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invite soldier s14

discord: quacks1

invite soldier s14

discord: quacks1
4 Frags +

Strong mechanics and cares a lot about the game. His mental took leaps and bounds towards the end of his playing time, give him a good home :).

Strong mechanics and cares a lot about the game. His mental took leaps and bounds towards the end of his playing time, give him a good home :).
0 Frags +

he has good mechanics and is very communicative, already shows lots of potential

he has good mechanics and is very communicative, already shows lots of potential
-1 Frags +

known him since he was a newcomer and hes one of the few players who is able to rise as high as he has in such a short period of time. Definitely dont sleep on him

known him since he was a newcomer and hes one of the few players who is able to rise as high as he has in such a short period of time. Definitely dont sleep on him
-2 Frags +

takes the grind seriously and has a great attitude about the game, also very funny when he gets mad at dying to random stuff

takes the grind seriously and has a great attitude about the game, also very funny when he gets mad at dying to random stuff
-2 Frags +

good mechies and comms, improved a lot this season

good mechies and comms, improved a lot this season
-3 Frags +

good friend but an even better teammate, his growth the past few seasons is crazy

good friend but an even better teammate, his growth the past few seasons is crazy
-14 Frags +


-4 Frags +

good player and good comms

good player and good comms
-6 Frags +


-8 Frags +

aims good and dedicated. always comes to scrims with things to work on, cares a lot. would recommend for invite.

aims good and dedicated. always comes to scrims with things to work on, cares a lot. would recommend for invite.
-10 Frags +

i have no evidence either way to back up that they are infact the duck that they pretend to be

i have no evidence either way to back up that they are infact the duck that they pretend to be
-6 Frags +

great player, seems like he will climb invite in the next couple of seasons

great player, seems like he will climb invite in the next couple of seasons
-11 Frags +

last minute bump, team probably dead and would like to keep playing

pocket>roamer but will play either role

last minute bump, team probably dead and would like to keep playing

pocket>roamer but will play either role
-11 Frags +

Free airline points with pickup tap in

Free airline points with pickup tap in
-11 Frags +

super nice guy and has improved a ton in a super short amount of time

super nice guy and has improved a ton in a super short amount of time
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