pretty self-explanatory
these videos are pretty low effort so i could easily make a series of these if the response is good
pretty self-explanatory
these videos are pretty low effort so i could easily make a series of these if the response is good
i watched all of it
i'm really glad you went over the forward spawn positioning first, because i do agree that a lot of people from all levels of play like to stand in respawn door, which is why a lot of upper level players either send an aggressive soldier forward or sneak a scout by hugging the lower wall on the right (facing the house from respawn)
i kind of wish you went over mid more, like positioning for a lower push or all the various routes that teams can take while fighting the mid since i feel like that's where a lot of people have trouble with, and i almost thought you weren't going to go over it at all since there was only a minute left in the video when you remembered it as an afterthought
i think video series like these would only be a benefit for others that choose to watch it
thanks for taking the time to make this and hope you do continue on for all the other maps played :>
it's also cool because it's from a euro viewpoint and might bring up things that might not be often seen in other regions although badlands was pretty standard
At 1:17 when you say the one scout should be standing on dropdown watching resupp..It seems kind of difficult to get buffs since there is only one scout watching. What's supposed to be happening here? Or am I just retarded
Foxi kind of wish you went over mid more, like positioning for a lower push or all the various routes that teams can take while fighting the mid since i feel like that's where a lot of people have trouble with, and i almost thought you weren't going to go over it at all since there was only a minute left in the video when you remembered it as an afterthought
yeah i agree, ill probably make a short video covering the midfight tonight
SchyligeAt 1:17 when you say the one scout should be standing on dropdown watching resupp..It seems kind of difficult to get buffs since there is only one scout watching. What's supposed to be happening here? Or am I just retarded
i dont get a buff when i watch dropdown, it's very important that you avoid damage because youre living off health packs
Starki dont get a buff when i watch dropdown, it's very important that you avoid damage because youre living off health packs
Also wanted to ask what the roamer is supposed to be doing during this?
SchyligeStarki dont get a buff when i watch dropdown, it's very important that you avoid damage because youre living off health packs
Also wanted to ask what the roamer is supposed to be doing during this?
assuming the team is holding choke he should be watching haunter/patio
Quite liked this video, went back to search for it today and found it was unavailable, wondering why that is?
Dr_FezQuite liked this video, went back to search for it today and found it was unavailable, wondering why that is?
i played it down mumble and stark got upset and deleted it
hpqoeui played it down mumble and stark got upset and deleted it
Ah shame, I'd love to see more like it from him, he's my favourite scout at least in terms of playstyle and skillset