RIP Bdonski 2013-2018 [*]
RIP Bdonski 2013-2018 [*]
I once heard that bdonski never missed a match in his entire career. I've only played about three pugs with him which were all great experiences, but watching him play was one of my favorite things to do
Dang, so not only are Slemnish, Corsa, Ma3la and Bdonski quitting, but is that Svift NA dead too?
SVIFT NA is laz corsa slemnish botmode delpo skeez
SVIFT NA is laz corsa slemnish botmode delpo discord
zillySVIFT NA is laz corsa slemnish botmode delpo skeez
Delpo comeback:o
zillySVIFT NA is laz corsa slemnish botmode delpo skeez
very well done troll
RIP all members of the eLevate squad that I watched back in s17 D:
bdonski is leaving with the most second place finishes out of any tf2 player
Hype roster but I'm gonna have a hard time thinking of this team as "Ascent" ngl
Gonna miss you Bdonski, good luck with whatever you move on to. :(
Discord: why don’t you guys cut yight for yosh or kawa
Me: yea I’ve been playin a bit of dota
Discord: botmode is filling in for aim as he plays dota
My chat: why don’t you guys just pick up delpo?
Me for the x time: yea let me just Not attempt to get him cuz I love playing with yight on his worse class :)
Feels bad for Bdonski
Conveniently editing out his 3rd place... Ok liquid I see u
-Klaus-bdonski is leaving with the most second place finishes out of any tf2 player
does anyone know how many
Feels bad for Bdonski
all 9 of his second place finishes are to froyo FeelsBadMan
shuffles happening