Hey Everyone!
So I'm making a S14 team. Team Heart was the team I made a season ago and we had a pretty good time, so hopefully I can re-make the magic. It's definately one of those teams that's gonna be trying to have a good time while trying to get better individually and as a team.
-avail scrim 3-5 days a week(like 2-5 scrims per day)
-at least 1 season of ESEA as your class
-A++ attitude:
fun to hang out in mumble
be a team player
support your teammates!
-Please know positioning and game sense. Ofcourse there will be differences in playstyle and such, but be able to understand to look for and correct your own mistakes.
-constructive comms
So I personally can't stand people who rage. Like if you aren't giving scrim time a good effort, or if you get upset after losing and quit; all you are doing is wasting 5 other people's very valuable time. So absolutely NO RAGING. Please come with an open mind, ready to win or lose, and most importantly improve and have fun.
At the end of the season, game, scrim; I don't care if we win or lose I'd just like to say that we gave it a good (if not our best) effort. Which is pretty much how i look at anything.
So this team should be starting somewhere in mid open, not like it really makes a difference.
So add me or whatever if you are interested.
So I had a lot of awesome people contact me. And The Roster is Shaping Up As :
Tino_ on roamer
shiki on pocket
-thanks everyone
ADD ME <3[/b]
Hey Everyone!
So I'm making a S14 team. Team Heart was the team I made a season ago and we had a pretty good time, so hopefully I can re-make the magic. It's definately one of those teams that's gonna be trying to have a good time while trying to get better individually and as a team.
[i]-avail scrim 3-5 days a week(like 2-5 scrims per day)
-at least 1 season of ESEA as your class
-A++ attitude:
fun to hang out in mumble
be a team player
support your teammates!
-Please know positioning and game sense. Ofcourse there will be differences in playstyle and such, but be able to understand to look for and correct your own mistakes.
-constructive comms[/i]
So I personally can't stand people who rage. Like if you aren't giving scrim time a good effort, or if you get upset after losing and quit; all you are doing is wasting 5 other people's very valuable time. So absolutely NO RAGING. Please come with an open mind, ready to win or lose, and most importantly improve and have fun.
At the end of the season, game, scrim; I don't care if we win or lose I'd just like to say that we gave it a good (if not our best) effort. Which is pretty much how i look at anything.
So this team should be starting somewhere in mid open, not like it really makes a difference.
So add me or whatever if you are interested.
So I had a lot of awesome people contact me. And The Roster is Shaping Up As :
Tino_ on roamer
shiki on pocket
-thanks everyone
ADD ME[/i] <3[/b]
Dodecagon is a really great guy, who is improving at a steady rate. He's also probably the nicest guy I know. Hope you get some good tryouts buddy. :)
Dodecagon is a really great guy, who is improving at a steady rate. He's also probably the nicest guy I know. Hope you get some good tryouts buddy. :)
dodecagon is awesome and I'm sure that he's a good team leader. He is also a pretty good scout :>
dodecagon is awesome and I'm sure that he's a good team leader. He is also a pretty good scout :>
I still have no idea how he plays with that god forsaken sens.
Invite level osu player.
He's really experienced and will make a good team add him!
I still have no idea how he plays with that god forsaken sens.
Invite level osu player.
He's really experienced and will make a good team add him!
I would if it didn't look like he was so serious about scrims. he's really cool. can run a team with his responsible supper chill attitude. he's from an island.
I would if it didn't look like he was so serious about scrims. he's really cool. can run a team with his responsible supper chill attitude. he's from an island.
ShikiShikiI will consider!
YESS !!!!!
so got a few peoples interested so far , we'll be playing some games in like half an hour, if anyone want's to come check it out, or hang out and ring or whatever, add me up.
Also shameless bump.
Will update main post when i trap these suckers.
[quote=ShikiShiki]I will consider![/quote]
YESS !!!!!
so got a few peoples interested so far , we'll be playing some games in like half an hour, if anyone want's to come check it out, or hang out and ring or whatever, add me up.
Also shameless bump.
Will update main post when i trap these suckers.
I've played in pwr pugs with dode and he's a super cool dude. Redban is a beast demo, and burton is a funny guy. Definitely a team to consider if you're still looking.
I've played in pwr pugs with dode and he's a super cool dude. Redban is a beast demo, and burton is a funny guy. Definitely a team to consider if you're still looking.
wingardium levio-saaaaaaaaaa !!!
wingardium levio-saaaaaaaaaa !!!
We have a fascination with Janette McCurdy as well as Boku no Pico
We have a fascination with Janette McCurdy as well as Boku no Pico
bunch of goddamn dirty nice people
bunch of goddamn dirty nice people