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A comprehensive guide to the Bonk! Atomic Punch.
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are you mistaking this place for reddit?

are you mistaking this place for reddit?
21 Frags +
**Use the enemy knockback to your advantage!** When it comes to Bonk, knockback is a double edged sword; it can be used to escape areas where you would otherwise not make it out in time, but it can also prevent you from properly using Bonk. When escaping the knockback gained can be manipulated with aerial movement techniques to move through large amounts of distance.

from now on I'm referring to airstrafing as "aerial movement techniques"

[quote]**Use the enemy knockback to your advantage!** When it comes to Bonk, knockback is a double edged sword; it can be used to escape areas where you would otherwise not make it out in time, but it can also prevent you from properly using Bonk. When escaping the knockback gained can be manipulated with aerial movement techniques to move through large amounts of distance.[/quote]
from now on I'm referring to airstrafing as "aerial movement techniques"
1 Frags +

Oof i just checked this guide and glad to se my ultimate arkane bonk! strats from badlands and product are not included. my secrets are save...

Oof i just checked this guide and glad to se my ultimate arkane bonk! strats from badlands and product are not included. my secrets are save...
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16 Frags +

Wow thanks! I'm sure happy I can give y'all helpful information!


Wow thanks! I'm sure happy I can give y'all helpful information!
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