Is there any scripts that let me forward spawn or backward spawn? It will be nice if there was a script where it didn't change your class to move spawn. Even if there is not i still appreciate any effort!
thanks :)
Is there any scripts that let me forward spawn or backward spawn? It will be nice if there was a script where it didn't change your class to move spawn. Even if there is not i still appreciate any effort!
thanks :)
Press the loadout preset bind (you can configure it for A,B,C and D). Then when you have equipped loadoutout A and is bind for e.g on button P, when you press P you will move spawn.
bind "x" "load_itempreset 0"
bind "c" "load_itempreset 1"
//bind "f3" "load_itempreset 2"
//bind "f4" "load_itempreset 3"
If you wanna put it in ur config too
change binds to w/e yadda yadda
what does load_itempreset 0 do?
i know the other ones
computers start counting from 0 typically instead of 1
So loadouts 0-3 are the four assigned to A-D
0 1 2 3
my former teammate zitrone wrote this script for my medic.
i have no clue what any of those alias mean but it works :
//resup shit and other toggles
alias "toggle" "kritz"
alias "kritz" "load_itempreset 1; alias resup bindk; say_team KRITZ; alias call callkritz; alias ready kready; alias toggle uber"
alias "uber" "load_itempreset 0; alias resup bindu ; say_team UBER; alias call calluber; alias ready uready; alias toggle kritz"
alias "bindk" "load_itempreset 1"
alias "bindu" "load_itempreset 0"
alias "resup" "bindu"
alias "+uber" "slot2; dropitem; +attack2; call; voicemenu 2 5"
alias "-uber" "-attack2"
alias "call" "calluber"
alias "calluber" "say_team UBER USED"
alias "callkritz" "say_team KRITZ USED"
alias "ready" "uready"
alias "uready" "say_team UBER READY"
alias "kready" "say_team KRITZ READY"
bind "t" "toggle"
bind "h" "resup"
load_itempreset 0
i got the good shit
ez mode is
bind "F5" "load_itempreset 0"
bind "F6" "load_itempreset 1"
bind "F7" "load_itempreset 2"
bind "F8" "load_itempreset 3"
hitting each loadout key will cycle spawns so just hit the one youre on.
if you wanna have a single key remember your loadout its more complicated. In autoexec you want something like:
alias 1load load_itempreset 0
alias 2load load_itempreset 0
alias 3load load_itempreset 0
alias 4load load_itempreset 0
alias 5load load_itempreset 0
alias 6load load_itempreset 0
alias 7load load_itempreset 0
alias 8load load_itempreset 0
alias 9load load_itempreset 0
Then in each class cfg, you need something like:
bind F5 "load_itempreset 0; alias 1load load_itempreset 0"
bind F6 "load_itempreset 1; alias 1load load_itempreset 1"
bind F7 "load_itempreset 2; alias 1load load_itempreset 2"
bind F8 "load_itempreset 3; alias 1load load_itempreset 3"
bind 1 1load
changing 1load to 2load, 3load, etc for each class.
Thisll make it so that the 1 key would refresh whatever your current loadout is (so long as you change using F5-8). Unfortunately you cant make it remember between game sessions so itll default to loadout 1 on launch.
how hard is it to just select pyro/heavy/engineer or some shit then go back to scout/soldier/demo
if you want this to do the shit where switching your hat forward spawns/back spawns you without losing uber that’s banned in esea and etf2l afaik
viperhow hard is it to just select pyro/heavy/engineer or some shit then go back to scout/soldier/demo
if you want this to do the shit where switching your hat forward spawns/back spawns you without losing uber that’s banned in esea and etf2l afaik
switching classes takes longer and if the server has classlimits set you might end up with you bind not working properly
also etf2l doesn't ban it, esea does
viperhow hard is it to just select pyro/heavy/engineer or some shit then go back to scout/soldier/demo
if you want this to do the shit where switching your hat forward spawns/back spawns you without losing uber that’s banned in esea and etf2l afaik
i mean its still faster. also a bind can let you avoid damage if you hit it the moment you get past the spawn doorway.
Yeah being able to disappear the minute i touch the spawn area has saved my life multiple times
Except in newer versions of granary where the spawn zone is a smaller square inside the shutter doors
@dagger FIX THIS
yet again sniper mains ruin all that is sacred >:(
ppaleunBrimstoneYeah being able to disappear the minute i touch the spawn area has saved my life multiple times
Except in newer versions of granary where the spawn zone is a smaller square inside the shutter doors
@dagger FIX THIS
he did this to solve the whole tcm (i think it was tcm) strat where you can just sit two snipers in spawn, and have them swap as soon as a team pushes in
Easy fix is classlimit 1 on sniper
Kavalso a bind can let you avoid damage if you hit it the moment you get past the spawn doorway.
that shit should be banned too imo
sure but all im saying is its strictly better than shuffling around classes
It would be except you can do the same thing with a class change bind and it doesn't rely on the item server not fucking you over. If you play anything but medic the a class change bind is objectively better than a load out switch bind. The only time a load out switch bind is te best option is when you are medic on last, need to resup as fast as possible and don't want to lost any uber (or you are playing etf2 and want to move spawns while maintaining uber)
JojoIt would be except you can do the same thing with a class change bind and it doesn't rely on the item server not fucking you over. If you play anything but medic the a class change bind is objectively better than a load out switch bind. The only time a load out switch bind is te best option is when you are medic on last, need to resup as fast as possible and don't want to lost any uber (or you are playing etf2 and want to move spawns while maintaining uber)
pretty sure you're not supposed to do any of that shit on medic its essentailly the same thing as backspawning with uber (same goes for forward sapwning and keeping uber)
you are correct in pointing out that that changing class is basically instant whereas the loadout switcher bind can have a bit of delay, but it's usually not that much
also demos can keep stickies on point while swapping loadouts but they det if you swap classes (banners are reset regardless of which way you do it other than hitting resup cabinet)
Kavviperhow hard is it to just select pyro/heavy/engineer or some shit then go back to scout/soldier/demoi mean its still faster. also a bind can let you avoid damage if you hit it the moment you get past the spawn doorway.
if you want this to do the shit where switching your hat forward spawns/back spawns you without losing uber that’s banned in esea and etf2l afaik
also, i don't know if anyone else remembers this, but one time it let habib respawn instantly during a scrim (?)