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LFT Mid Open Scout
0 Frags +

Um so funny story. My team died. Please get back to me as fast as possible

Um so funny story. My team died. Please get back to me as fast as possible
2 Frags +

he fists on scout, sniper offclass is nuts. pick him up as quick as u can

he fists on scout, sniper offclass is nuts. pick him up as quick as u can
1 Frags +

the man can ding dong dome people on class 8

the man can ding dong dome people on class 8
1 Frags +

legendary sniper

legendary sniper
1 Frags +

pounds on scout with a sniper offclass to look out for

pounds on scout with a sniper offclass to look out for
1 Frags +

chad sniper

chad sniper
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pretty good from what i can remember

pretty good from what i can remember
0 Frags +

That One Sniper Main

That One Sniper Main
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