with both streamlabs obs and obs studio, tf2 freezes every single time i move my mouse. if i'm not moving my mouse, i won't freeze, but as soon as i move it my fps drops to 0 for ~10 seconds. this is consistent every single time obs is open
this has also only happened in team fortress 2, i haven't noticed it happening in other games yet
this only recently started. maybe a week ago is the first time i noticed it
i only have one scene and within that scene is one source, which is game capture with these settings
it seems like after further testing it's only game capture and tf2 that don't like each other, display capture is fine but i really prefer game capture
any ideas?
with both streamlabs obs and obs studio, tf2 freezes every single time i move my mouse. if i'm not moving my mouse, i won't freeze, but as soon as i move it my fps drops to 0 for ~10 seconds. this is consistent every single time obs is open
this has also only happened in team fortress 2, i haven't noticed it happening in other games yet
this only recently started. maybe a week ago is the first time i noticed it
i only have one scene and within that scene is one source, which is game capture with these settings
it seems like after further testing it's only game capture and tf2 that don't like each other, display capture is fine but i really prefer game capture
any ideas?
its a sign to stop streaming
its a sign to stop streaming