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The Top 10 Fragmovies of All Time
posted in Videos
-4 Frags +

why does nobody in this thread know how to embed youtube vidoes

why does nobody in this thread know how to embed youtube vidoes
3 Frags +

forsak3n wg vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8PmR1f1F_w
this and seagulls s20 team vid thats private:(

forsak3n wg vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8PmR1f1F_w
this and seagulls s20 team vid thats private:(
9 Frags +
lithiumwhy does nobody in this thread know how to embed youtube vidoes

The posts would be a mile long if people did like 15 videos at once...

[quote=lithium]why does nobody in this thread know how to embed youtube vidoes[/quote]

The posts would be a mile long if people did like 15 videos at once...
4 Frags +

Just catching up on this thread, it's been a real treat to discover some great fragmovies that I actually haven't seen yet, as well as a bunch that I thought were lost to time (Tron Fortress, the No Name Series, YoYoTech), and finally a few that I simply forgot about (Memories by AMS, back to the roots, etc.)

Wild_Rumpusseeing entire fights from perspectives of the whole team is more incredible to watch than stratosphere airshots. i wish every team frag vid did this

That's the thing, presenting a teamfight like that in a way that makes sense to the viewer without completely breaking the flow of the fragmovie is an incredibly difficult thing to do. I've tried to do this multiple times in my own team fragmovies and this is still the closest I've gotten, and I barely manage to connect 3 players together in a narrative fashion, let alone an entire team.

Fanom is so fucking good I swear to god

Just catching up on this thread, it's been a real treat to discover some great fragmovies that I actually haven't seen yet, as well as a bunch that I thought were lost to time (Tron Fortress, the No Name Series, YoYoTech), and finally a few that I simply forgot about (Memories by AMS, back to the roots, etc.)

seeing entire fights from perspectives of the whole team is more incredible to watch than stratosphere airshots. i wish every team frag vid did this[/quote]

That's the thing, presenting a teamfight like that in a way that makes sense to the viewer without completely breaking the flow of the fragmovie is an [i]incredibly[/i] difficult thing to do. I've tried to do this multiple times in my own team fragmovies and [url=https://youtu.be/8q6TEYktQlE?t=282]this[/url] is still the closest I've gotten, and I barely manage to connect 3 players together in a narrative fashion, let alone an entire team.

Fanom is so fucking good I swear to god
11 Frags +

idk if this was posted but environments is crazy

idk if this was posted but environments is crazy
15 Frags +

current favorites that are pretty recent

https://youtu.be/VailDquQZ8Y fraggies - starkie
https://youtu.be/ynsBm2Km2yU s28 - down
https://youtu.be/zqSmVmO7q7A finally - elacour
https://youtu.be/uwPI7PCINFs oh thats why - botmode
https://youtu.be/yMNd2VMuLuE last of scout - ams
https://youtu.be/21sCf1O1w8M a few cool frags - riotbz
https://youtu.be/FawsFBwDFMY yamyam - slemnish
https://youtu.be/4hL6hKqidBs svift - nubbi
https://youtu.be/nzJS2mtO8U4 ora elektro - amarok
https://youtu.be/mk7zRBomRo8 it doesnt move - ronz
https://youtu.be/ZjflePRLhT8 top_5rocket - elacour
https://youtu.be/sxQ6-P5ztVo boz eyed frank lampard clocking poxy bobbies absolutely bonkers - opti

current favorites that are pretty recent

https://youtu.be/VailDquQZ8Y fraggies - starkie
https://youtu.be/ynsBm2Km2yU s28 - down
https://youtu.be/zqSmVmO7q7A finally - elacour
https://youtu.be/uwPI7PCINFs oh thats why - botmode
https://youtu.be/yMNd2VMuLuE last of scout - ams
https://youtu.be/21sCf1O1w8M a few cool frags - riotbz
https://youtu.be/FawsFBwDFMY yamyam - slemnish
https://youtu.be/4hL6hKqidBs svift - nubbi
https://youtu.be/nzJS2mtO8U4 ora elektro - amarok
https://youtu.be/mk7zRBomRo8 it doesnt move - ronz
https://youtu.be/ZjflePRLhT8 top_5rocket - elacour
https://youtu.be/sxQ6-P5ztVo boz eyed frank lampard clocking poxy bobbies absolutely bonkers - opti
-13 Frags +

atrocious list
you maybe got #1 right
but thats it.

atrocious list
you [i]maybe[/i] got #1 right
but thats it.
10 Frags +

go on then whats your list?

go on then whats your list?
-13 Frags +
Wandumgo on then whats your list?

idk but it definitely doesnt feature any videos that have killfeeds that look like this


[quote=Wandum]go on then whats your list?[/quote]
idk but it definitely doesnt feature any videos that have killfeeds that look like this
3 Frags +
RepulseTHE GREEN BERET by redzzzz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CHiQhmcc78

This one is a absolute classic. Scout fragmovies aren't always the most interesting, but the interjection of memes or just random stuff make it a fun watch.

I don't think I've seen this one posted. I believe the original was deleted from YouTube but luckily it was re-uploaded.

THE GREEN BERET by redzzzz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CHiQhmcc78[/quote]
This one is a absolute classic. Scout fragmovies aren't always the most interesting, but the interjection of memes or just random stuff make it a fun watch.

I don't think I've seen this one posted. I believe the original was deleted from YouTube but luckily it was re-uploaded.
2 Frags +

2 pages and i can't imagine how is that possible that nobody mentioned cyanic's cph2019 fragvideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvHkEynt4rk

2 pages and i can't imagine how is that possible that nobody mentioned cyanic's cph2019 fragvideo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvHkEynt4rk
3 Frags +

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsFdOWKF24M - Warrior by Dellort
this one is a classic

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsFdOWKF24M - Warrior by Dellort
this one is a classic
0 Frags +

was trying to find that one to post, classic^

was trying to find that one to post, classic^
0 Frags +

https://youtu.be/8M9YfpceRds every daz vid is insane despite the simple editing
https://youtu.be/MtsEZelO5zM this too

https://youtu.be/8M9YfpceRds every daz vid is insane despite the simple editing
https://youtu.be/MtsEZelO5zM this too
1 Frags +

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3tYrZVrX8g&t=72s pretty solid

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3tYrZVrX8g&t=72s pretty solid
1 Frags +

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJIIH83brsk -CRACKWHORE by bash
Remember watching this shit when i was like 12
such og vibes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJIIH83brsk -CRACKWHORE by bash
Remember watching this shit when i was like 12
such og vibes
3 Frags +

some of my favourite vids

https://youtu.be/TSXmxXbIfYU - Zebbosai Solly frags
https://youtu.be/bEGGW4qveM0 - frags 5 - leth
https://youtu.be/3JZs4EYRMCk - i61 - kaptain
https://youtu.be/NpNlQ-LsMzY - MGE Chad - silentes
https://youtu.be/fSpM9-UPknA - 109 - milky
https://youtu.be/UJOlPfZ2Ouw - premka - lukas
https://youtu.be/R2rnyZZ7guc - kill video for rivka - digi
https://youtu.be/IqZL09ZwKGs - Quik vol. 3
https://youtu.be/dDZiB89cMp4 - pky II - krollic

some of my favourite vids

https://youtu.be/TSXmxXbIfYU - Zebbosai Solly frags
https://youtu.be/bEGGW4qveM0 - frags 5 - leth
https://youtu.be/3JZs4EYRMCk - i61 - kaptain
https://youtu.be/NpNlQ-LsMzY - MGE Chad - silentes
https://youtu.be/fSpM9-UPknA - 109 - milky
https://youtu.be/UJOlPfZ2Ouw - premka - lukas
https://youtu.be/R2rnyZZ7guc - kill video for rivka - digi
https://youtu.be/IqZL09ZwKGs - Quik vol. 3
https://youtu.be/dDZiB89cMp4 - pky II - krollic
3 Frags +

animal abuse NotLikeThis


animal abuse NotLikeThis
1 Frags +
animal abuse NotLikeThis



animal abuse NotLikeThis[/quote]

-2 Frags +

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=catyy56uB3o this slaps

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=catyy56uB3o this slaps
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