Axe got 65th lost to zhu. Mang0 and Leffen grandfinals :)
alex19 lost to zealous5000 lol
zain also 2-0d plup
alex19 lost to zealous5000 lol
zain also 2-0d plup
flatlinezain also 2-0d plup
mdva reppinnnn
mdva reppinnnn [img][/img]
westballz just got super fucking wobbled by infinite numbers rofl
plup, westballz, and druggedfox are all in losers bracket
plup, westballz, and druggedfox are all in losers bracket
Westballz in losers as well to InfiniteNumbers??
Edit: ninjad by 3 seconds
Edit: ninjad by 3 seconds
Rudolph's a legend
chris my boy :(
chris my boy :(
Juicyis anyone actually there
my friend was in westballz's room for an afterparty and weston blamed him for messing up his bed l0l
my friend was in westballz's room for an afterparty and weston blamed him for messing up his bed l0l
Leffen loses to Ghatzu in top 64 winners round 1 lmao
Being a mew2king fan is so damn hard he just lost to silent wolf
sfat vs ice in winners top 8
botmodewhen was the last time hbox got 3-0'd
wizzy at wtfox2
wizzy at wtfox2
im predicting either armada or sfat to take the whole thing (as much as i want m2k to win im doubting it :(
flatlinebotmodewhen was the last time hbox got 3-0'dwizzy at wtfox2
nah, it was super smash con v mango
wizzy at wtfox2[/quote]
nah, it was super smash con v mango
man i really should've gone, its literally like 30 minutes away
super hype tournament
super hype tournament
holy fucking shit ice has top 3 at the big house
what a breakout tournament
what a breakout tournament
ice god
tbh he should have did that to him @ genesis, but i guess its fine
tbh he should have did that to him @ genesis, but i guess its fine