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crypt lft
posted in The Dumpster
13 Frags +

Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol

Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol
12 Frags +

hey i thought your profile was very visually appealing and thought we would get along

hey i thought your profile was very visually appealing and thought we would get along
-22 Frags +
GrapeJuiceIIIAlways thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no

[quote=GrapeJuiceIII]Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol[/quote]

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no
21 Frags +


-23 Frags +
n3Air_GrapeJuiceIIIAlways thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no
if you took any random person and had them read this thread, i'm sure anyone sane would dislike crypt for the bs he does

any more bs than being an absolute retard then calling yourself a girl and now you're popular?

[quote=n3][quote=Air_][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol[/quote]

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no[/quote]
if you took any random person and had them read this thread, i'm sure anyone sane would dislike crypt for the bs he does[/quote]
any more bs than being an absolute retard then calling yourself a girl and now you're popular?
-14 Frags +


14 Frags +
n3Air_n3Air_GrapeJuiceIIIAlways thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no
if you took any random person and had them read this thread, i'm sure anyone sane would dislike crypt for the bs he does
any more bs than being an absolute retard then calling yourself a girl and now you're popular?
o no did trigger u ;( please insult me on anything else other than gender

you base your life around tf2 and your circle of retards while you all jerk each other off and ignoring anything outside your bubble. you probably fucking jerk off your half broken dick to how much attention you got from crypt cause you put that you're a girl on your profile, then come in here when its easy for you jump on the bandwagon to shit on him

[quote=n3][quote=Air_][quote=n3][quote=Air_][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol[/quote]

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no[/quote]
if you took any random person and had them read this thread, i'm sure anyone sane would dislike crypt for the bs he does[/quote]
any more bs than being an absolute retard then calling yourself a girl and now you're popular?[/quote]
o no did trigger u ;( please insult me on anything else other than gender[/quote]

you base your life around tf2 and your circle of retards while you all jerk each other off and ignoring anything outside your bubble. you probably fucking jerk off your half broken dick to how much attention you got from crypt cause you put that you're a girl on your profile, then come in here when its easy for you jump on the bandwagon to shit on him
47 Frags +


video game forum

video game forum
8 Frags +

this thread peaked like 10 posts ago

this thread peaked like 10 posts ago
27 Frags +
Air_GrapeJuiceIIIAlways thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no

idk man attempting to manipulate every girl within his online sphere into feeling bad enough to throw him a pity fuck/attention kinda crosses the realm into an objectively shitty person

[quote=Air_][quote=GrapeJuiceIII]Always thought he was chill he helped me with setting up my stream
Looks like I was wrong lol[/quote]

oh no everyone else hates him i should hate him too i don't want anyone to think i have an unpopular opinion oh no[/quote]
idk man attempting to manipulate every girl within his online sphere into feeling bad enough to throw him a pity fuck/attention kinda crosses the realm into an objectively shitty person
34 Frags +

aight yall niggas gotta relax @air @n3

aight yall niggas gotta relax @air @n3
-18 Frags +


35 Frags +


1 Frags +

at this point i'm waiting for this to be dumpstered

at this point i'm waiting for this to be dumpstered
14 Frags +

when the hill you want to die on in the TF2 community is defending a guy who beats his meat 24/7 to any woman that sneezes on the same planet as him

when the hill you want to die on in the TF2 community is defending a guy who beats his meat 24/7 to any woman that sneezes on the same planet as him
6 Frags +


11 Frags +


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9 Frags +


14 Frags +

man we thought perfection's thread was bad

man we thought perfection's thread was bad
-17 Frags +
povwhen the hill you want to die on in the TF2 community is defending a guy who beats his meat 24/7 to any woman that sneezes on the same planet as him

i'm not defending crypt, i'm attacking the retards crypt seems to be interested in who are consistently fake annoying cunts yet nobody ever calls them on it.

i'm all for hating on someone but the people who really deserve it never get any

i've been given an atomic bomb that i'm not allowed to use and i'm done

[quote=pov]when the hill you want to die on in the TF2 community is defending a guy who beats his meat 24/7 to any woman that sneezes on the same planet as him[/quote]

i'm not defending crypt, i'm attacking the retards crypt seems to be interested in who are consistently fake annoying cunts yet nobody ever calls them on it.

i'm all for hating on someone but the people who really deserve it never get any

i've been given an atomic bomb that i'm not allowed to use and i'm done
38 Frags +


26 Frags +
Air_i'm not defending crypt, i'm attacking the retards crypt seems to be interested in who are consistently fake annoying cunts yet nobody ever calls them on it.

"the retards crypt seems to be interested in"
bold accusation to call every single female TF2 player retarded

i'm not defending crypt, i'm attacking the retards crypt seems to be interested in who are consistently fake annoying cunts yet nobody ever calls them on it.[/quote]

"the retards crypt seems to be interested in"
bold accusation to call every single female TF2 player retarded
37 Frags +


5 Frags +

I’m here to watch a dumpster fire and collect upfrags

I’m here to watch a dumpster fire and collect upfrags
23 Frags +
midasaight yall niggas gotta relax @air @n3


[quote=midas]aight yall niggas gotta relax @air @n3[/quote]

12 Frags +


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-5 Frags +

rockstar aim, chill AF, and has the right priorities as a 6's player
tryout fosho


rockstar aim, chill AF, and has the right priorities as a 6's player
tryout fosho [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51LRY5y-85L._UX679_.jpg?tag=teamfortresst-20[/img]
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