[quote=Auburn]This is Max
Oh. My. God. Yiss.
Say hello to Suculento (Yes, that means Succulent in english. I love giving names to pets)
Say hello to Suculento (Yes, that means Succulent in english. I love giving names to pets)
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/46877_114254341961984_4890415_n.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xB36K7ih.jpg[/img]
Best friends forever
hobbes grew up in my room from a kitten. she and our 13 year old beagle are definitely closest to me.
our 2 other cats have always been closer to my sister, but are still open to cuddles from anybody
our older flemish giant, peter, has passed, but in his absence we've adopted a (unknowingly) pregnant rabbit, rosie, who quickly gave birth to 4 beautiful boys.
pictured beside peter is bunko, our lab teacher's guinea pig we give shelter to over the holidays
only pippin, frodo, and merry (3 out of 5)
here's sam and rosie (they're ironically close)
and here's the rest! http://imgur.com/a/tAx7p
hobbes grew up in my room from a kitten. she and our 13 year old beagle are definitely closest to me.
our 2 other cats have always been closer to my sister, but are still open to cuddles from anybody
our older flemish giant, peter, has passed, but in his absence we've adopted a (unknowingly) pregnant rabbit, rosie, who quickly gave birth to 4 beautiful boys.
pictured beside peter is bunko, our lab teacher's guinea pig we give shelter to over the holidays
[img]http://i.imgur.com/k0NT07d.jpg[/img] only pippin, frodo, and merry (3 out of 5)
[img]http://i.imgur.com/qQDvFG6.jpg[/img] here's sam and rosie (they're ironically close)
and here's the rest! http://imgur.com/a/tAx7p
bonus pic of merry: [img]http://i.imgur.com/h2KquYX.jpg[/img]
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattertea/10783889565/]Pedro[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/mattertea/]mattertea[/url], on Flickr
This is George.
His name is Cosmo.
This is Skittles.
Last year ish
Her name's Lily
Couple new photos and our new dog. New picture of Kita
Newest Dog, Pearl
Kita and Sephiroth
Meet Rocky!
my pet goat
I wish I was as cool as your goat.
I wish I was as cool as your goat.
Hora and Diz
the dangerous duo
This is my girlfriend's cat Tigger, and he is lazy.
This is my girlfriend's cat Tigger, and he is lazy.
as requested
this is thor