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meatshot 8) vol. 5
3 Frags +
blinKGot to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma!

That's the thing, though. People are more interested in talking about what a bucktoothed basketcase you are instead of trying to get a new league off the ground.

[quote=blinK]Got to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma![/quote]

That's the thing, though. People are more interested in talking about what a bucktoothed basketcase you are instead of trying to get a new league off the ground.
-21 Frags +

BTW, great thread. Sorry to Patrick for speaking the truth and not being a pussy about it unlike many others.

BTW, great thread. Sorry to Patrick for speaking the truth and not being a pussy about it unlike many others.
-18 Frags +
Saberok i've lived in nj/ny all my life and i've never hated jewish people ever

i didn't know that was something hard to do dude.

What part of NY? And I didn't say I hate all JEWISH people as a whole. I said I hate the money hungry, cold hearted pricks who run rampant over here and use our government for things they don't deserve. Whom I call "jews". Sorry if that offends you. I'll just call them bad people from now on. The bad men and women.

[quote=Saber]ok i've lived in nj/ny all my life and i've never hated jewish people ever

i didn't know that was something hard to do dude.[/quote]

What part of NY? And I didn't say I hate all JEWISH people as a whole. I said I hate the money hungry, cold hearted pricks who run rampant over here and use our government for things they don't deserve. Whom I call "jews". Sorry if that offends you. I'll just call them bad people from now on. The bad men and women.
16 Frags +


-11 Frags +
Everyone needs to hop the fuck off lpkane's back... He's done so much for this community, you guys all expect way to fuckin much from him... One of his employees fucked him over and hes trying to fix it. Stop being little bitches and let the man do work! thx lpkane lookin forward to the future of ESEA.

This is what made me post originally. I know someone else actually posted this on the esea forums I just want to make sure nobody actually believes that by any means necessary.

[quote]Everyone needs to hop the fuck off lpkane's back... He's done so much for this community, you guys all expect way to fuckin much from him... One of his employees fucked him over and hes trying to fix it. Stop being little bitches and let the man do work! thx lpkane lookin forward to the future of ESEA.[/quote]

This is what made me post originally. I know someone else actually posted this on the esea forums I just want to make sure nobody actually believes that by any means necessary.
-1 Frags +
shootistWhat the fuck just happened in this thread.
[quote=shootist]What the fuck just happened in this thread.[/quote]
21 Frags +
StPatrickAnd yea, it's just like ripping off a band aid. We just need to do it. LAN isn't a good enough reason to continue playing in the league. There are plenty of lans that would host a tf2 tournament if there was enough interest. If we create our own league we can always just host our own "LAN finals" at a lan that already exists. Buy out the required amount of tickets and make it happen.

I feel like this needs to be seen by everyone that says we need ESEA for LAN purposes.

[quote=StPatrick]And yea, it's just like ripping off a band aid. We just need to do it. LAN isn't a good enough reason to continue playing in the league. There are plenty of lans that would host a tf2 tournament if there was enough interest. If we create our own league we can always just host our own "LAN finals" at a lan that already exists. Buy out the required amount of tickets and make it happen.[/quote]

I feel like this needs to be seen by everyone that says we need ESEA for LAN purposes.
16 Frags +

like how do you even fucking do this omg

everyones all like "yea esea jewing their users, lolol" posting the classic benq image, then this fucking guy just goes straight up mein kampf on this shit

sweet jesus lord

like how do you even fucking do this omg

everyones all like "yea esea jewing their users, lolol" posting the classic benq image, then this fucking guy just goes straight up mein kampf on this shit

sweet jesus lord
4 Frags +

kk, now that blink has cemented himself in his own grave we're back on topic!

also rofl huey.

kk, now that blink has cemented himself in his own grave we're back on topic!

also rofl huey.
12 Frags +
blinKI'll just call them bad people from now on. The bad men and women.

See this is what non-racists do. Even if there were hypothetically a higher concentration of such qualities in Jewish people than not (which to my knowledge there isn't, merely higher standard education and other variables), you can't justify

blinKthe money hungry, cold hearted pricks who run rampant over here and use our government for things they don't deserve. Whom I call "jews".

and deny prejudice simultaneously.

[quote=blinK]I'll just call them bad people from now on. The bad men and women.[/quote]
See this is what non-racists do. Even if there were hypothetically a higher concentration of such qualities in Jewish people than not (which to my knowledge there isn't, merely higher standard education and other variables), you can't justify
[quote=blinK]the money hungry, cold hearted pricks who run rampant over here and use our government for things they don't deserve. [b]Whom I call "jews".[/b][/quote]
and deny prejudice simultaneously.
9 Frags +

I kinda wonder if Valve has any thoughts about this. Yeah I know they have their mind on the dotas and their counter strikes right now but damn if this wouldn't be their chance to step up for the TF community.

e: please don't derail re:anti-semitism, thread.

I kinda wonder if Valve has any thoughts about this. Yeah I know they have their mind on the dotas and their counter strikes right now but damn if this wouldn't be their chance to step up for the TF community.

e: please don't derail re:anti-semitism, thread.
4 Frags +
blinKGot to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma!

Ask anyone who lives in Brooklyn or NYC and their experiences with what i'm talking about. It's not racism i'm far from a racist it's just what I see on a daily where I live. It's disgusting. These guys are no different.

i love on the bk/queens border in williamsburg/maspeth, lots and lots of jews here.

lots and lots of jewish friends here

[quote=blinK]Got to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma!

Ask anyone who lives in Brooklyn or NYC and their experiences with what i'm talking about. It's not racism i'm far from a racist it's just what I see on a daily where I live. It's disgusting. These guys are no different.[/quote] i love on the bk/queens border in williamsburg/maspeth, lots and lots of jews here.

lots and lots of jewish friends here
2 Frags +


12 Frags +
NahanniHello everyone,

I am rushing off to work and have been tossing and turning all night thinking about this issue. I have spoken to all of my teams last night and as a sponsor I am no longer willing to support ESEA. I have had issues with ESEA in the past as a sponsor and those who know me understand what those issues were. I kept going with ESEA to support the community cause that is what we were going with. Now this has sealed the deal for me and I am done.

We have so many amazing people with so many skills and abilities we just need to gather up people and our resources as a community. We have done so many amazing things in the past and I know we can do this if we do it together. I am more then willing to assist in anyway I can. I hope over the years that people trust me personally and AG enough as an organization to assist.

I would like to organize a meeting or a group of people who want to explore the idea of bringing our own league together. Organizing people is one of my greatest skills and I am not willing to give up on this community just because ESEA has finally been proven to be an organization that cannot be trusted.

Please feel free to add me on steam to those of you who are not on my friends list and if I have enough support from the community I am willing to take the lead on organizing the next step. Just let me know if this is what you want.

Focus kiddos, pls.

Hello everyone,

I am rushing off to work and have been tossing and turning all night thinking about this issue. I have spoken to all of my teams last night and as a sponsor I am no longer willing to support ESEA. I have had issues with ESEA in the past as a sponsor and those who know me understand what those issues were. I kept going with ESEA to support the community cause that is what we were going with. Now this has sealed the deal for me and I am done.

We have so many amazing people with so many skills and abilities we just need to gather up people and our resources as a community. We have done so many amazing things in the past and I know we can do this if we do it together. I am more then willing to assist in anyway I can. I hope over the years that people trust me personally and AG enough as an organization to assist.

I would like to organize a meeting or a group of people who want to explore the idea of bringing our own league together. Organizing people is one of my greatest skills and I am not willing to give up on this community just because ESEA has finally been proven to be an organization that cannot be trusted.

Please feel free to add me on steam to those of you who are not on my friends list and if I have enough support from the community I am willing to take the lead on organizing the next step. Just let me know if this is what you want.[/quote]

Focus kiddos, pls.
21 Frags +

Let's get this thread back on track (and show some respect to St.Patrick)


St.Patrick points out that LPKane hasn't said anything of substance. LPKane responds with a 10 year ban for "Malicious Activity" and the words: "you lead the charge, friend".

St.Patrick has been in ESEA since Season 2 of TF2 and is without a doubt a storied veteran of the TF2 community. Shame on LPKane.

Let's get this thread back on track (and show some respect to St.Patrick)


St.Patrick points out that LPKane hasn't said anything of substance. LPKane responds with a 10 year ban for "Malicious Activity" and the words: "you lead the charge, friend".

St.Patrick has been in ESEA since Season 2 of TF2 and is without a doubt a storied veteran of the TF2 community. Shame on LPKane.
-24 Frags +
seanbslyblinKGot to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma!

Ask anyone who lives in Brooklyn or NYC and their experiences with what i'm talking about. It's not racism i'm far from a racist it's just what I see on a daily where I live. It's disgusting. These guys are no different.
i love on the bk/queens border in williamsburg/maspeth, lots and lots of jews here.

lots and lots of jewish friends here

Yeah I have a lot of jewish friends too. I was basically pointing out that ESEA is ran by a bunch of money hungry jewish people. I think I got that across in a bad way. My bad. I also forget sometimes that i'm talking to a bunch of 15 year olds who haven't really witnessed the real world yet. Or older people who seldom leave their home. It is a gaming forum after all.

It's funny how this very important thread can get derailed by one person using the word jew. No wonder we can't get over ESEA. Oh no teh blinkerz said jew everyone jump on him bad bad racist man, move aside evil jewish crooks we have a racist here. Man o mannn.

June must be racist too because he hates mustardoverlord and he's a big jew. Sick em!

[quote=seanbsly][quote=blinK]Got to keep people refreshing their page so something finally gets done about this bullshit league. I nominate pure and enigma!

Ask anyone who lives in Brooklyn or NYC and their experiences with what i'm talking about. It's not racism i'm far from a racist it's just what I see on a daily where I live. It's disgusting. These guys are no different.[/quote] i love on the bk/queens border in williamsburg/maspeth, lots and lots of jews here.

lots and lots of jewish friends here[/quote]

Yeah I have a lot of jewish friends too. I was basically pointing out that ESEA is ran by a bunch of money hungry jewish people. I think I got that across in a bad way. My bad. I also forget sometimes that i'm talking to a bunch of 15 year olds who haven't really witnessed the real world yet. Or older people who seldom leave their home. It is a gaming forum after all.

It's funny how this very important thread can get derailed by one person using the word jew. No wonder we can't get over ESEA. Oh no teh blinkerz said jew everyone jump on him bad bad racist man, move aside evil jewish crooks we have a racist here. Man o mannn.

June must be racist too because he hates mustardoverlord and he's a big jew. Sick em!
11 Frags +
eXtineLet's get this thread back on track (and show some respect to St.Patrick)


St.Patrick points out that LPKane hasn't said anything of substance. LPKane responds with a 10 year ban for "Malicious Activity" and the words: "you lead the charge, friend".

St.Patrick has been in ESEA since Season 2 of TF2 and is without a doubt a storied veteran of the TF2 community. Shame on LPKane.

Yep, this is my argument exactly. If you can ban someone for basically "life" online because they made ONE post disagreeing with your policies and it's considered OKAY, we're basically in the age of internet censorship. Pat's been involved (therefore paid a LOT of fucking money) with ESEA for a long time. It's just unacceptable to me.

[quote=eXtine]Let's get this thread back on track (and show some respect to St.Patrick)


St.Patrick points out that LPKane hasn't said anything of substance. LPKane responds with a 10 year ban for "Malicious Activity" and the words: "you lead the charge, friend".

St.Patrick has been in ESEA since Season 2 of TF2 and is without a doubt a storied veteran of the TF2 community. Shame on LPKane.[/quote]

Yep, this is my argument exactly. If you can ban someone for basically "life" online because they made ONE post disagreeing with your policies and it's considered OKAY, we're basically in the age of internet censorship. Pat's been involved (therefore paid a LOT of fucking money) with ESEA for a long time. It's just unacceptable to me.
cp_process, cp_metalworks
18 Frags +

I was promised frag video.

I got racism instead.

What the fuck, wheeeerre IS FRAG VIDEO???

I was promised frag video.

I got racism instead.

What the fuck, wheeeerre IS FRAG VIDEO???
19 Frags +
blinKJune must be racist too because he hates mustardoverlord and he's a big jew. Sick em!

dude you are off your fucking rocker

[quote=blinK]June must be racist too because he hates mustardoverlord and he's a big jew. Sick em![/quote]

dude you are off your fucking rocker
46 Frags +

jews did 9/11

jews did 9/11
29 Frags +

1. shoutout to nj tf2 players
2. someone ban blink for not following the forum rules and guidelines.
"No racism or bigotry is allowed."

1. shoutout to nj tf2 players
2. someone ban blink for not following the forum rules and guidelines.
"No racism or bigotry is allowed."
-24 Frags +

Lol June if you think I am being serious then you are off your rocker.

Lol June if you think I am being serious then you are off your rocker.
22 Frags +
blinKI also forget sometimes that i'm talking to a bunch of 15 year olds who haven't really witnessed the real world yet. Or older people who seldom leave their home. It is a gaming forum after all.

so do the money hungry jews all hang out at LA fitness then or what I'm confused here dude

[quote=blinK]I also forget sometimes that i'm talking to a bunch of 15 year olds who haven't really witnessed the real world yet. Or older people who seldom leave their home. It is a gaming forum after all.[/quote]

so do the money hungry jews all hang out at LA fitness then or what I'm confused here dude
-28 Frags +

Pretty much in NY/NJ. So cheap. Then they try to use their EBT cards to get reimbursed for membership while they drive off in their Mercedes.

Or they conspire plans for car accidents so they can use their russian chiropractor to get paid off. Always a deal to be had !

You guys are getting me wrong. There's a difference between a white person and a crack addict white disgrace. Just as there is with a good african man and a n word. And the same goes for every other race there is. Relax. ESEA is the enemy here not me. I'm just a disgruntled ginny from NY. Stop giving me so much attention! Same team, man. Also June when are you making your come back? The amount of time you sit posting on these forums you could play for 4 different teams.

Pretty much in NY/NJ. So cheap. Then they try to use their EBT cards to get reimbursed for membership while they drive off in their Mercedes.

Or they conspire plans for car accidents so they can use their russian chiropractor to get paid off. Always a deal to be had !

You guys are getting me wrong. There's a difference between a white person and a crack addict white disgrace. Just as there is with a good african man and a n word. And the same goes for every other race there is. Relax. ESEA is the enemy here not me. I'm just a disgruntled ginny from NY. Stop giving me so much attention! Same team, man. Also June when are you making your come back? The amount of time you sit posting on these forums you could play for 4 different teams.
3 Frags +
pharaoh__1. shoutout to nj tf2 players
2. someone ban blink for not following the forum rules and guidelines.
"No racism or bigotry is allowed."

we can only ban him if he is mean towards LPKane

[quote=pharaoh__]1. shoutout to nj tf2 players
2. someone ban blink for not following the forum rules and guidelines.
"No racism or bigotry is allowed."[/quote]

we can only ban him if he is mean towards LPKane
33 Frags +

If blink isn't banned, I'm going back to natf2.com.

If blink isn't banned, I'm going back to natf2.com.
13 Frags +
blinKPretty much in NY/NJ. So cheap. Then they try to use their EBT cards to get reimbursed for membership while they drive off in their Mercedes.

Or they conspire plans for car accidents so they can use their russian chiropractor to get paid off. Always a deal to be had !

You guys are getting me wrong. There's a difference between a white person and a crack addict white disgrace. Just as there is with a good african man and a n word. And the same goes for every other race there is. Relax. ESEA is the enemy here not me. I'm just a disgruntled ginny from NY. Stop giving me so much attention!

Bro, take a break. Just, take a break for a bit.

[quote=blinK]Pretty much in NY/NJ. So cheap. Then they try to use their EBT cards to get reimbursed for membership while they drive off in their Mercedes.

Or they conspire plans for car accidents so they can use their russian chiropractor to get paid off. Always a deal to be had !

You guys are getting me wrong. There's a difference between a white person and a crack addict white disgrace. Just as there is with a good african man and a n word. And the same goes for every other race there is. Relax. ESEA is the enemy here not me. I'm just a disgruntled ginny from NY. Stop giving me so much attention![/quote]

Bro, take a break. Just, take a break for a bit.
26 Frags +

after all that racism im surprised you said "n word"

after all that racism im surprised you said "n word"
14 Frags +
ESEA is the enemy here not me. ... Stop giving me so much attention!

stop posting?

[quote]ESEA is the enemy here not me. ... Stop giving me so much attention![/quote]
stop posting?
36 Frags +

As the Premiership Ambassador I would just like to say to North America please don't even consider joining ETF2L. Use this as the impetus to make a good league instead. Channel this energy you got right now and go big.

As the Premiership Ambassador I would just like to say to North America please don't even consider joining ETF2L. Use this as the impetus to make a [i]good[/i] league instead. Channel this energy you got right now and go big.
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