on a serious note most people initially make friends through pugs and trying to network to join teams.
Snowy, it's because you play dota with me.
"I'm not smart enough to play dota." -owl 2013
"I'm not smart enough to play dota." -owl 2013
Sabercage-online you can be anything you want :)flippersIm down to cuddle cage :3r u a gurl
im a dog
r u a gurl[/quote]
online you can be anything you want :)[/quote]
im a dog
you need to create your own circle jerk
or become a professional bench rider
or become a professional bench rider
Didn't you pub a lot when you started TF2? That's how I made a lot of my friends and we started playing competitive together.
pascalSaberim a dogcage-online you can be anything you want :)flippersIm down to cuddle cage :3r u a gurl
r u a gurl[/quote]
online you can be anything you want :)[/quote]
im a dog[/quote]
Bubbaadd random people and ask to be their friends
A couple people have done this to me. It's really weird at first, but then we mged and pubbed together and it was cool. Just get a couple of people on your friends list that don't mind you being there and whenever they are online just join their game or invite them to yours if either of you are pubbing.
A couple people have done this to me. It's really weird at first, but then we mged and pubbed together and it was cool. Just get a couple of people on your friends list that don't mind you being there and whenever they are online just join their game or invite them to yours if either of you are pubbing.
I made my foundation of tf2 friends through staying really late at newbie mixes back in the day. I'd recommend just spending time with people that enjoy your company. Time is valuable, and using it on someone positively can really go a long way. In order to meet these people, backpacking on what everyone else said and just pug/hang out.
i made all my friends from pugging or meeting the occasional pubstompers on skial badwater
Tf2 friends can come from anywhere really, the most important thing is just talking to people. I made most of my tf2 friends by watching streams and being active in chat, talking to both the streamer and other people.
WaldoI always feel as though adding someone without a decent reason would be odd, so there are plenty of people who I consider friends who I don't have added, and it's been long enough that if I add them now it would be awkward.
This is bullshit, I only added you because you were the only other person with enough taste to play ammomod. You jump-mashing asshole.
This is bullshit, I only added you because you were the only other person with enough taste to play ammomod. You jump-mashing asshole.
4812622A great way to make friends is to find a nice community pub, with a comfortable amount of members but not the 50,000 people steam groups that use robots to spam invites. The most touted one I've heard about is Stooge, and I've met a bunch of friends there. It's hard to stumble upon these gems in a sea of quickplay servers, but if you search hard I'm sure you'll find a group of nice people. :>
STAR_ server is a good one
Newbie mixes rip nukey "wo airshot" dog. Taken by our Dota 2 overlords.
Jump on a few pub servers, mge, pugs!! You'll meet nice people, assholes... But there are good players out there who are friendly and like you, looking for a friend!!! Just be active places and they will eventually come to you!!!
Doesn't matter where you get your TF2 fix, as long as you're relatively communicative, and a team player, you can make some friends..
Small servers with good moderators have worked well for me.
Trade server friends are rarely to be trusted though... They're just trying to get into your pants hats.
Sidenote, you can actually find friends IRL and get them to add you on steam. (For me, IRL means Omegle. Don't judge me. I swear I'm popular.)
Small servers with good moderators have worked well for me.
Trade server friends are rarely to be trusted though... They're just trying to get into your [s]pants[/s] hats.
Sidenote, you can actually find friends IRL and get them to add you on steam. (For me, IRL means Omegle. Don't judge me. I swear I'm popular.)