Mumble overlay doesn't show up when I'm playing TF2 (and other games)
It worked once, but i dont remember when it stopped and i kinda just put up with it back then.
Yeah i know that was retarded, but pointing that out wont help me :U
BUT (!!!) it works when i am playing Starbound in OpenGL-mode!
System Information:
Windows 8 Pro 64bit
DirectX 11
Nvidia GeForce GT 650M
Driver Version 335.23
I am currently using the 1.2.6 version of mumble.
I had this problem even before upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8
I sadly dont have a CR-monitor, so lightboost is not the issue.
I always start mumble before launching the game ofc.
To fix this issue, i tried to apply all of the following "fixes" at least once
-Tried full screen / windowed
-Tried switching to dxlevel 81 and dxlevel 95
-Tried using the launch command -nod3d9ex
-Tried reinstalling mumble
-Tried updating mumble from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
-Tried snapshot versions of mumble
-Tried downgrading mumble to older versions
-Tried deleting C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\Mumble folder
-Tried removing mat_antialias from my cfg
-Tried removing mat_aaquality from my cfg
-Tried loading up original overlay skin
-Tried loading up other overlay skins
-Tried adding HL2.exe to whitelist
-Tried removing every application from blacklist
-Tried adding hl2.exe to the whitelist
-Tried updating graphic drivers
-Tried starting TF2 without any custom files (launchoptions, cfg, hud etc)
-Tried replacing my mumble_ol.dll
-Tried uninstalling Nvidia Gforce Experience
-Tried uninstalling Intel Graphics Drivers
-Tried uninstalling Java 64bit and installing Java 32bit
-Tried completely disabling User Account Control(UAC)
-Tried running mumble on the true Administrator Account (in combination with all of the things listed above)
I pretty much tried every fix i could find online, including everything i found in this thread:
Pls help me :'C
Mumble overlay doesn't show up when I'm playing TF2 (and other games)
It worked once, but i dont remember when it stopped and i kinda just put up with it back then.
Yeah i know that was retarded, but pointing that out wont help me :U
BUT (!!!) it works when i am playing Starbound in OpenGL-mode!
System Information:
Windows 8 Pro 64bit
DirectX 11
Nvidia GeForce GT 650M
Driver Version 335.23
I am currently using the 1.2.6 version of mumble.
I had this problem even before upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8
I sadly dont have a CR-monitor, so lightboost is not the issue.
I always start mumble before launching the game ofc.
To fix this issue, i tried to apply all of the following "fixes" at least once
-Tried full screen / windowed
-Tried switching to dxlevel 81 and dxlevel 95
-Tried using the launch command -nod3d9ex
-Tried reinstalling mumble
-Tried updating mumble from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
-Tried snapshot versions of mumble
-Tried downgrading mumble to older versions
-Tried deleting C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\Mumble folder
-Tried removing mat_antialias from my cfg
-Tried removing mat_aaquality from my cfg
-Tried loading up original overlay skin
-Tried loading up other overlay skins
-Tried adding HL2.exe to whitelist
-Tried removing every application from blacklist
-Tried adding hl2.exe to the whitelist[s][/s]
-Tried updating graphic drivers
-Tried starting TF2 without any custom files (launchoptions, cfg, hud etc)
-Tried replacing my mumble_ol.dll
-Tried uninstalling Nvidia Gforce Experience
-Tried uninstalling Intel Graphics Drivers
-Tried uninstalling Java 64bit and installing Java 32bit
-Tried completely disabling User Account Control(UAC)
-Tried running mumble on the true Administrator Account (in combination with all of the things listed above)
I pretty much tried every fix i could find online, including everything i found in this thread:
Pls help me :'C
I just had this problem, I went straight to the snapshot download and it seemed to fix it. Try that?
EDIT: I can't read
I just had this problem, I went straight to the snapshot download and it seemed to fix it. Try that?
EDIT: I can't read
newest Nvidia GeForce Update (337.88 Driver) (clean install) fixed it ;_;
newest Nvidia GeForce Update (337.88 Driver) (clean install) fixed it ;_;