Hey, we're a new bunch of guys getting together to play in Open next season. Our goal is to try and make playoffs and to stick together for a while and try to progress.
Medic - zugzwang- http://steamcommunity.com/id/ni_/
Pocket - Cloridium http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cloridium/
Demoman - Rdj
Roamer - Clutchwork
Scouts - ?, ?
Looking for people who are willing and able to play Sun-Thurs, 9pm-12pm EST, and are willing to put in some extra time to go over maps, demos, our play and the like.
Add either myself or Zugz if you're interested.
(Profile unprivated :P)
Hey, we're a new bunch of guys getting together to play in Open next season. Our goal is to try and make playoffs and to stick together for a while and try to progress.
Medic - zugzwang- http://steamcommunity.com/id/ni_/
Pocket - Cloridium http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cloridium/
Demoman - Rdj
Roamer - Clutchwork
Scouts - ?, ?
Looking for people who are willing and able to play Sun-Thurs, 9pm-12pm EST, and are willing to put in some extra time to go over maps, demos, our play and the like.
Add either myself or Zugz if you're interested.
(Profile unprivated :P)
Would be interested in trying out.
Would be interested in trying out.
I'll tryout, decent amount of experience
I'll tryout, decent amount of experience