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Do you like the song above?
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ok d00d


ok d00d

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defy is hilarious

defy is hilarious
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^ not hardcore enough. obviously you aren't a true fan of the genre.


^ not hardcore enough. obviously you aren't a true fan of the genre.

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oh god, i actually hate the beginning of the song in general but that song get´s gooooooooood.


oh god, i actually hate the beginning of the song in general but that song get´s gooooooooood.

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Way too poppy for my taste.


Way too poppy for my taste.

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#186 A bit on the repetitive side without much variation on the theme. But the vocal harmonies are quite good. I was expecting atonal screeching but the "screamy" parts actually stayed on-key which was a pleasant surprise.


edit: Song changes entirely at the 1:00 mark and vocal style changes around 2:20.

#186 A bit on the repetitive side without much variation on the theme. But the vocal harmonies are quite good. I was expecting atonal screeching but the "screamy" parts actually stayed on-key which was a pleasant surprise.


edit: Song changes entirely at the 1:00 mark and vocal style changes around 2:20.
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It's why I listen to Spock's Beard. Devin Townsend is pretty fantastic too.

Edit more to elaborate: I don't listen to Townsend, Petrucci etc. as much because despite their amazing technical skill, they don't get terribly creative with the rest of their music. I find groups like Flower Kings, Spock's Beard and Transatlantic (which is just a super-group with some of those band members plus Portnoy on drums) much more enjoyable because they add awe-inspiring musicality to everything they do. That or I'm just a prog junkie.

It's why I listen to Spock's Beard. Devin Townsend is pretty fantastic too.

Edit more to elaborate: I don't listen to Townsend, Petrucci etc. as much because despite their amazing technical skill, they don't get terribly creative with the rest of their music. I find groups like Flower Kings, Spock's Beard and Transatlantic (which is just a super-group with some of those band members plus Portnoy on drums) much more enjoyable because they add awe-inspiring musicality to everything they do. That or I'm just a prog junkie.
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Townsend is awesome.


this probably wont appeal to anyone

Townsend is awesome.

this probably wont appeal to anyone
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Too bad zephyr, it appealed to me. Wasn't that big on the screams (though I did like the growls) but overall it was very nice, technical, and enjoyably progressive. I think the glitchy drum beat with the clean vocals and the piano near the middle definitely stole the show, though, that was really nice. Fun song, should check these guys out.


Something a little more traditional because I just bought tickets to a Cohen show. Should be nice.

Too bad zephyr, it appealed to me. Wasn't that big on the screams (though I did like the growls) but overall it was very nice, technical, and enjoyably progressive. I think the glitchy drum beat with the clean vocals and the piano near the middle definitely stole the show, though, that was really nice. Fun song, should check these guys out.


Something a little more traditional because I just bought tickets to a Cohen show. Should be nice.
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Dude Kohaku, I love you... They're one of my favourite bands atm :D

Cool song, I loved the brooding vibe, felt like it was building up to something the entire time. Very cool.


Gonna follow sort of that dark southern feel with this tune.

Dude Kohaku, I love you... They're one of my favourite bands atm :D

Cool song, I loved the brooding vibe, felt like it was building up to something the entire time. Very cool.
Gonna follow sort of that dark southern feel with this tune.
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#192 the sound is very appealing to my ears unlike some music which just hurts them XD and i just love violin in music.


#192 the sound is very appealing to my ears unlike some music which just hurts them XD and i just love violin in music.

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Really slow song, but enjoyable nonetheless. I figure it's more of a song you'd leave in the background rather than actively listen to though.

Now for something a little non-traditional...ignore the background if you want, it's pretty bad.


Really slow song, but enjoyable nonetheless. I figure it's more of a song you'd leave in the background rather than actively listen to though.

Now for something a little non-traditional...ignore the background if you want, it's pretty bad.
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#193 i'm not the biggest fan of electronica but this had an okay sound. makes for decent enough background music i imagine.


#193 i'm not the biggest fan of electronica but this had an okay sound. makes for decent enough background music i imagine.
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cool song, weak vocals imo. the part at ~2:35 was great, so short though :[


here is a weird one 4 u guys

cool song, weak vocals imo. the part at ~2:35 was great, so short though :[
here is a weird one 4 u guys
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may have messed up the link lol


may have messed up the link lol
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#196 I liked it. Definitely "out there" if you will. Chill stuff.


#196 I liked it. Definitely "out there" if you will. Chill stuff.

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CraftyLet's revive this thread...

God that was a weird song. Does Danny Elfman have some sort of odd fetish?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKDvJTxZDbA <------------------------------

[quote=Crafty]Let's revive this thread...

God that was a weird song. Does Danny Elfman have some sort of odd fetish?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKDvJTxZDbA <------------------------------
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#199 That was... interesting. The music was decent at times, but I could do without the pig grunting sound effects.


#199 That was... interesting. The music was decent at times, but I could do without the pig grunting sound effects.

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Matlock, that was the most educational and inspiring song I have ever heard....


Matlock, that was the most educational and inspiring song I have ever heard....

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Gotta love that funk guitar


Gotta love that funk guitar
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I do like me some funk sounds. Jazz and sax were nice in there.


I do like me some funk sounds. Jazz and sax were nice in there.
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joey badass usually has cool tracks, I don't like how often he ends up using sampling with the annoying high voice pitch shifting though


joey badass usually has cool tracks, I don't like how often he ends up using sampling with the annoying high voice pitch shifting though

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nah, the vocals are like, a 17 year old boy just having a bad day


nah, the vocals are like, a 17 year old boy just having a bad day

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vocals weren't bad, just wasn't really satisfying to listen to. instrumental was soothing though.


vocals weren't bad, just wasn't really satisfying to listen to. instrumental was soothing though.
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it was alright to listen to


it was alright to listen to
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was interesting, I really liked the guitar solo at around 3 minutes in


was interesting, I really liked the guitar solo at around 3 minutes in
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