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VictorWhere is the percentage for the karts during the minigames?

That never popped up for me when I did the kart minigames, I'll have to take a look.

edit: patched

[quote=Victor]Where is the percentage for the karts during the minigames?
That never popped up for me when I did the kart minigames, I'll have to take a look.

edit: patched
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flatlineWhat do you mean "the old stuff"?

I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)

[quote=flatline]What do you mean "the old stuff"?[/quote]
I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)
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404_name_not_foundflatlineWhat do you mean "the old stuff"?I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)

I have 100 posts per page so I only have five pages on this thread.

And I can't find the post you're talking about.

[quote=404_name_not_found][quote=flatline]What do you mean "the old stuff"?[/quote]
I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)[/quote]
I have 100 posts per page so I only have five pages on this thread.

And I can't find the post you're talking about.
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flatline404_name_not_foundflatlineWhat do you mean "the old stuff"?I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)I have 100 posts per page so I only have five pages on this thread.

And I can't find the post you're talking about.

404_name_not_foundYo Flatline!

I have the custom server box now, but I have this problem where the fancy sign and design for the in-game messages go missing. I think this is because of the mainmenuoverride.res but I don't know how to fix it.
I have reinstalled the HUD and it worked fine again.

Here a some screenshots of what I mean:
The standard message sign
The standard message design

So it messes up somewhere..


I think this is what he's talking about.

[quote=flatline][quote=404_name_not_found][quote=flatline]What do you mean "the old stuff"?[/quote]
I posted not too long ago about the same problem, I think it is at the top of page 15 ;)[/quote]
I have 100 posts per page so I only have five pages on this thread.

And I can't find the post you're talking about.[/quote] [quote=404_name_not_found]Yo Flatline!

I have the custom server box now, but I have this problem where the fancy sign and design for the in-game messages go missing. I think this is because of the mainmenuoverride.res but I don't know how to fix it.
I have reinstalled the HUD and it worked fine again.

Here a some screenshots of what I mean:
[url=http://i.imgur.com/XsFE6bb.jpg]The standard message sign[/url]
[url=http://i.imgur.com/LcPUHGd.jpg]The standard message design[/url]

So it messes up somewhere..

I think this is what he's talking about.
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But that's in his screenshot.

But that's in his screenshot.
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flatlineBut that's in his screenshot.

I really don't get your problem Flatline.. What isn't clear about my problem, I'll try and explain it to you.

[quote=flatline]But that's in his screenshot.[/quote]
I really don't get your problem Flatline.. What isn't clear about my problem, I'll try and explain it to you.
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I don't know what you mean by "the old stuff". That's incredibly vague.

I don't know what you mean by "the old stuff". That's incredibly vague.
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I've actually sat here for a while trying to figure out exactly what "sign" and "design" he's talking about.

I've actually sat here for a while trying to figure out exactly what "sign" and "design" he's talking about.
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I think he means the motd popup but it's fine in the picture he gave me.

I think he means the motd popup but it's fine in the picture he gave me.
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I don't know if this is related to what you're talking about, but I have this problem with my messages where the box in the HUD is the wrong size (the button) and the message itself slightly hides the "x" in the corner. It's been present for a considerable amount of time (maybe before 2.0?) but I never reported it until now because it wasn't game-breaking.



I don't know if this is related to what you're talking about, but I have this problem with my messages where the box in the HUD is the wrong size (the button) and the message itself slightly hides the "x" in the corner. It's been present for a considerable amount of time (maybe before 2.0?) but I never reported it until now because it wasn't game-breaking.


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Looks like all your fonts are slightly clipping as well (demoui/console). Are you on a mac perhaps?

If you aren't, I notice several people with that problem but I don't really have enough experience with font icons to figure it out. Probably gonna talk to omni about it or something

edit: oh the pic is 1280x800, i assume you just have a really odd res. For most people (1980x1080) i'll notice the message button is offset up but I haven't really figured why

Looks like all your fonts are slightly clipping as well (demoui/console). Are you on a mac perhaps?

If you aren't, I notice several people with that problem but I don't really have enough experience with font icons to figure it out. Probably gonna talk to omni about it or something

edit: oh the pic is 1280x800, i assume you just have a really odd res. For most people (1980x1080) i'll notice the message button is offset up but I haven't really figured why
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flatlineLooks like all your fonts are slightly clipping as well (demoui/console). Are you on a mac perhaps?

If you aren't, I notice several people with that problem but I don't really have enough experience with font icons to figure it out. Probably gonna talk to omni about it or something

edit: oh the pic is 1280x800, i assume you just have a really odd res. For most people (1980x1080) i'll notice the message button is offset up but I haven't really figured why

I am on a Mac, but the font clipping issue isn't particularly annoying.
I kinda figured that the offsetting may have something to do with my screen.

At least neither of them are game-breaking.

[quote=flatline]Looks like all your fonts are slightly clipping as well (demoui/console). Are you on a mac perhaps?

If you aren't, I notice several people with that problem but I don't really have enough experience with font icons to figure it out. Probably gonna talk to omni about it or something

edit: oh the pic is 1280x800, i assume you just have a really odd res. For most people (1980x1080) i'll notice the message button is offset up but I haven't really figured why[/quote]

I am on a Mac, but the font clipping issue isn't particularly annoying.
I kinda figured that the offsetting may have something to do with my screen.

At least neither of them are game-breaking.
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I'm working with icons from a new font that might alleviate some of the offcentering. Expect a patch soon when I incorporate all these files into the clientscheme and move over the font files.

Edit: pushed to github, lemme know if everything looks good.

I'm working with icons from a new font that might alleviate some of the offcentering. Expect a patch soon when I incorporate all these files into the clientscheme and move over the font files.

Edit: pushed to github, lemme know if everything looks good.
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The "x" being slightly hidden has been fixed, but the box for the icon is a few pixels off.


edit: wrong pic

The "x" being slightly hidden has been fixed, but the box for the icon is a few pixels off.


edit: wrong pic
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Wrong screen?

edit: Well, I can't determine if that's because of the Mac or because of the resolution. Hopefully it's just broken on mac instead of me still needing to figure out why it works fine for me and gets ever so slightly off for other people.

Wrong screen?

edit: Well, I can't determine if that's because of the Mac or because of the resolution. Hopefully it's just broken on mac instead of me still needing to figure out why it works fine for me and gets ever so slightly off for other people.
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can somebody explain how i can get outlines in fogs crosshairs?

can somebody explain how i can get outlines in fogs crosshairs?
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Okay, I will try to be as clear as possible this time. The problem I keep having is that the MainMenuOverride.res, where I change the home screen to have a custom server box, keeps having the old stuff (mainly design related, so changes that are on the home screen) from previous updates because you don't update this file or something. Every time something in the design gets screwed up by that, for example: the last update, Scream Fortress, did this: Not the right design because the file isn't updated and this update it is that the message icon and the welcome back message goes missing: This. You'll probably say: "Have you installed all the fonts correctly?", and yes I have. This problem is not recent at all, I've commented about this twice or more now and I hope I can finally make this clear, because I seem to have failed in my recent attempts.

Really hope to get this fixed and that I was clear this time,


Edit: I tinkered around with it and I fixed it for this update at least: My fix

Okay, I will try to be as clear as possible this time. The problem I keep having is that the MainMenuOverride.res, where I change the home screen to have a custom server box, keeps having the old stuff (mainly design related, so changes that are on the home screen) from previous updates because you don't update this file or something. Every time something in the design gets screwed up by that, for example: the last update, Scream Fortress, did this: [url=http://i.imgur.com/AgyJTQb.jpg]Not the right design because the file isn't updated[/url] and this update it is that the message icon and the welcome back message goes missing: [url=http://i.imgur.com/cTQ8TZs.jpg]This[/url]. You'll probably say: "Have you installed all the fonts correctly?", and yes I have. This problem is not recent at all, I've commented about this twice or more now and I hope I can finally make this clear, because I seem to have failed in my recent attempts.

Really hope to get this fixed and that I was clear this time,


Edit: I tinkered around with it and I fixed it for this update at least: [url=http://i.imgur.com/GS7KIlw.jpg]My fix[/url]
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Okay. It's just the usage of words like "stuff" and "things" that make the problem hard to interpret (there's a lot of "stuff" in those screenshots, I don't know what you're talking about when you say "stuff").

I can't view the images right now but I will when I get home.

Okay. It's just the usage of words like "stuff" and "things" that make the problem hard to interpret (there's a lot of "stuff" in those screenshots, I don't know what you're talking about when you say "stuff").

I can't view the images right now but I will when I get home.
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When you installed the new version did you just move over the mainmenu file? If you did then you didn't get the new font file which is why the m showed up.

edit: the quickdiff I just did shows no difference between the Server Links file and the mainmenuoverride from the vanilla version (except for things relating to the server links).

When you installed the new version did you just move over the mainmenu file? If you did then you didn't get the new font file which is why the m showed up.

edit: the quickdiff I just did shows no difference between the Server Links file and the mainmenuoverride from the vanilla version (except for things relating to the server links).
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Small update released that tweaks the sourcescheme.


Small update released that tweaks the sourcescheme.

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Been using your hud for a few months now, by far my favourite and best.

I was wondering if Flatline (or whoever can be bothered) could incorporate the ubercharge timer hud element in somewhere?

Reddit link: http://www.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/26fkuu/i_created_a_hud_based_meter_for_keeping_track_of/

It's been incorporated into broesal, omp, eve and a few others.

(As a medic main I would love you 5eva <3)

Been using your hud for a few months now, by far my favourite and best.

I was wondering if Flatline (or whoever can be bothered) could incorporate the ubercharge timer hud element in somewhere?

Reddit link: http://www.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/26fkuu/i_created_a_hud_based_meter_for_keeping_track_of/

It's been incorporated into broesal, omp, eve and a few others.

(As a medic main I would love you 5eva <3)
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I tried messing around with that a long time ago and absolutely hated how much I had to add to make it work and I never got it to work anyway because I'm not very good with hudanimations.

I tried messing around with that a long time ago and absolutely hated how much I had to add to make it work and I never got it to work anyway because I'm not very good with hudanimations.
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The low health indicator on the targetid is incorrectly aligned to the health value.


At first I thought it was another consequence of my resolution/OS but then I noticed that the overheal indicator was correctly aligned, so I assume it's a bug.

The low health indicator on the targetid is incorrectly aligned to the health value.


At first I thought it was another consequence of my resolution/OS but then I noticed that the overheal indicator was correctly aligned, so I assume it's a bug.
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The overheal and hurt effects are monitored by the same value, and everything seems fine on my version. That looks more like the number itself is incorrectly aligned (which would be due to your resolution/OS most likely).

I also just did a quickdiff and there were no differences between my local file and red or blue's github files.

The overheal and hurt effects are monitored by the same value, and everything seems fine on my version. That looks more like the number itself is incorrectly aligned (which would be due to your resolution/OS most likely).

I also just did a quickdiff and there were no differences between my local file and red or blue's github files.
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such beautiful dedication
what a man to behold

such beautiful dedication
what a man to behold
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flatlineThe overheal and hurt effects are monitored by the same value, and everything seems fine on my version. That looks more like the number itself is incorrectly aligned (which would be due to your resolution/OS most likely).

I also just did a quickdiff and there were no differences between my local file and red or blue's github files.

I still don't understand why overheal and low health are different if they come from the same value.

[quote=flatline]The overheal and hurt effects are monitored by the same value, and everything seems fine on my version. That looks more like the number itself is incorrectly aligned (which would be due to your resolution/OS most likely).

I also just did a quickdiff and there were no differences between my local file and red or blue's github files.[/quote]

I still don't understand why overheal and low health are different if they come from the same value.
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Are you sure they were different or did they just look different? Sometimes if you look at something with a double-digit value and one with a triple-digit value they can look weird.

Can you get a screenshot of the overheal value?

Are you sure they were different or did they just look different? Sometimes if you look at something with a double-digit value and one with a triple-digit value they can look weird.

Can you get a screenshot of the overheal value?
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You said that low health/overheal were both determined by the same value right? The low health indicator was misaligned, but the overheal indicator was aligned correctly, so I don't understand how that works.


You said that low health/overheal were both determined by the same value right? The low health indicator was misaligned, but the overheal indicator was aligned correctly, so I don't understand how that works.

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Those crosses look to be in exactly the same place. It seems like the numbers are misaligned, because they should be closer to the middle of the black targetID bg instead of being stuck near the top.

Here, I made a bad mspaint mockup of it:


The numbers are sticking to the top of the boundary rather than floating in the center of the black boundary.

Those crosses look to be in exactly the same place. It seems like the numbers are misaligned, because they should be closer to the middle of the black targetID bg instead of being stuck near the top.

Here, I made a bad mspaint mockup of it:


The numbers are sticking to the top of the boundary rather than floating in the center of the black boundary.
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Yeah I figured that was possible as well.
So no fix then?

Yeah I figured that was possible as well.
So no fix then?
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