Brockkbtocrt gamin
Is that a freakin FLEXSCAN?!!! That is SICK, what version is it?
Its a T67S got it off a retired graphics designer who lives near me, was able to get 1280x1024 at 180Hz on it its really nice to use
[quote=Brock][quote=kbto]crt gamin
Is that a freakin FLEXSCAN?!!! That is SICK, what version is it?[/quote]
Its a T67S got it off a retired graphics designer who lives near me, was able to get 1280x1024 at 180Hz on it its really nice to use
TobTobi never posted the new setup?
geez tob what a beautiful setup, is the viney-hanging plant next to the shelves alive? It looks amazing
[quote=Tob][quote=Tob]i never posted the new setup?[/quote]
geez tob what a beautiful setup, is the viney-hanging plant next to the shelves alive? It looks amazing