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Signed Up June 19, 2016
Last Posted April 8, 2021 at 11:12 AM
Posts 161 (0.1 per day)
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#11 How do you aim effectively and why (on scout)? in TF2 General Discussion

Stop worrying about your aim and play the game. Aim is more your positioning and movement rather than your raw aiming ability so dming and mgeing can only take you so far. Those are for warming up and staying sharp, not for actually improving your game. Just make sure your mouse and sens are comfortable, and most importantly stay relaxed. Tensing up makes you miss and can also and lead to carpel tunnel.

Overall, just play the game. Aim is big but positioning and focusing the right targets is vastly more important than hitting every shot, and as you play the game you'll improve your aim. You cant really think your way through aiming, just practice.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 man i just really want to go to a lan in LAN Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#4 How's the comp scene these days? in TF2 General Discussion

Cant speak on Europe, but for NA esea stopped supporting tf2 after s31 and has been replaced by a league called RGL. There's been a lot of resistance and everyone hates them because of the admins and some drama but the numbers are doing really well with the lower divs taking in a lot of new players. LANs in generally kinda died after ESEA stopped theirs, and RGLs attempt at running their own LANs was stopped by covid. I'm still pretty hopeful that RGL will start running LANs once covid settles, and RGL is also supposed to be releasing a new pug system soon (within this year most likely) which will probably do a lot to grow the lower divs.

Scouts are really powerful. Pocket scout (you heard right) has replaced pocket soldier as the "leader" of the team. Flank scout has taken a more active role and coordination between scouts and how the they capitalize on openings is what defines a lot of teams. In general, scouts have become the aggressors while soldiers set up and support the scouts. There's been some changes to the whitelist, new items, reworks, disagreements over rules, new maps, but the game is still recognizable. The main difference I noticed between old and modern demos is that the team coordination looks more mature if that makes sense. It probably wont be as bad as what you might hear, but it will be a culture shock for sure. (take this part with a grain of salt because I'm not very good and never played back then; basing most of this off watching demos and what I've heard)

b4nny made a team called Froyotech and has dominated most seasons since. A lot of good players came in and out and some releases like Overwatch cut down a lot of the top players, but there's been some good storylines and matches are still fun to watch.

b4nny seems to be the only thing keeping comp tf2 relevant with new and casual players at this point. His stream is the only significant tf2 stream and unfortunately he's been hinting quite a bit that he's looking to move away from tf2 sometime soon. He painted RGL as tf2's "only hope", which I think has some truth to it, and I think if RGL doesn't deliver with their big promises of lans and inclusive pugs then comp tf2 could stagnate and slowly fall out of relevance. It also doesn't help that Valve stuck their foot in the door and dropped a half-baked competitive matchmaking mode, but hasn't done anything significant in about 3 and a half years. It's a situation similar to Smash Melee where some people want to try and work with unresponsive devs while others want to make a full promod.

Comp tf2 is in a precarious position right now. On one hand, RGL is doing and promising a lot to grow the game with new players, but covid has stopped a lot of progress, RGL is hated by most of the established players, and Valve doesn't really seem to notice us anymore. But ultimately I'm pretty hopeful for the future of tf2 (could be blind hope for rgl though), and if you're looking to play again now is about as good as ever.

posted about 3 years ago
#48 consider voting in World Events
plunkbernies "healthcare plan" while good doesnt go into enough detail. americans dont get the amount of apparatus that goes into making a functioning healthcare policy from state funded gyms, subsidised pharmaceuticals, limits and stricter regulation on food (sugar, fat, etc) and a system which people can fund the system through taxes.

bro there were multiple independent studies concluding that bernies medicare for all saves money (for the people, not the billionaires that is) simply by removing copays, deductibles, and price gouging. medicare is already used for everyone above the age of 65. its not like this is something completely new. it works very well, stop trying to talk around it

posted about 4 years ago
#16 post your ideal whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

Has anyone even tried the new quickfix? Wasnt the last time it was used in like 2012? I dont really think you guys realize but the weapon is dogshit now. Sure it might build 10% faster, but its not even worth it because the ubers are so terrible. You cant use in for traps or snipers, you can't flash people in on fights, and even if you get in clean you arent guaranteed to live because any synced damage kills you. Not to mention the biggest nerf, you can't have 200 hp midrange laser beam gremlins because of the decreased overheal. Scouts are maxed at 150 hp and can basically always die to spam. Also, because of the shared rocket jumping, you cant flash your demo/soldier while they bomb in. This weapon is fucking terrible why is everyone still acting like its gamebreaking?

posted about 4 years ago
#26 RGL Banned?! Help!! in TF2 General Discussion
sigafoos door btw

posted about 4 years ago
#192 Diabotical Kickstarter in Esports

The game feels really weird to me. Like Im not very good at quake, so I dont have the most informed opinion, but it feels like there's no punishment for +forwarding at everyone because you cant really control space. From what I've played the weapons have really poor balance, with lg being basically your only option. Rockets feel like weird interp tf2 rockets, the playermodel isn't on the ground and that combined with really floaty jumping and surfs makes rockets even more useless. All you have to do when the other guy pulls out rockets is jump and then continue to lg because its impossible for them to follow up. Lg also has like no knockback so you cant punish people for pushing in bad spots. So many times I've picked up red+mega+another armor off spawn just to been killed by another idiot running through a tight choke at half my stack because there's literally nothing stopping them. Rockets makes killing you easier, lg cant kite, nades arent in half the maps (and wouldn't matter anyways). The game actually feels faster than cpma because you just cant control space like you can in normal quake.

Because of this, the maps are also terribly unbalanced. Skybreak is the worst offender imo because of the teleporters, which makes controlling area around mega and other armors basically impossible. Even when I was set up on mega with 200/200 stack, there's nothing you can do to stop the other guy from taking the tele and challenging other than just having better lg. Fights around items just seem like 50/50 lg fights, and then you back off and try to rail just to reset for the next set of lg fights. It really feels like cpma where you regain "control" by just running at the other guy constantly hoping for good damage, with map control and positional counterplay being a nonfactor (compared to how important it is in ql).

idk the game feels like its in a really poor state right now. I feel like I could be overreacting or just not understanding the maps well enough and might still be in a bit of gamer rage mode, so I dont really want to say that the game is bad, but its definitely not what I was expecting :/

posted about 4 years ago
#7 uncletopia pubs are kickin' in TF2 General Discussion

i got ip banned for calling a vote kick on b4nny

posted about 4 years ago
#5 anyone who see this.. and want to try new hud.. in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Let's Talk About Bladee in Music, Movies, TV

d9 kids are cringe but trash island was underrated
gtbsg bladee was goated
carwash and my magic is strong s tier songs
fuck melon

posted about 4 years ago
#6394 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Im having a very strange issue where I cant edit the base hud. I've extracted the base hud files from tf2_misc_dir or whatever its called, and have resource and scripts, but I cant move anything in the hud. Im still able to edit shit in other custom huds, just not base one. Even when I replace an entire file with one from a custom hud, nothing changes.

I've started making huds from base files in the past so I'm very certain that I'm not making any mistakes, anyone have help?

posted about 4 years ago
#4 RGL's survey part 2 in TF2 General Discussion

dude i dont even know how you define a scrim at this point. like i get that its two teams playing against each other, but since its not mandated and controlled by rgl, how do they know if its a scrim or not? how are you supposed to moderate something that you have no fucking control over? do pugscrims count for moderation under the rgl bible? what if there are ringers involved? theres no consistency here man

the thing that makes this survey even more worthless is that they tack "if reported" onto the end of every question. if someones being reported for harassment, i dont think it mattered if it was in a scrim or in steam dms or anything else before, so why do they need to figure out if people want to be able to harass others in scrims now? it seems to me that rgl is just trying to get some in to start moderating scrims for whatever reason now.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Hitbeep/Killbeep in Q/A Help

dude for real just fuck with it yourself. from what i can tell pitch control in ql scales a bit differently than in tf2, so you're not going to get something thats exact, but 60/120 is pretty close. that took me at most 2 minutes to do, which is faster than it took to write this post and then a response

about the killsounds, idk what to tell you. if your commands are right, and the file has the correct name/placement, it should work. since its not, try verifying your game cache, snd_restart, try a different file, or just fucking google it.

theres a million things that could be causing the issue, and since you've provided literally no information besides that "it used to work, but then it didnt, but then it did, but now it doesnt" theres literally nothing that anyone can do to help you.

posted about 4 years ago
#16 How to reduce wrist tiring? in Off Topic

youre probably getting pain because you're trying to hard to aim with your wrist which is cause you tense up unnaturally. Since you've been playing a pretty high sense, you're most likely used to aiming with your wrist alone, but at a higher sense thats not possible so you need to start pivoting your entire arm at your elbow, but since you're not used to this you could be tensing your arm a lot. You should go into a pub and focus on making sure that your arm is completely relaxed instead of hitting shots. Tensing muscles is a sign of poor technique (kinda weird to say for video games, but in more technical things like playing an instrument its very apparent), so you're probably just not used to aiming with your arm yet.

stretches are good too, but they wont solve the root problem which could lead to bigger injuries down the road

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Hitbeep/Killbeep in Q/A Help

not sure what you mean entirely because for me the ql hitsound is just a constant pitch, but tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg and tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg are the commands for pitch control

not sure about the killsound but p sure the command is tf_dingalingaling_last_effect so maybe fuck with that

just googled it, the command is tf_dingalingaling_lasthit. "If set to 1, play a sound whenever one of your attacks kills an enemy. The sound can be customized by replacing the 'tf/sound/ui/killsound.wav' file."

posted about 4 years ago
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