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Any way to get rid of all grainy in flat textures
posted in Customization
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https://imgur.com/a/KRrOFkQ i have mat_filteringtextures 0 and it gets rid of most grainy things but these metal textures in sunshine and propably some other maps still have it

https://imgur.com/a/KRrOFkQ i have mat_filteringtextures 0 and it gets rid of most grainy things but these metal textures in sunshine and propably some other maps still have it
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try setting mat_picmip -10 and reloading the map, this is what my game looks like on picmip 2 vs -10



edit: i think changing picmip at all gives me grain until map reload, so this might not be it

try setting mat_picmip -10 and reloading the map, this is what my game looks like on picmip 2 vs -10

edit: i think changing picmip at all gives me grain until map reload, so this might not be it
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Those sunshine textures are just like that. IIRC the texture files themselves are missing some attribute that allows the flat textures to work properly. I have since reinstalled my OS and no longer have it, but my solution for a long time was to simply exclude the affected textures from the mod and have them be normal rather than a grainy mess.

Those sunshine textures are just like that. IIRC the texture files themselves are missing some attribute that allows the flat textures to work properly. I have since reinstalled my OS and no longer have it, but my solution for a long time was to simply exclude the affected textures from the mod and have them be normal rather than a grainy mess.
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