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Crashing Backpack Fix
posted in Customization
0 Frags +

UPDATE: Apparently Valve fixed it. Good on them. I'll keep this anyway for reference.

I know I already posted this in the Update thread but this'll probably be easier to find let's be honest.

(This is from the default backpack)
Open resource/ui/econ/backpackpanel.res


"page_button_height" "13"

And paste this underneath

			"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
			"wide"			"10"
			"tall"			"10"
			"visible"		"0"
			"bgcolor_override"		"0 0 0 0"
			"noitem_textcolor"		"117 107 94 255"
			"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
			"paintborder"	"1"

				"fieldName"		"Button"
				"ControlName"	"CExButton"
				"wide"			"25"
				"tall"			"13"
				"visible"		"1"
				"bgcolor_override"		"0 0 0 0"
				"noitem_textcolor"		"117 107 94 255"
				"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
				"paintborder"	"1"
				"textAlignment"	"center"
				"labelText"		"%page%"
				"font"				"HudFontSmallestBold"
				"sound_depressed"	"UI/buttonclick.wav"
				"sound_released"	"UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

				"ControlName"	"CExLabel"
				"fieldName"		"New"
				"font"			"FontStorePrice"
				"textAlignment"	"east"
				"ypos"			"0"
				"xpos"			"0"
				"zpos"			"0"
				"wide"			"f1"
				"tall"			"f-3"
				"textinsetx"	"8"
				"autoResize"	"1"
				"pinCorner"		"0"	
				"visible"		"0"
				"enabled"		"1"
				"labelText"		"#Store_Price_New"
				"mouseinputenabled" "0"
				"paintbackground"	"0"
				"proportionaltoparent"	"1"
				"border"		"StoreNewBorder"
				"fgcolor"		"10 10 10 255"

Then, in the same file, inside "modelpanels_kv" find

				"use_item_rendertarget" "0"
				"allow_rot"				"0"

Paste underneath

				"ControlName"	"CExLabel"
				"fieldName"		"New"
				"font"			"FontStorePrice"
				"textAlignment"	"east"
				"xpos"			"rs1"
				"zpos"			"15"
				"wide"			"25"
				"tall"			"12"
				"textinsetx"	"8"
				"autoResize"	"1"
				"pinCorner"		"0"	
				"visible"		"0"
				"enabled"		"1"
				"labelText"		"#Store_Price_New"
				"mouseinputenabled" "0"
				"paintbackground"	"0"
				"proportionaltoparent"	"1"
				"border"		"StoreNewBorder"
				"fgcolor"		"10 10 10 255"


		"ControlName"	"Frame"
		"fieldName"		"backpack_panel"
		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"0"
		"wide"			"f0"
		"autoResize"	"0"
		"pinCorner"		"0"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"tabPosition"	"0"
		"settitlebarvisible"	"0"
		"PaintBackgroundType"	"0"
		"bgcolor_override"	"46 43 42 255"
		"infocus_bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255"
		"outoffocus_bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255"

		"item_xpos_offcenter_a"	"-310"
		"item_xpos_offcenter_b"	"165"
		"item_ypos"		"60"
		"item_ydelta"	"80"
		"item_mod_wide"	"40"

		"item_backpack_offcenter_x"		"-288"
		"item_backpack_xdelta"			"4"
		"item_backpack_ydelta"			"3"

		"button_xpos_offcenter"	"175"		
		"button_ypos"	"85"
		"button_ydelta"	"80"
		"button_override_delete_xpos" "0"

		"page_button_y"	"288"
		"page_button_x_delta" "3"
		"page_button_y_delta" "3"
		"page_button_per_row" "20"
		"page_button_height" "13"

			"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
			"wide"			"10"
			"tall"			"10"
			"visible"		"0"
			"bgcolor_override"		"0 0 0 0"
			"noitem_textcolor"		"117 107 94 255"
			"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
			"paintborder"	"1"

				"fieldName"		"Button"
				"ControlName"	"CExButton"
				"wide"			"25"
				"tall"			"13"
				"visible"		"1"
				"bgcolor_override"		"0 0 0 0"
				"noitem_textcolor"		"117 107 94 255"
				"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
				"paintborder"	"1"
				"textAlignment"	"center"
				"labelText"		"%page%"
				"font"				"HudFontSmallestBold"
				"sound_depressed"	"UI/buttonclick.wav"
				"sound_released"	"UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

				"ControlName"	"CExLabel"
				"fieldName"		"New"
				"font"			"FontStorePrice"
				"textAlignment"	"east"
				"ypos"			"0"
				"xpos"			"0"
				"zpos"			"0"
				"wide"			"f1"
				"tall"			"f-3"
				"textinsetx"	"8"
				"autoResize"	"1"
				"pinCorner"		"0"	
				"visible"		"0"
				"enabled"		"1"
				"labelText"		"#Store_Price_New"
				"mouseinputenabled" "0"
				"paintbackground"	"0"
				"proportionaltoparent"	"1"
				"border"		"StoreNewBorder"
				"fgcolor"		"10 10 10 255"

			"ControlName"	"CItemModelPanel"
			"xpos"			"c-70"
			"ypos"			"270"
			"wide"			"54"
			"tall"			"42"
			"visible"		"0"
			"bgcolor_override"		"0 0 0 0"
			"noitem_textcolor"		"117 107 94 255"
			"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
			"paintborder"	"1"

			"model_xpos"	"2"
			"model_ypos"	"5"
			"model_wide"	"50"
			"model_tall"	"35"
			"text_ypos"		"60"
			"text_center"	"1"
			"name_only"		"1"

			"inset_eq_x"	"2"
			"inset_eq_y"	"2"

			"deferred_description"	"1"
			"deferred_icon"			"1"

				"use_item_rendertarget" "0"
				"allow_rot"				"0"

				"ControlName"	"CExLabel"
				"fieldName"		"New"
				"font"			"FontStorePrice"
				"textAlignment"	"east"
				"xpos"			"rs1"
				"zpos"			"15"
				"wide"			"25"
				"tall"			"12"
				"textinsetx"	"8"
				"autoResize"	"1"
				"pinCorner"		"0"	
				"visible"		"0"
				"enabled"		"1"
				"labelText"		"#Store_Price_New"
				"mouseinputenabled" "0"
				"paintbackground"	"0"
				"proportionaltoparent"	"1"
				"border"		"StoreNewBorder"
				"fgcolor"		"10 10 10 255"

			"use_item_sounds"	"1"

Make sure to properly marginalize this in your files apparently TFTV doesn't display that very well. Here it is with proper formatting

Get to it HUD Devs, no fix within a week and your HUD is straight off of huds.tf

[b]UPDATE:[/b] Apparently Valve fixed it. Good on them. I'll keep this anyway for reference.

I know I already posted this in the Update thread but this'll probably be easier to find let's be honest.

(This is from the default backpack)
Open resource/ui/econ/backpackpanel.res

[code]"page_button_height" "13"[/code]
And paste this underneath
"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"wide" "10"
"tall" "10"
"visible" "0"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"noitem_textcolor" "117 107 94 255"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"paintborder" "1"

"fieldName" "Button"
"ControlName" "CExButton"
"wide" "25"
"tall" "13"
"visible" "1"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"noitem_textcolor" "117 107 94 255"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"paintborder" "1"
"textAlignment" "center"
"labelText" "%page%"
"font" "HudFontSmallestBold"
"sound_depressed" "UI/buttonclick.wav"
"sound_released" "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "New"
"font" "FontStorePrice"
"textAlignment" "east"
"ypos" "0"
"xpos" "0"
"zpos" "0"
"wide" "f1"
"tall" "f-3"
"textinsetx" "8"
"autoResize" "1"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "#Store_Price_New"
"mouseinputenabled" "0"
"paintbackground" "0"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"border" "StoreNewBorder"
"fgcolor" "10 10 10 255"

Then, in the same file, inside "modelpanels_kv" find
"use_item_rendertarget" "0"
"allow_rot" "0"
Paste underneath
"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "New"
"font" "FontStorePrice"
"textAlignment" "east"
"xpos" "rs1"
"zpos" "15"
"wide" "25"
"tall" "12"
"textinsetx" "8"
"autoResize" "1"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "#Store_Price_New"
"mouseinputenabled" "0"
"paintbackground" "0"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"border" "StoreNewBorder"
"fgcolor" "10 10 10 255"

"ControlName" "Frame"
"fieldName" "backpack_panel"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"wide" "f0"
"autoResize" "0"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"tabPosition" "0"
"settitlebarvisible" "0"
"PaintBackgroundType" "0"
"bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255"
"infocus_bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255"
"outoffocus_bgcolor_override" "46 43 42 255"

"item_xpos_offcenter_a" "-310"
"item_xpos_offcenter_b" "165"
"item_ypos" "60"
"item_ydelta" "80"
"item_mod_wide" "40"

"item_backpack_offcenter_x" "-288"
"item_backpack_xdelta" "4"
"item_backpack_ydelta" "3"

"button_xpos_offcenter" "175"
"button_ypos" "85"
"button_ydelta" "80"
"button_override_delete_xpos" "0"

"page_button_y" "288"
"page_button_x_delta" "3"
"page_button_y_delta" "3"
"page_button_per_row" "20"
"page_button_height" "13"

"ControlName" "EditablePanel"
"wide" "10"
"tall" "10"
"visible" "0"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"noitem_textcolor" "117 107 94 255"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"paintborder" "1"

"fieldName" "Button"
"ControlName" "CExButton"
"wide" "25"
"tall" "13"
"visible" "1"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"noitem_textcolor" "117 107 94 255"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"paintborder" "1"
"textAlignment" "center"
"labelText" "%page%"
"font" "HudFontSmallestBold"
"sound_depressed" "UI/buttonclick.wav"
"sound_released" "UI/buttonclickrelease.wav"

"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "New"
"font" "FontStorePrice"
"textAlignment" "east"
"ypos" "0"
"xpos" "0"
"zpos" "0"
"wide" "f1"
"tall" "f-3"
"textinsetx" "8"
"autoResize" "1"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "#Store_Price_New"
"mouseinputenabled" "0"
"paintbackground" "0"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"border" "StoreNewBorder"
"fgcolor" "10 10 10 255"

"ControlName" "CItemModelPanel"
"xpos" "c-70"
"ypos" "270"
"wide" "54"
"tall" "42"
"visible" "0"
"bgcolor_override" "0 0 0 0"
"noitem_textcolor" "117 107 94 255"
"PaintBackgroundType" "2"
"paintborder" "1"

"model_xpos" "2"
"model_ypos" "5"
"model_wide" "50"
"model_tall" "35"
"text_ypos" "60"
"text_center" "1"
"name_only" "1"

"inset_eq_x" "2"
"inset_eq_y" "2"

"deferred_description" "1"
"deferred_icon" "1"

"use_item_rendertarget" "0"
"allow_rot" "0"

"ControlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "New"
"font" "FontStorePrice"
"textAlignment" "east"
"xpos" "rs1"
"zpos" "15"
"wide" "25"
"tall" "12"
"textinsetx" "8"
"autoResize" "1"
"pinCorner" "0"
"visible" "0"
"enabled" "1"
"labelText" "#Store_Price_New"
"mouseinputenabled" "0"
"paintbackground" "0"
"proportionaltoparent" "1"
"border" "StoreNewBorder"
"fgcolor" "10 10 10 255"

"use_item_sounds" "1"

Make sure to properly marginalize this in your files apparently TFTV doesn't display that very well. [url=http://pastebin.com/YsYj3f0j]Here it is with proper formatting[/url]

Get to it HUD Devs, no fix within a week and your HUD is straight off of huds.tf
2 Frags +

Thanks for this, fixed ahud. I would upload it for others, but I'll wait for the creator to fix it.

Thanks for this, fixed ahud. I would upload it for others, but I'll wait for the creator to fix it.
2 Frags +

If you unfortunately use Reddit like I unfortunately do, upvote this noise so all those kids can stop being upset

If you unfortunately use Reddit like I unfortunately do, [url=http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/2hgz5o/i_made_a_quick_small_guide_on_how_to_fix_custom/]upvote this noise[/url] so all those kids can stop being upset
0 Frags +

for reference my hud works already so pls no remove

for reference my hud works already so pls no remove
0 Frags +

Any news on how to fix the backpack item highlight/border?

EDIT: Or is that even a new feature or something?

Any news on how to fix the backpack item highlight/border?

EDIT: Or is that even a new feature or something?
0 Frags +
wareyafor reference my hud works already so pls no remove

Noted, thanks.

redd0tAny news on how to fix the backpack item highlight/border?

EDIT: Or is that even a new feature or something?

Apparently the default HUD does this as well. New feature, I guess.

[quote=wareya]for reference my hud works already so pls no remove[/quote]
Noted, thanks.

[quote=redd0t]Any news on how to fix the backpack item highlight/border?

EDIT: Or is that even a new feature or something?[/quote]
Apparently the default HUD does this as well. New feature, I guess.
0 Frags +

to make it easier for everyone, here is a paste of what omni said


to make it easier for everyone, here is a paste of what omni said

0 Frags +
VoltThanks for this, fixed ahud. I would upload it for others, but I'll wait for the creator to fix it.

I've fixed it and updated the github repo. Thanks omni!

[quote=Volt]Thanks for this, fixed ahud. I would upload it for others, but I'll wait for the creator to fix it.[/quote]

I've fixed it and updated the github repo. Thanks omni!
2 Frags +

rumor has it that it may be fixed:

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

    Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files


rumor has it that it may be fixed:

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

[list]Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files[/list]

1 Frags +

They just updated TF2 itself to fix this.

Edit: 20 seconds.

They just updated TF2 itself to fix this.

Edit: 20 seconds.
2 Frags +

They fix the crash alright! :P


EDIT: Welp restarting twice fix it...

They fix the crash alright! :P


EDIT: Welp restarting twice fix it...
0 Frags +

So no fixing is needed for this update? The "New!" text integrates without editing?

So no fixing is needed for this update? The "New!" text integrates without editing?
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