4812622bone is rickrolling everyone on his friends list trying to rank up in the memer world
4812622bone is rickrolling everyone on his friends list trying to rank up in the memer world
4812622bone is rickrolling everyone on his friends list trying to rank up in the memer world
The assumption he was making is that I would even care to watch a bone frag video.
Muse4812622bone is rickrolling everyone on his friends list trying to rank up in the memer world
ulmyxxbone is a meemer but, hes hasent graduated mem school of memsterland where dr dpoO00se is da ma3in director kappachinos are free only withj doge coins ayyyyyyy lamo
dis thread be like
I would warn this guys enemy's, his meme game on fleak
I'm sorry friends. Memeing intensifies
Edit: Link in case it's hard to see http://puu.sh/g9Ymq/36a8e8e28f.png
I would warn this guys enemy's, his meme game on fleak
Its fleek not fleak you pleb fucking memer scrub