Is this a real program? Maybe I've missed out, but what exact function does the kissing have in this context?
apparantly I'm too stupid to realise this was fake
donttouchmyfrogapparantly I'm too stupid to realise this was fake
( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
I love how there's not a single scene of cop kissing a woman. That's precise presentation.
they kissed me when i was walking back from school. It's because i'm black
This has been all over my facebook, and it's great. However, stop and frisk is getting out of control. It happened to me once, cop called me an asshole who deserved to be arrested, all for waiting around at the local park after the last day of school with a couple of friends (for my buddies to get out). I got a summons for being in a playground without a child(i was 16 at the time), but would have been taken in for pedophilia or some shit if I hadn't threatened to file a complaint or there hadn't been a nice 30 something year old right behind the cop who was reading the paper, heard everything, and came over to stop the madness.
i <3 ny
tl;dr i got frisked for drugs and stuff while i was sitting down on a bench with friends
i <3 ny
tl;dr i got frisked for drugs and stuff while i was sitting down on a bench with friends
beaslyI got a summons for being in a playground without a child(i was 16 at the time)
wait being in a playground without a small child is a crime?
wait being in a playground without a small child is a crime?
i lost it at "this is what post 9/11 police work looks like"
StewybeaslyI got a summons for being in a playground without a child(i was 16 at the time)
wait being in a playground without a small child is a crime?
i didn't know either= but apparently it IS on all NYC park rule signs
wait being in a playground without a small child is a crime?[/quote] i didn't know either= but apparently it IS on all NYC park rule signs
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