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Any Open/IM interested in Quake Live or CPMA?
posted in Other Games
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cpma blows but playing ql with these guys is fun

cpma blows but playing ql with these guys is fun
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I would, but then I'd have to face how bad I've gotten at quake.

I would, but then I'd have to face how bad I've gotten at quake.
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blazo-everyone playing aside from myself has like 5-20 hours of quake played

hey i have 45 be quiet

[quote=blazo-]everyone playing aside from myself has like 5-20 hours of quake played[/quote]
hey i have 45 be quiet
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would've been involved if i had quake live, only have quake champions :/

would've been involved if i had quake live, only have quake champions :/
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been playing with these guys for the past week, very nice and cool people that just want to play some video games, would recommend hopping in some time

been playing with these guys for the past week, very nice and cool people that just want to play some video games, would recommend hopping in some time
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no invite players allowed.

no invite players allowed.
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Download link for CPMA with everything you need to start playing. More information in the second link.


Download link for CPMA with everything you need to start playing. More information in the second link.

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if cpma wasnt such a bitch to set up id def play it more someone please baby me while i set it up because im too dense to get this shit to work consistently and save my settings

if cpma wasnt such a bitch to set up id def play it more someone please baby me while i set it up because im too dense to get this shit to work consistently and save my settings
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is this NA only?

is this NA only?
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yo sibby add me and ill help you set it up https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128527988/

and right now I think its NA exclusive. Im sure you can set up a discord for eu though

yo sibby add me and ill help you set it up https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128527988/

and right now I think its NA exclusive. Im sure you can set up a discord for eu though
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Im making a new discord channel specifically for this, so make sure you join that if you joined the original one

Im making a new discord channel specifically for this, so make sure you join that if you joined the original one
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I don't even play esea but can I play with y'all?

I don't even play esea but can I play with y'all?
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all idiots welcome

all idiots welcome
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This is a good idea. The cpma discord is often not a great place to start. I def recommend finding a friend to jump into this together. Using Qtracker will provide a good way to see servers because there still are plenty.

This is a good idea. The cpma discord is often not a great place to start. I def recommend finding a friend to jump into this together. Using Qtracker will provide a good way to see servers because there still are plenty.
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would you guys be more interested in playing if we got it into more team based game modes like 2v2 and tdm? rather than duel?
asking the tf2 community

would you guys be more interested in playing if we got it into more team based game modes like 2v2 and tdm? rather than duel?
asking the tf2 community
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