He's not sure about staying on the team because he incorrectly thinks he's not ready for IM. Has great dm, even with relatively little heals on pocket. While he was never required to maincall for our team, he started learning how, which is currently his biggest weakness. If he can figure this out, or plays on a team with good chemistry, he can play mid IM.
100% ready for IM, has always been a fantastic teamate.
Such a strong player, especially DM wise. Also really chill
faust is one of the best non sandbagging pockets in open this season could fair well on a IM roster.
Mad chill and certified fragger get this man a solid IM team
I've known froot faust for quite a long time now, he's always been a really cool dude, and one of my really good friends.
he's always been good, but as of recently, I've noticed quite a substantial difference in his overall gamesense and skill.
he's jumped very high in skill level and is a really good soldier and would be a great addition to any solid team.
he's always been good, but as of recently, I've noticed quite a substantial difference in his overall gamesense and skill.
he's jumped very high in skill level and is a really good soldier and would be a great addition to any solid team.
His skill level has skyrocketed in the recent weeks, it's crazy how good he's gotten over the course of S22 and he deserves the best possible IM team he can get onto. I hope to see him win open playoffs this season and continue rising through the ranks. Great guy, great gamer, will probably triple airshot you so don't jump him.
very very good and, never tilts, and probably the most chill person I've met.
ps. loves to trolls in inhouse pugs.
ps. loves to trolls in inhouse pugs.
He's the pocket for one of two teams that are (going to likely be) 16-0 in open... logically, the next step is to play in IM, right? He's a solid player, difficult to play against.
For real though, he's Unreal! Can't be matched. he puts the K in kool.
You're probably thinkin', "Oh wow, what a quality guy." Undoubtedly the coolest!
You're probably thinkin', "Oh wow, what a quality guy." Undoubtedly the coolest!
pendacurious, is your name from guilty gear?
He's gotten really good this season and he's great to be with in Mumble. Definitely would recommend for your IM teams.
Faust is a good fucking pocket. He has good dm and most importantly, he is eager to learn and takes criticism well. He is one of the nicest people I've played with and never tilts and mumble and generally tries to keep the rest of us calm. As fab said, if he learns to maincall he will be a fucking monster, as it stands now, he can play IM if the team already has a maincaller.
One of the most consistent players I have had the pleasure of being on a team with. Solid DM, and has the brains. Like others have said he doesn't tilt, and I really enjoyed playing with him because we had the same mindset about improving in the game. His biggest flaw is his inability to rally his team in times when he wants certain things to happen. I attribute this to the fact that he always speaks in a calm demeanor at all times -- he needs to learn how to yell sometimes to make sure people listen to him. If he can do that, he will easily become one of the scariest soldiers that any opposing team has to face.