kounterpartsr9 290 is 70$ more...
The cheapest R9 380x on newegg is $230.
The cheapest R9 290 on newegg is $220.
The cheapest non-reference R9 290 on newegg is $230.
kounterpartsr9 290 is 70$ more...
The cheapest R9 380x on newegg is $230.
The cheapest R9 290 on newegg is $220.
The cheapest non-reference R9 290 on newegg is $230.
Charles32TevsKinda off topic, but I didn't see a new thread worthy...
What a bitch, I want to punch people like this
This looks fake af.
Screwballkounterpartsr9 290 is 70$ more...The cheapest R9 380x on newegg is $230.
The cheapest R9 290 on newegg is $220.
The cheapest non-reference R9 290 on newegg is $230.
sorry, meant to say that the only good r9 290 is 70$ more, the r9 290 has such a issue heat and noise, and all the stockish coolers are not going to help that at all
I'm running a 280x and my brother a 290x and he can run Fallout 4 on Ultra with a constant 60 fps pretty much and I just had to tweak some settings down while keeping textures at Ultra and can run at around a constant 45-50 fps as well.
Pretty good card if you don't want to drop more than like 250ish
If any 900 series cards go on sale could someone say something? I'm not sure how you guys are finding these deals so easily..
Red_If any 900 series cards go on sale could someone say something? I'm not sure how you guys are finding these deals so easily..
browsing + slickdeals + dealnews is what I look at
Confirmed, prices outside of Newegg are not real.
PSUs can only be bought from Newegg or somewhere more expensive. Lower prices are illegal.
As I said, you misunderstood me. 5 testing points (10%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%) vs a sweep.
Also if your case doesn't have a seperate bottom intake for the PSU I feel bad for you (even then 40-50°C is too high for case temperature)
If your case does have a bottom intake but your room is at 40-50°C (104-122°F) like the hotbox is then god help you.
A hotbox is definitely not a normal environment, it's a stress test.
theres a i5-4690k + mobo for $249AR, maybe better CPU deals on monday
Charles32TevsKinda off topic, but I didn't see a new thread worthy...
What a bitch, I want to punch people like this
That is a joke setup.
You can thank Jimmy Kimmel
Confirmed, prices outside of Newegg are not real.
PSUs can only be bought from Newegg or somewhere more expensive. Lower prices are illegal.
As I said, you misunderstood me. 5 testing points (10%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100%) vs a sweep.
Also if your case doesn't have a seperate bottom intake for the PSU I feel bad for you (even then 40-50°C is too high for case temperature)
If your case does have a bottom intake but your room is at 40-50°C (104-122°F) like the hotbox is then god help you.
A hotbox is definitely not a normal environment, it's a stress test.
ROFL, you are really wanting to argue that you found another site that has it for $10 less than $400 +tax in most states. Amazon has 7 units in stock, then all the other sellers are $400+. Good on you for finding one for $10 less and continuing this dumb ass argument.
Your the kind of person that when someone makes a statement, you'll go digging to find some obscure exception to the statement in order to start an argument.
There's some insane deals on SDXC cards right now.
If any of you shoot a large amount of photos in raw like me then this is totally worth it.
If you prefer sandisk it's basically the same card for $1 more.
Charles32TevsKinda off topic, but I didn't see a new thread worthy...
What a bitch, I want to punch people like this
Literally savages. Like a pack of dogs fighting over their prey.
Looking for a new mouse this weekend for around 60ish dollars any recommendations? (I currently have a SS Rival)
That list is missing a lot of good mice.
Artz_HispanianLooking for a new mouse this weekend for around 60ish dollars any recommendations? (I currently have a SS Rival)
What kind of grip do you use?
Artz_HispanianLooking for a new mouse this weekend for around 60ish dollars any recommendations? (I currently have a SS Rival)
What kind of grip do you use?[/quote]
I use palm grip, right now I bought a G502 proteus core since its on sale for 40$ on best buy
Any components I need to upgrade?
8.1 64bit
i5 4690K @ 3.50GHz
8.00GB DDR3 799MHz
Z97-AR Motherboard
GeForce GTX 660 2GB
Corsair TX750 Non-modular
980 for 400$ after rebate (430$ without)
lias980 for 400$ after rebate (430$ without)
is this site legit i have never heard of it. just trying to be safe :]
is this site legit i have never heard of it. just trying to be safe :]
yes, i bought my ssd off of them last year and it came in fine
I need to add a few TB of storage to my rig. If anyone sees a ridiculous hdd sale, please hmu or share it here.
Elepimplias980 for 400$ after rebate (430$ without)
is this site legit i have never heard of it. just trying to be safe :]
Yeah, it's totally legit. B&H is one of the most popular online photostores out there, that also happens to sell some other tech.
joejoe347Elepimpis this site legit i have never heard of it. just trying to be safe :]
Yeah, it's totally legit. B&H is one of the most popular online photostores out there, that also happens to sell some other tech.
is this site legit i have never heard of it. just trying to be safe :]
yes, i bought my ssd off of them last year and it came in fine
thanks guys I'm gona grab that card asap!
Elepimpthanks guys I'm gona grab that card asap!
m0nkeiCharles32TevsKinda off topic, but I didn't see a new thread worthy...
What a bitch, I want to punch people like this
This looks fake af.
who goes that crazy over a vegetable steamer