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Let's revive this thread...

God that was a weird song. Does Danny Elfman have some sort of odd fetish?


Let's revive this thread...

God that was a weird song. Does Danny Elfman have some sort of odd fetish?

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I fucking loved it, such a sweet tune.


I fucking loved it, such a sweet tune.
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Never even heard of the band, song, and I don't recognize the album cover at all. Song is great though, never would have found it without this.


Have some relatively edgy Pendulum

Never even heard of the band, song, and I don't recognize the album cover at all. Song is great though, never would have found it without this.

Have some relatively edgy Pendulum
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I wouldnt consider Pendulum edgy, not really a fan of em.


have some hardcore

I wouldnt consider Pendulum edgy, not really a fan of em.
have some hardcore
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Not my dig. Screamo/hardcore/death metal/black metal/whatever is, like, the only music that I literally cannot appreciate in any way. Soz :[


Have some more niche music!

Not my dig. Screamo/hardcore/death metal/black metal/whatever is, like, the only music that I literally cannot appreciate in any way. Soz :[


Have some more niche music!
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I didn't know the goddamned King of Swing was considered niche now. I'm pretty sure that shit's universally swingin'.


I didn't know the goddamned King of Swing was considered niche now. I'm pretty sure that shit's universally swingin'.

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Very catchy, like the tune.


Very catchy, like the tune. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l75Z8wil_U&list=LLpkRVBIeNlgoj-rsmH1Cruw[/youtube]
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Jedi Mind Tricks is the shit


Jedi Mind Tricks is the shit

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Shugo Tokumaru is the shit and I'm glad you like him, zephyr.

Also I think you forgot to comment on my song bolshevik because there's no Hebrew or lyrics at all lol.


Edit: goddamnit I'm so slow. Catchy song though 32hz

Shugo Tokumaru is the shit and I'm glad you like him, zephyr.

Also I think you forgot to comment on my song bolshevik because there's no Hebrew or lyrics at all lol.


Edit: goddamnit I'm so slow. Catchy song though 32hz
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@Kohaku Yeah I did, sort of got video sniped, I fixed it though!
On this video: Not really my style, sort of made me uncomfortable to be honest haha, started to enjoy it more towards the middle.


@Kohaku Yeah I did, sort of got video sniped, I fixed it though!
On this video: Not really my style, sort of made me uncomfortable to be honest haha, started to enjoy it more towards the middle.
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I dig some vinnie paz from time to time, some of his lyrics are just off the wall. AOTP is fun and nuts. Only knock I have against him is all his songs start to sound the same after a while, like he has a pattern sometimes.


I dig some vinnie paz from time to time, some of his lyrics are just off the wall. AOTP is fun and nuts. Only knock I have against him is all his songs start to sound the same after a while, like he has a pattern sometimes.

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Sick song, surprisingly never heard it before but I think I've heard it sampled a few times.


Sick song, surprisingly never heard it before but I think I've heard it sampled a few times.
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Not really my kind of music, but it's interesting and def. worth a listen.


Not really my kind of music, but it's interesting and def. worth a listen.

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it feels a tad slow for my tastes, but otherwise i think its alright relaxing music


it feels a tad slow for my tastes, but otherwise i think its alright relaxing music
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really liked it, sweet tune


really liked it, sweet tune

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Awesome song. Love one chilled panda.


Awesome song. Love one chilled panda.

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Too slow for me and not a fan of rimshots lol, but I honestly like the main hook. It's really bouncy and it sounds great with those voice pads in the background.

I feel sorry for the guy that has to listen to my track haha. No offense taken if you don't dig it. Pretty heavy stuff.


Too slow for me and not a fan of rimshots lol, but I honestly like the main hook. It's really bouncy and it sounds great with those voice pads in the background.

I feel sorry for the guy that has to listen to my track haha. No offense taken if you don't dig it. Pretty heavy stuff.
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ya you're right, that's super heavy and not at all my style



ya you're right, that's super heavy and not at all my style

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I love reel big fish, that song is great.


I love reel big fish, that song is great.

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Really beautiful piece of music. Almost sounded like a track out of a final fantasy game; shame it was only in 240p. :c


Really beautiful piece of music. Almost sounded like a track out of a final fantasy game; shame it was only in 240p. :c
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Loved it


Loved it [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcTttSnKPSo[/youtube]
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Meh, pretty ok but not really my style.


Meh, pretty ok but not really my style.
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Like the beats. The vocal delivery isn't great. Not very fluent, too much like it's being read off a script.


Ninja Tune <3

Like the beats. The vocal delivery isn't great. Not very fluent, too much like it's being read off a script.


Ninja Tune <3
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I feel like that song is appropriate to listen and watch when you are super stoned. On the other hand, it wasn't that bad in my opinion it did have a nice beat to it.


I feel like that song is appropriate to listen and watch when you are super stoned. On the other hand, it wasn't that bad in my opinion it did have a nice beat to it.

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Found it boring and uninspired. Felt like the vocals were just thrown over the instrumental track and mixed around a bit. Not for me sorry.


Found it boring and uninspired. Felt like the vocals were just thrown over the instrumental track and mixed around a bit. Not for me sorry.

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EDIT: this was a response to wilson's post

aaaaaagh I really didn't like the sorta, like, sole intensity of the untz without any sort of real backing thing. at some points it really just felt like a total mess of kinda dumb attempt to build up. a lot of the time it just felt like it was reliant totally on the beat to drive it rather than anything backing, and good god this has over 10 million views, further reinforcing my idea that white people have bad taste in music. also there's a disconnect between the vocals and the beat, which i found was really weird.

re: zephyr
pretty cool, really liked the guitars and the sorta contrast between the singer's vocals and the backing track.

that said dumb weeaboo shit inc., real man electronic shit, not your bitch-ass remix shit


EDIT: this was a response to wilson's post

aaaaaagh I really didn't like the sorta, like, sole intensity of the untz without any sort of real backing thing. at some points it really just felt like a total mess of kinda dumb attempt to build up. a lot of the time it just felt like it was reliant totally on the beat to drive it rather than anything backing, and good god this has over 10 million views, further reinforcing my idea that white people have bad taste in music. also there's a disconnect between the vocals and the beat, which i found was really weird.

re: zephyr
pretty cool, really liked the guitars and the sorta contrast between the singer's vocals and the backing track.

that said dumb weeaboo shit inc., real man electronic shit, not your bitch-ass remix shit

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#177: Not a big fan of this genre...
However, I loved this song. Seems like a guy who sorta is confused about life and wants to get outta it like "an atom bomb". Nice listen.

#178: Was an enjoyable clusterfuck.Couldn't understand a thing, but cool beats.

#179: defy quit ur job dude


#177: Not a big fan of this genre...
However, I loved this song. Seems like a guy who sorta is confused about life and wants to get outta it like "an atom bomb". Nice listen.

#178: Was an enjoyable clusterfuck.Couldn't understand a thing, but cool beats.

#179: defy quit ur job dude
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