So the story is i was with my friend group and usually we get in big fights and yell a lot. But i decided to stand up for some people and say how this 1 friend starts all the arguments, soo his friends ganged up on me and because i'm insecure about what people say, i kinda backed off said some bad things and so did they. long story short 2 people are now not friends with me and i don't know how to get over losing basically my whole friend group, comment what i should do thanks.
stop hanging out with assholes and hang w/ people you actually like and don't argue with
easiest way to make a pal is to spark a random conversation with someone and see what goes from there
easiest way to make a pal is to spark a random conversation with someone and see what goes from there
If you always fight with your "friends" all the time they're probably shit friends and you should try to find other ones.
You could also be an asshole and not know it but I don't know about the situation. It's a possibility though.
You could also be an asshole and not know it but I don't know about the situation. It's a possibility though.
I don't know what you mean by fights, but having arguments with your friends and what not can be good for you it expands your knowledge worldview and what not. I've had friends who the arguments helped us become better friends and friends who the arguments kinda made me decide eh maybe I don't wanna be friends with this guy. Typically the topic of a argument that makes me not wanna be friends with someone isn't the same as the other and the tone and way of speaking to each other is totally different. If the fights have caused them to no longer want to be your friends its probably the bad kind of argument. You're simply too different of people and they or you aren't open to bridging that so you can't really be friends. I'm not sure what you can do other than finding new friends, but I think your better off losing friendships of this nature because the only way to maintain them is being a fake fuck and not saying what you think or just avoiding topics you think could cause fights. Personally I don't like tip toeing around what I can talk about so I just say fuck em.
pick up a serious meth habit and your old friend group will be the least of your worries