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Slight screen tearing when overhealed
posted in Q/A Help
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When i was practicing rollouts offline, I noticed how having overheal made the game a tiny bit choppier compared to no choppiness at all without it. Is this something that could be fixed with a command, what's causing it?

When i was practicing rollouts offline, I noticed how having overheal made the game a tiny bit choppier compared to no choppiness at all without it. Is this something that could be fixed with a command, what's causing it?
6 Frags +

ent_remove_all logic_timer

try this, the jumper mains say it works

ent_remove_all logic_timer

try this, the jumper mains say it works
0 Frags +

I think reducing the amount of overheal you have works too. So instead of doing hurtme -10000000, you could just do hurtme -10000 for less choppiness.

I think reducing the amount of overheal you have works too. So instead of doing hurtme -10000000, you could just do hurtme -10000 for less choppiness.
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