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0 Frags +

To bring to light the current events that have transpired, i would like to just apologize to all the people that were hurt or offended by my actions.

I did indeed conspire about throwing a match which was a half thought out idea that was seemingly meaningless at the time, going on few hours of sleep and other effects. This however does not excuse my dreadful actions. As the conversation with the party accused of throwing (neaksie) we both got more and more into the idea of trying to do this. I, like an idiot, went with it, thinking that there would be no repercussions. Not much happened with the event after we talked, when there was no confirmation about what was going on. Until the night of the match were neaksie threw the game. And at that time, i was already enthused about making it to playoffs that i forgot what he was talking about. Then i remembered and felt instant regret. I thought that since no one was financially harmed in the process of the event i could shove it under a rug, but that backfired.

Just to make perfectly clear, i never payed anyone nor have intentions of paying, despite any hate that i get. Again, sorry to all that i deceived, most noticeably my closest friends and teammates, whom were especially hurt.

Hope this clears everything up, but i do not expect forgiveness for those who are angered. I accept that the actions I intended and conspired to commit were in no was sportsmanlike or honest. And don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.

Best of Luck to All,

To bring to light the current events that have transpired, i would like to just apologize to all the people that were hurt or offended by my actions.

I did indeed conspire about throwing a match which was a half thought out idea that was seemingly meaningless at the time, going on few hours of sleep and other effects. This however does not excuse my dreadful actions. As the conversation with the party accused of throwing (neaksie) we both got more and more into the idea of trying to do this. I, like an idiot, went with it, thinking that there would be no repercussions. Not much happened with the event after we talked, when there was no confirmation about what was going on. Until the night of the match were neaksie threw the game. And at that time, i was already enthused about making it to playoffs that i forgot what he was talking about. Then i remembered and felt instant regret. I thought that since no one was financially harmed in the process of the event i could shove it under a rug, but that backfired.

Just to make perfectly clear, i never payed anyone nor have intentions of paying, despite any hate that i get. Again, sorry to all that i deceived, most noticeably my closest friends and teammates, whom were especially hurt.

Hope this clears everything up, but i do not expect forgiveness for those who are angered. I accept that the actions I intended and conspired to commit were in no was sportsmanlike or honest. And don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.

Best of Luck to All,
4 Frags +


One of the first and best friends I made in this game. Shame to see you go, buddy.


One of the first and best friends I made in this game. Shame to see you go, buddy.
3 Frags +

context ?

context ?
40 Frags +
JDuffAnd don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.

are you ok

[quote=JDuff]And don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.[/quote]

are you ok
20 Frags +
smokeecontext ?

check out the esea-o happenings thread

roachJDuffAnd don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.
are you ok

he's quitting esea and tf2 at large for the foreseeable future. i'll try and make sure he doesn't kill himself

[quote=smokee]context ?[/quote]
check out the esea-o happenings thread

[quote=roach][quote=JDuff]And don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.[/quote]

are you ok[/quote]
he's quitting esea and tf2 at large for the foreseeable future. i'll try and make sure he doesn't kill himself
11 Frags +

For those of you that actually care, yes Jesse is okay. He's just very upset about not being able to play ESEA anymore and absolutely regrets his decision.

I got it under control, Tsar. I've been trying to convince him to play Stardew Valley the last half hour

For those of you that actually care, yes Jesse is okay. He's just very upset about not being able to play ESEA anymore and absolutely regrets his decision.

I got it under control, Tsar. I've been trying to convince him to play Stardew Valley the last half hour
12 Frags +
PontFor those of you that actually care, yes Jesse is okay. He's just very upset about not being able to play ESEA anymore and absolutely regrets his decision.

poor him

[quote=Pont]For those of you that actually care, yes Jesse is okay. He's just very upset about not being able to play ESEA anymore and absolutely regrets his decision.[/quote]
poor him
14 Frags +

harsh lesson to learn isn't it

harsh lesson to learn isn't it
19 Frags +

Do the crime, pay the time

Do the crime, pay the time
-2 Frags +

fucking hilarious

fucking hilarious
-12 Frags +
reddddfucking hilarious


You get a little extra sleep last night, bud?

[quote=redddd]fucking hilarious[/quote]


You get a little extra sleep last night, bud?
5 Frags +

i hope you return in one year

i hope you return in one year
3 Frags +

Stardew Valley is a great game

Stardew Valley is a great game
1 Frags +


10 Frags +

if the IBUYPOWER cs team gets a permaban so should this guy

if the IBUYPOWER cs team gets a permaban so should this guy
12 Frags +


2 Frags +

free brax yo

free brax yo
-13 Frags +
reddddfucking hilarious
[quote=redddd]fucking hilarious[/quote]
6 Frags +

ban dirty mort

ban dirty mort
0 Frags +
zx37ban dirty mort

die fatswimdude!

[quote=zx37]ban dirty mort[/quote]
die fatswimdude!
13 Frags +

That second sentence is the most smug thing I've ever read on tftv.
We're talking like bond villain giving his monologue while bond is strapped to a table with a laser level of smug.

That second sentence is the most smug thing I've ever read on tftv.
We're talking like bond villain giving his monologue while bond is strapped to a table with a laser level of smug.
-15 Frags +

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

That such a heinous crime could ever be committed in the sport of tf2, let alone by a member of this very community, is deeply unsettling. I think I speak for all of us when I say that this announcement has shaken me to the core, and the very principles, once thought immutable, on which our athletic endeavors had been founded, have been compromised.

These events will, no doubt, leave their mark on competitive tf2 and organized sporting for years to come. Let us make sure that future generations of players will remember this day and the loss it represents, as to never allow this darkest moment in our history to repeat itself.

Tf2 will never be the same. And so we, too, the players, must change, trusting in our innate strength and courage, to prevail and to rebuild. Then, and only then, there might yet be hope.

Shame on you, JDuff, for tarnishing tf2, and my sincerest wishes to the community in these dark times.

Stay safe, gamers.

Show Content
Give demo a glock.
I can't believe what I'm hearing.

That such a heinous crime could ever be committed in the sport of tf2, let alone by a member of this very community, is deeply unsettling. I think I speak for all of us when I say that this announcement has shaken me to the core, and the very principles, once thought immutable, on which our athletic endeavors had been founded, have been compromised.

These events will, no doubt, leave their mark on competitive tf2 and organized sporting for years to come. Let us make sure that future generations of players will remember this day and the loss it represents, as to never allow this darkest moment in our history to repeat itself.

Tf2 will never be the same. And so we, too, the players, must change, trusting in our innate strength and courage, to prevail and to rebuild. Then, and only then, there might yet be hope.

Shame on you, JDuff, for tarnishing tf2, and my sincerest wishes to the community in these dark times.

Stay safe, gamers.

[spoiler]Give demo a glock.[/spoiler]
7 Frags +

I just dont understand, how can u guys type #freeswag? this guy is burglar, he is bandit, he is water rat, he is snatcher. Imagine starving poor boy in africa, he uses his bread money to get access to internet to bet on his favorite team - IBP, he knows they are gonna win for sure, there is no chance they will lose. AND he bets His favoruite AWP Asiimov for which he saved money selling cases for over a YEAR to make some profit and buy food to his disabled little brother and mother that EBOLED. just imagine this situation.
Next day. He wakes up. he is on the floor because they cant afford bed. HE SPENDS his last money to go to csgolounge and HIS HEART IS BROKEN. His favourite player Braxton "swag" Pierce, that was his IDOL, he wanted to be like him, he wanted swag to be his fatger, HE THREW THIS GAME. and this poor african boy just understands that his life is over, that there is no hope in this meaningless life and he commits suicide, watching at his AWP asiimov and SWAG face, his last words were : "Who is m1?" His mother dies from ebola, his little brother is alone, he dont know what to do, his only way to survive is to play rank S under name "MarKe"

I just dont understand, how can u guys type #freeswag? this guy is burglar, he is bandit, he is water rat, he is snatcher. Imagine starving poor boy in africa, he uses his bread money to get access to internet to bet on his favorite team - IBP, he knows they are gonna win for sure, there is no chance they will lose. AND he bets His favoruite AWP Asiimov for which he saved money selling cases for over a YEAR to make some profit and buy food to his disabled little brother and mother that EBOLED. just imagine this situation.
Next day. He wakes up. he is on the floor because they cant afford bed. HE SPENDS his last money to go to csgolounge and HIS HEART IS BROKEN. His favourite player Braxton "swag" Pierce, that was his IDOL, he wanted to be like him, he wanted swag to be his fatger, HE THREW THIS GAME. and this poor african boy just understands that his life is over, that there is no hope in this meaningless life and he commits suicide, watching at his AWP asiimov and SWAG face, his last words were : "Who is m1?" His mother dies from ebola, his little brother is alone, he dont know what to do, his only way to survive is to play rank S under name "MarKe"
7 Frags +


-3 Frags +


14 Frags +

He apologized and owned up. No need to continue bashing on him.

He apologized and owned up. No need to continue bashing on him.
-9 Frags +

-I was being ironic-

-I was being ironic-
16 Frags +

An inconvenient truth about TF2

Ever watched a Pro TF2 game and felt like you could do that too?

Well you just might be able to.

Hi, I'm -nobody- and i have investigated the so called "Pro" Scene for over 10 years now and i would like to share with you some pretty explosive information. In short: "Pro" players as you think of them, actually dont exist at all.
I know what you think: Who is this guy and what is he talking about? Well i'm talking about the biggest consipracy to hit "E-Sports" until now. But hear me out!

I have analyzed over 2000 "Pro" matches, have recorded the dats and compiled it to create a perfect, objective picture of the average "Pro" and his capabilities. I will show you the raw data here before we proceed:
av. time to kill opp.: 0.6 sec. median density of brain.: 342 g/m^3 median aim accuracy @ 100 pix. per sec.: 12.8 pix. av. hitratio per round: 0.6/1.0

Now these numbers may not mean much to you, but they only gain meaning once you compare these skill based stats to normal players like you and me. What i have found out has shocked me deeply as it will you:
The average "Pro" is at the skill level of a normal UGC Silver Player! (EU-region only)
Therefore we can follow that all the socalled "Pro" Players are performers probably recruited from MM ranks Problem Solver-Executioner and are actually quite low skilled and made it by paying people to "throw" for your entertainment. (From this point on I shall refer to "pro" players as performers for reasons made obvious in the last paragrahp alone.) But i didnt stop there. I took a special look at the so called Star players and the developement of their performance over time. I found that thier team's performance took a sudden rise once items mysteriously disappear from their backpacks. Now as a TF2 Veteran that has done his fair share opservations i concluded that more and more performers have infiltrated the scene. Most likely Valve is giving certain performers incentives in the form of unusuals and australium weapons. Why wont Valve support competitive TF2? Because they already are. This confirms that Valve is in on this and maybe even at the center of this conspiracy.

An inconvenient truth about TF2

Ever watched a Pro TF2 game and felt like you could do that too?

Well you just might be able to.

Hi, I'm -nobody- and i have investigated the so called "Pro" Scene for over 10 years now and i would like to share with you some pretty explosive information. In short: [url=http://i.imgur.com/KjrgOyM.png]"Pro"[/url] players as you think of them, actually dont exist at all.
I know what you think: Who is this guy and what is he talking about? Well i'm talking about the biggest consipracy to hit "E-Sports" until now. But hear me out!

I have analyzed over 2000 [url=https://embed.gyazo.com/beafacc2522db7af9298e834c4583dd3.png]"Pro"[/url] matches, have recorded the dats and compiled it to create a perfect, objective picture of the average [url=http://i.imgur.com/DVleuh9.jpg]"Pro"[/url] and his capabilities. I will show you the raw data here before we proceed:
av. time to kill opp.: 0.6 sec. median density of brain.: 342 g/m^3 median aim accuracy @ 100 pix. per sec.: 12.8 pix. av. hitratio per round: 0.6/1.0

Now these numbers may not mean much to you, but they only gain meaning once you compare these skill based stats to normal players like you and me. What i have found out has shocked me deeply as it will you:
The average [url=https://img.ifcdn.com/images/41457e4970b963079c85744ae0b2be9602c813229812172cad821d8cee2c0cff_1.jpg]"Pro"[/url] is at the skill level of a normal UGC Silver Player! (EU-region only)
Therefore we can follow that all the socalled [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vXSvG_PcHqI/maxresdefault.jpg]"Pro"[/url] Players are performers probably recruited from MM ranks Problem Solver-Executioner and are actually quite low skilled and made it by paying people to "throw" for your entertainment. (From this point on I shall refer to "pro" players as performers for reasons made obvious in the last paragrahp alone.) But i didnt stop there. I took a special look at the so called [url=http://media.tumblr.com/aa99a17a05e30bf11814a53d4a9ebe97/tumblr_inline_n4qzuiw87n1qgp297.jpg]Star[/url] players and the developement of their performance over time. I found that thier team's performance took a sudden rise once items mysteriously disappear from their backpacks. Now as a TF2 Veteran that has done his fair share opservations i concluded that more and more performers have infiltrated the scene. Most likely Valve is giving certain performers incentives in the form of unusuals and australium weapons. Why wont Valve support competitive TF2? [i]Because they already are.[/i] This confirms that Valve is in on this and maybe even at the center of this conspiracy.
-13 Frags +
wolsneSome people might see it as me being smug posting in this thread, but really I want to just clarify up-front that I have no hate for Jesse/Jduff. The amount of time that you stuck to your story is honestly pretty admirable regardless of how high the chips stacked against you became.

The fuck get a job wolsne instead of writing speeches to 16 y/olds on the internet. U got way too excited over this whole incident.

EDIT: Also is there a way for me to cash in my down frags for negative nerd stars?

[quote=wolsne]Some people might see it as me being smug posting in this thread, but really I want to just clarify up-front that I have no hate for Jesse/Jduff. The amount of time that you stuck to your story is honestly pretty admirable regardless of how high the chips stacked against you became.[/quote]

The fuck get a job wolsne instead of writing speeches to 16 y/olds on the internet. U got way too excited over this whole incident.

EDIT: Also is there a way for me to cash in my down frags for negative nerd stars?
3 Frags +

You could probably ask some people to forfeit some stars to you so you can briefly feel good about yourself

You could probably ask some people to forfeit some stars to you so you can briefly feel good about yourself
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