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1 2
0 Frags +

11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: team doesnt want to play anymore
11:24 PM - ApeK saam: froyo is dead?
11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: dont tell


11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: team doesnt want to play anymore
11:24 PM - ApeK saam: froyo is dead?
11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: dont tell

41 Frags +

my time to shine

my time to shine
29 Frags +

the power of corsaGOD

the power of corsaGOD
25 Frags +

on another note we are trading marmaduke to evl for corsa

on another note we are trading marmaduke to evl for corsa
8 Frags +

ckj strikes again....

ckj strikes again....
Momentum Mod
103 Frags +

Whenever I have classified information that I'm dying to tell someone I go straight to saam

Whenever I have classified information that I'm dying to tell someone I go straight to saam
92 Frags +

"11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: dont tell"

*makes tftv thread*

"11:24 PM - FROYO b4nny.tv: dont tell"

*makes tftv thread*
33 Frags +

Time to find some fresh IM players to slowly cut for older more experienced invite players who somehow get conned into playing again

Time to find some fresh IM players to slowly cut for older more experienced invite players who somehow get conned into playing again
5 Frags +

ice cold including the "don't tell" in the log

ice cold including the "don't tell" in the log
13 Frags +

wow this is sure some hot invite gossip cant wait to see what happens next

wow this is sure some hot invite gossip cant wait to see what happens next
94 Frags +

10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: do NOT post this on tftv
10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: i dont think we can play out the rest of the season, slem's dad took away his computer
10:15 PM - phorofor: lol

10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: do NOT post this on tftv
10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: i dont think we can play out the rest of the season, slem's dad took away his computer
10:15 PM - phorofor: lol
115 Frags +

420:69 PM - summit1g: hello alec do not post this conversation log on teamfortresstv please
1 PM - alec: yes sir

420:69 PM - summit1g: hello alec do not post this conversation log on teamfortresstv please
1 PM - alec: yes sir
37 Frags +

do u guys think its a fake chatklog fuz iust not


do u guys think its a fake chatklog fuz iust not

12 Frags +

clever photoshop job saam

clever photoshop job saam
21 Frags +
saamdo u guys think its a fake chatklog fuz iust not


you could just ask your friend to change their name and avatar lol nice try

[quote=saam]do u guys think its a fake chatklog fuz iust not


you could just ask your friend to change their name and avatar lol nice try
19 Frags +

when b4nny doesnt want to lose next season...

when b4nny doesnt want to lose next season...
32 Frags +

corsa: rofl I didn't even know Taipei is in China
corsa: delete this

corsa: rofl I didn't even know Taipei is in China
corsa: delete this
168 Frags +

nice try saam you got over 200 dpm in those logs theres no way this is real

nice try saam you got over 200 dpm in those logs theres no way this is real
-9 Frags +

about bloody time


about bloody time

1 Frags +

I think b4nny needs to take a break

I think b4nny needs to take a break
13 Frags +
phorofor10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: do NOT post this on tftv
10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: i dont think we can play out the rest of the season, slem's dad took away his computer
10:15 PM - phorofor: lol

Lol this happens like every season, slem gets grounded or his computer taken away :(

[quote=phorofor]10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: do NOT post this on tftv
10:14 PM - showstopperk1ng: i dont think we can play out the rest of the season, slem's dad took away his computer
10:15 PM - phorofor: lol[/quote]
Lol this happens like every season, slem gets grounded or his computer taken away :(
-2 Frags +

not enough good boy points

not enough good boy points
42 Frags +

9:15 PM - YZ50: kill everyone you are the chosen one invite 1st place is yours
9:16 PM - YZ50: it's been 20 seconds fucking answer me
9:16 PM - thole: can u say that again i accidentally closed the chat window instead of my xhamster tab when my mom walked in

9:15 PM - YZ50: kill everyone you are the chosen one invite 1st place is yours
9:16 PM - YZ50: it's been 20 seconds fucking answer me
9:16 PM - thole: can u say that again i accidentally closed the chat window instead of my xhamster tab when my mom walked in
3 Frags +


46 Frags +

9:15 PM - YZ50: my name is ben
9:16 PM - YZ50: dont tell tf2. also i am yz50
9:16 PM - thole: ok

9:15 PM - YZ50: my name is ben
9:16 PM - YZ50: dont tell tf2. also i am yz50
9:16 PM - thole: ok
13 Frags +


Spaceship Servers
29 Frags +


b4nny gay confirmed???


b4nny gay confirmed???
9 Frags +

Don't listen to saam he took a shot everytime he went down in zombies...

Show Content
He went down 20 times
Don't listen to saam he took a shot everytime he went down in zombies...

[spoiler]He went down 20 times[/spoiler]
-4 Frags +

b4nny gay confirmed???

bad edit smh now it's not believable anymore


b4nny gay confirmed???[/quote]
bad edit smh now it's not believable anymore
68 Frags +

12:32 PM - Mr. Slin: im making a new team with b4nny cuz froyo died
12:33 PM - Mr. Slin: it's gonna be called Slinvite
12:34 PM - knsume: why are you telling me this how did you get on my friends list

100% genuine I promise

12:32 PM - Mr. Slin: im making a new team with b4nny cuz froyo died
12:33 PM - Mr. Slin: it's gonna be called Slinvite
12:34 PM - knsume: why are you telling me this how did you get on my friends list

100% genuine I promise
1 2
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