time to play, so in the evenings I can't scrim at all or have a reliable connection and it's honestly one of the biggest barriers holding me back, making me so unconfident in my ability as a player because I can fail due to something completely out of my control, at any moment. I just want to play every night and get better, but it's like trying to play rugby whilst having a seizure.

Hopefully I'll have better internet in a few months, till then just have to be 'classic ash' with the 'classic timeouts'.
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90% of people play this game only to boost their ego

90% of people play this game only to boost their ego
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I Lost My Match :(

I Lost My Match :(
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i fell out of my chair :(


i fell out of my chair :(

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i hate banny lolololololol

i hate banny lolololololol
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Pablo's mechanics make me want to jump off a 30 foot cliff.

Pablo's mechanics make me want to jump off a 30 foot cliff.
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i lost to OPEN PLAYERS

i lost to OPEN PLAYERS
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18 Frags +
Screwballi lost to OPEN PLAYERS


[quote=Screwball]i lost to OPEN PLAYERS[/quote] lmao
6 Frags +
ScruffMcGruffScrewballi lost to OPEN PLAYERS lmao
[quote=ScruffMcGruff][quote=Screwball]i lost to OPEN PLAYERS[/quote] lmao[/quote]
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driving rant in response to a driving rant

if ur not driving the same way everybody else around u drives yeah ur gonna have a really shitty time

i genuinely cant imagine ever driving @ the speed limit in anything thats not a neighborhood


driving rant in response to a driving rant[/quote]

if ur not driving the same way everybody else around u drives yeah ur gonna have a really shitty time

i genuinely cant imagine ever driving @ the speed limit in anything thats not a neighborhood
11 Frags +
cinnamonit's so hard to be confident in your looks when you have acne. i get reminded of it every time i look in the mirror and it makes me feel disgusting

see a dermatologist. i used to have a relatively normal amount of acne for a teenager, and after a few months of treatments i felt a lot better. it sucks and those months will be painful but it's worth it.

[quote=cinnamon]it's so hard to be confident in your looks when you have acne. i get reminded of it every time i look in the mirror and it makes me feel disgusting[/quote]
see a dermatologist. i used to have a relatively normal amount of acne for a teenager, and after a few months of treatments i felt a lot better. it sucks and those months will be painful but it's worth it.
3 Frags +

i cannot find the motivation to edit anything. every time i try to do some of my video i just get put off by something and then i can't do it. in addition someone said to me that there's no point in editing a video that isnt a strict edit, so all my videos would be the same quality if they were just shadowplay videos with no editing at all. the thing is i don't want to make edits because i don't find those fun to watch usually, but i also don't want to make shadowplay videos as i don't find those fun to watch either. all this stuff combined makes me want to just drop everything and stop making videos completely and its a complete pain.

i cannot find the motivation to edit anything. every time i try to do some of my video i just get put off by something and then i can't do it. in addition someone said to me that there's no point in editing a video that isnt a strict edit, so all my videos would be the same quality if they were just shadowplay videos with no editing at all. the thing is i don't want to make edits because i don't find those fun to watch usually, but i also don't want to make shadowplay videos as i don't find those fun to watch either. all this stuff combined makes me want to just drop everything and stop making videos completely and its a complete pain.
6 Frags +
cinnamonit's so hard to be confident in your looks when you have acne. i get reminded of it every time i look in the mirror and it makes me feel disgusting

As someone said before see a dermatologist, I had really bad acne and really suffered with constant pain in my skin and bleeding etc. Depending on how bad it is they can give you a cream to put on and if it's severe (like my case) they will give you tablets (isotretinoin in the UK) that work really well, it got rid of my acne in like 8 months but it is really strong medication. I suffered with constant dry skin (to the point of peeling) and a bleeding nose like half of my time but it was worth it for me to get rid of my acne:) you also have to have blood tests regularly for the meds. I'm making it sound bad but it's so worth it, honestly:)

[quote=cinnamon]it's so hard to be confident in your looks when you have acne. i get reminded of it every time i look in the mirror and it makes me feel disgusting[/quote]
As someone said before see a dermatologist, I had really bad acne and really suffered with constant pain in my skin and bleeding etc. Depending on how bad it is they can give you a cream to put on and if it's severe (like my case) they will give you tablets (isotretinoin in the UK) that work really well, it got rid of my acne in like 8 months but it is really strong medication. I suffered with constant dry skin (to the point of peeling) and a bleeding nose like half of my time but it was worth it for me to get rid of my acne:) you also have to have blood tests regularly for the meds. I'm making it sound bad but it's so worth it, honestly:)
1 Frags +

I really wish I could live on a 2am-6pm sleep scheduled. With extracurricular activities I'll be getting home from school at 6, and I'm least productive the hour after I get home from school because I just want to sleep. Also, Im most productive right after I wake up, and currently all that productivity is being wasted on speedrunning my showers instead of doing school shit. Being awake in the middle of the night also means I dont need to talk to people, and I'd be able to do all of my school work without having to hear my family yell at each other. But I cant do this because my family would be sleeping when I would be doing >:(

I really wish I could live on a 2am-6pm sleep scheduled. With extracurricular activities I'll be getting home from school at 6, and I'm least productive the hour after I get home from school because I just want to sleep. Also, Im most productive right after I wake up, and currently all that productivity is being wasted on speedrunning my showers instead of doing school shit. Being awake in the middle of the night also means I dont need to talk to people, and I'd be able to do all of my school work without having to hear my family yell at each other. But I cant do this because my family would be sleeping when I would be doing >:(
10 Frags +
driving rant in response to a driving rant

if ur not driving the same way everybody else around u drives yeah ur gonna have a really shitty time

i genuinely cant imagine ever driving @ the speed limit in anything thats not a neighborhood

I've seen cops going 90 on the freeway before in California, our speed limits are 65 lol. But don't fuck around with speed limits in areas with a population of 1000, those cops have nothing better to do than ticket people going 5 over


driving rant in response to a driving rant[/quote]

if ur not driving the same way everybody else around u drives yeah ur gonna have a really shitty time

i genuinely cant imagine ever driving @ the speed limit in anything thats not a neighborhood[/quote]

I've seen cops going 90 on the freeway before in California, our speed limits are 65 lol. But don't fuck around with speed limits in areas with a population of 1000, those cops have nothing better to do than ticket people going 5 over
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