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LFT Low UGC Pyro/Other
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Hello Teams of the Internet, I am Known by my friends as Bi4ba or Bye-For-ba. I am looking for a comp team to play with perferably as Pyro, I have never made one of these threads before so this will be full of spelling errors and misc. I dont expect to be a player that teams will be tripping over themselves to have on their team because unlike most players out there, I am 13 Years Old. Yes, I know "Get out of here ya kid!" Well before you go kicking me in the rear end let me explain what i want to do in competitive. As I said before i would like to play Pyro but I can also be a Decent Sniper, Scout and Demo for all you teams out there looking for those, I am a Decent player in most pubs, but when I team up with people and actauly try to use teamwork, I can be skilled player. I would like to be playing in Bronze UGC because its a good starting point. But Heck, I dont know what the average comp player's skill level is and soo i might be worse or better then you expect. Add me On steam if you want to ask me any questions or Bla Bla Bla. My Steam Profile is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071418773/

Hello Teams of the Internet, I am Known by my friends as Bi4ba or Bye-For-ba. I am looking for a comp team to play with perferably as Pyro, I have never made one of these threads before so this will be full of spelling errors and misc. I dont expect to be a player that teams will be tripping over themselves to have on their team because unlike most players out there, I am 13 Years Old. Yes, I know "Get out of here ya kid!" Well before you go kicking me in the rear end let me explain what i want to do in competitive. As I said before i would like to play Pyro but I can also be a Decent Sniper, Scout and Demo for all you teams out there looking for those, I am a Decent player in most pubs, but when I team up with people and actauly try to use teamwork, I can be skilled player. I would like to be playing in Bronze UGC because its a good starting point. But Heck, I dont know what the average comp player's skill level is and soo i might be worse or better then you expect. Add me On steam if you want to ask me any questions or Bla Bla Bla. My Steam Profile is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071418773/
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This forum is used primarily for 6v6. If you're looking to play Highlander, your best bet would be here http://www.ugcleague.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?69-Iron

Good luck in finding a team and improving :)

This forum is used primarily for 6v6. If you're looking to play Highlander, your best bet would be here http://www.ugcleague.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?69-Iron

Good luck in finding a team and improving :)
1 Frags +

Oh Sorry, Thanks though!

Oh Sorry, Thanks though!
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