stephthere is the 200 tick oihguv server if you want it, if I were to make more servers I'd have to see an uptick in traffic above what it currently is to justify it (though that [hopefully?] might happen when AS shutters its last server)
stephthere is the 200 tick oihguv server if you want it, if I were to make more servers I'd have to see an uptick in traffic above what it currently is to justify it (though that [hopefully?] might happen when AS shutters its last server)
imported most(if not all) of the bans from AS mge, hooray!
you can find them at
Banlength Permanent
Reason kill yourself
Banned by Admin stephanie
1. when did i stalk or harass anyone
2. why did you tell me to kill myself
three things-
1) i will be releasing a b3_fix for oihguv at some point because there's clipping issues that i've missed on certain arenas (oops)
2) i will not be importing elo from AS bcuz the database types are different (sqlite3 is what the AS elo used, mysql is what all my servers use)
3) i've opened up ban protests on the sourcebans site, if you want to protest a ban go there and i'll get back to you
stephthree things-
1) i will be releasing a b3_fix for oihguv at some point because there's clipping issues that i've missed on certain arenas (oops)
2) i will not be importing elo from AS bcuz the database types are different (sqlite3 is what the AS elo used, mysql is what all my servers use)
3) i've opened up ban protests on the sourcebans site, if you want to protest a ban go there and i'll get back to you
convert sqllite3 to mysql by downloading the database and converting it. shouldn't take THAT much time?
24steph2) i will not be importing elo from AS bcuz the database types are different (sqlite3 is what the AS elo used, mysql is what all my servers use)
convert sqllite3 to mysql by downloading the database and converting it. shouldn't take THAT much time?
i also do not have that specific database lol, dog didn't manage to grab it before the servers shut off (at least to my knowledge)
even if I did it'd still not be worth the time working out the quirks that would come with converting from one to the other