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Dont Molest Children Challenge (!!!IMPORTANT!!!)
posted in The Dumpster
0 Frags +

some of yall gonna fail this lmfao

some of yall gonna fail this lmfao
8 Frags +

say no to noncery

say no to noncery
23 Frags +


tftv mods deciding whether this gets dumpstered or dumpstered and locked

tftv mods deciding whether this gets dumpstered or dumpstered and locked
-6 Frags +

Sia is failing this

Sia is failing this
8 Frags +

Nursey said inappropriate things to a person under the age of 18, making her Tonight's Big Loser!

torrit3some of yall gonna fail this lmfao

posted 2 weeks ago

how did this go so long without getting any attention

Nursey said inappropriate things to a person under the age of 18, making her [i][b]Tonight's Big Loser[/b][/i]!

[quote=torrit3]some of yall gonna fail this lmfao[/quote]
posted 2 weeks ago

how did this go so long without getting any attention
1 Frags +

if you fail very bad things befall you in the afterlife

if you fail very bad things befall you in the afterlife
4 Frags +
mustardoverlordSia is failing this

who? (dont care)

[quote=mustardoverlord]Sia is failing this[/quote]
who? (dont care)
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