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posted in Customization
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Probably worth saying now -- I don't know how often I'll post updates here just because I don't want to annoy people with them, so I'll likely do most of my updating in the steam group. :>

Screenshots: As of v1.0.3: http://imgur.com/a/pFLrC
Old: http://imgur.com/a/fei6l
Download: https://github.com/WhiskerBiscuit/budhud
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/budhud

I've been working on a hud off/on for a few months now, and since there were at least a few people who wanted me to "officially" release it I figured I could :D

I'm very open to criticism, although some things could come down to preference. I'm still looking for any bugs/issues with the hud on other resolutions (or when the 6v6 scoreboard is enabled). The hud should work on all 16:9, 16:10, and 4:3 resolutions. To the best of my belief I've fixed all resolution issues, but I'll fix any others that are found.

The hud isn't mac-compatible at the moment unfortunately, but that's something I'm looking to do.

Thanks to rays, flatline and whayay for helping me when I got stuck and letting me steal some elements of their huds :)

Edit: Also, very possible I could be missing important screenshots of things, so let me know if I am

Probably worth saying now -- I don't know how often I'll post updates here just because I don't want to annoy people with them, so I'll likely do most of my updating in the steam group. :>

Screenshots: As of v1.0.3: http://imgur.com/a/pFLrC
Old: http://imgur.com/a/fei6l
Download: https://github.com/WhiskerBiscuit/budhud
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/budhud

I've been working on a hud off/on for a few months now, and since there were at least a few people who wanted me to "officially" release it I figured I could :D

I'm very open to criticism, although some things could come down to preference. I'm still looking for any bugs/issues with the hud on other resolutions (or when the 6v6 scoreboard is enabled). The hud [i]should[/i] work on all 16:9, 16:10, and 4:3 resolutions. To the best of my belief I've fixed all resolution issues, but I'll fix any others that are found.

The hud isn't mac-compatible at the moment unfortunately, but that's something I'm looking to do.

Thanks to rays, flatline and whayay for helping me when I got stuck and letting me steal some elements of their huds :)

Edit: Also, very possible I could be missing important screenshots of things, so let me know if I am
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oh wow you made a lot of progress

looks good man


oh wow you made a lot of progress

looks good man
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i really like the scoreboard and orange color scheme

i really like the scoreboard and orange color scheme
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love it

love it
2 Frags +

nicely done, I like the spacing on things, although I'm not really one for this color scheme or main font
good job though!

nicely done, I like the spacing on things, although I'm not really one for this color scheme or main font
good job though!
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This looks amazing, boom

This looks amazing, boom
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whisker biscuit has done multiple things right in his life, this is probably one of those things

whisker biscuit has done multiple things right in his life, this is probably one of those things
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Looks sweet

Looks sweet
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you can order the deluxe edition for U$9.99


you can order the deluxe edition for U$9.99

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do all the buds use this hud?

do all the buds use this hud?
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powahyou can order the deluxe edition for U$9.99


Please powah, can you give us the download link to that awesome background?

[quote=powah]you can order the deluxe edition for U$9.99


Please powah, can you give us the download link to that awesome background?
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The scoreboard looks so clean :O

The scoreboard looks so clean :O
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Here here budhud.huds.tf

Here here [url=http://budhud.huds.tf]budhud.huds.tf[/url]
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omniHere here budhud.huds.tf

ty omni! <3

[quote=omni]Here here [url=http://budhud.huds.tf]budhud.huds.tf[/url][/quote]
ty omni! <3
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Sick Hud, Bud.

Sick Hud, Bud.
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I'm working on a Mac version right now, hopefully done soon.

I'm working on a Mac version right now, hopefully done soon.
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great hud whisker, i´d personally add dropshadows to the damage numbers but that may just be me.
really diggin the orange color scheme

great hud whisker, i´d personally add dropshadows to the damage numbers but that may just be me.
really diggin the orange color scheme
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The ubercharge meter is out of place compared to the ammo on 4:3

huh, that's weird; I fixed the ubercharge % but not sure why the ubercharge meter is off-centered. On my end that bits fine.

I'll update it on github, but if you want to download just the one file instead of re-downloading everything here it is (and it goes in resource\ui).

The one thing I'm really not sure how to fix is how my hud/the font looks on 800 x 600 and lower; I'm not sure if I'm sort of screwed in that regard due to the font or if any hud makers know of a way to alleviate this other than upping the font size for smaller resolutions.

hrOgreat hud whisker, i´d personally add dropshadows to the damage numbers but that may just be me.
really diggin the orange color scheme

I'll definitely do that if I can figure it out; I feel like I tried before but ran into some issues.

The ubercharge meter is out of place compared to the ammo on 4:3[/quote]
huh, that's weird; I fixed the ubercharge % but not sure why the ubercharge meter is off-centered. On my end that bits fine.

I'll update it on github, but if you want to download just the one file instead of re-downloading everything [url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/cug5a1o2g9tsxop/hudmediccharge.res]here[/url] it is (and it goes in resource\ui).

The one thing I'm really not sure how to fix is how my hud/the font looks on 800 x 600 and lower; I'm not sure if I'm sort of screwed in that regard due to the font or if any hud makers know of a way to alleviate this other than upping the font size for smaller resolutions.

[quote=hrO]great hud whisker, i´d personally add dropshadows to the damage numbers but that may just be me.
really diggin the orange color scheme[/quote]
I'll definitely do that if I can figure it out; I feel like I tried before but ran into some issues.
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looks hella swell!!!

looks hella swell!!!
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Perfect! :3

Perfect! :3
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the hud looks awesome but i noticed a few things missing, it doesn't how many crits you have when you use the diamondback and it doesn't show how many heads you have with the bazaar bargain.

the hud looks awesome but i noticed a few things missing, it doesn't how many crits you have when you use the diamondback and it doesn't show how many heads you have with the bazaar bargain.
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if it isn't too much trouble, could you help me with something?

if it isn't too much trouble, could you help me with something?
7 Frags +
sendif it isn't too much trouble, could you help me with something?

this is a forum, not a chat channel, just ask the question

[quote=send]if it isn't too much trouble, could you help me with something?[/quote]
this is a forum, not a chat channel, just ask the question
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https://gyazo.com/16be4ef534a2fd9b10da6767c900c8fc why is this happening?

https://gyazo.com/16be4ef534a2fd9b10da6767c900c8fc why is this happening?
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sendhttps://gyazo.com/16be4ef534a2fd9b10da6767c900c8fc why is this happening?

go here my man, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/budhud

[quote=send]https://gyazo.com/16be4ef534a2fd9b10da6767c900c8fc why is this happening?[/quote]
go here my man, http://steamcommunity.com/groups/budhud
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