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Discussing Scratch's ban and RGL
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classic thread

classic thread
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retard deserved to be banned shut up

retard deserved to be banned shut up
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edinretard deserved to be banned shut up
[quote=edin]retard [s]deserved to be banned[/s] shut up[/quote]
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posting in legendary epic thread

posting in legendary epic thread
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finally this cyber terrorist has been jailed, and i can go back to moisturizing sigafoos feet with reddit brand lotion while he tells me its not hard to be a decent person

finally this cyber terrorist has been jailed, and i can go back to moisturizing sigafoos feet with reddit brand lotion while he tells me its not hard to be a decent person
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this is why u dont ban people for stuff they do off your platform unless theyre out there doxing people like if u had to ban people for being toxic outside of rgl youd have to ban the 999 goblins who hang out on the rgl meme discord and do nothing all day but stroke their egos and shit talk people they dont like. and steam dms even worst like just block him lol?? like literally no other game just bans their players like this

and it's not like this was a pro scene / invite players. and even then, if it was an invite player they would have given them a 2 weeks with a pat on the back

this is why u dont ban people for stuff they do off your platform unless theyre out there doxing people like if u had to ban people for being toxic outside of rgl youd have to ban the 999 goblins who hang out on the rgl meme discord and do nothing all day but stroke their egos and shit talk people they dont like. and steam dms even worst like just block him lol?? like literally no other game just bans their players like this

and it's not like this was a pro scene / invite players. and even then, if it was an invite player they would have given them a 2 weeks with a pat on the back
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i miss esea

i miss esea
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hhhwrdScratch was recently banned from vague statements given by the RGL admins.

so basically hes now banned from anything that any rgl admin has ever uttered so far? thats pretty cruel, now he has no way of conmunicating with the admin team at all

[quote=hhhwrd]Scratch was recently banned from vague statements given by the RGL admins.
so basically hes now banned from anything that any rgl admin has ever uttered so far? thats pretty cruel, now he has no way of conmunicating with the admin team at all
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imagine receiving a report on someone for a ONE TIME mean steam DM and saying literally anything about it other than "Block them, it has nothing to do with our league".

The other ban reasons are simply ludicrous, scouring logs shows no evidence of Scratchh doing anything listed in his ban since the season started, so maybe we should be given insight before people get it in their heads this is just another "We banned him and we are not showing the exact reason or report" situation that RGL just loves pulling.

imagine receiving a report on someone for a ONE TIME mean steam DM and saying literally anything about it other than "Block them, it has nothing to do with our league".

The other ban reasons are simply ludicrous, scouring logs shows no evidence of Scratchh doing anything listed in his ban since the season started, so maybe we should be given insight before people get it in their heads this is just another "We banned him and we are not showing the exact reason or report" situation that RGL just loves pulling.
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gobitoeif it was an invite player they would have given them a 2 weeks with a pat on the back

Are You Sure About That .

[quote=gobitoe]if it was an invite player they would have given them a 2 weeks with a pat on the back[/quote]

Are You Sure About That .
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Personally I believe this ban to be excessive. I've seen the logs between Scratchh and Sigafoo as well as the logs between Scratchh and Ben's boyfriend. Sigafoo was very unwilling to reason with Scratchh, and Ben's boyfriend is a hypocrite who spammed the n-word multiple times in Scratchh's dms. It's not unreasonable to say that there is hypocrisy here. It's unfair of RGL admins to punish Scratchh without also punishing Axities/Liam/Nick/"Girlhusband" since their dms reflect the same joking edgy humor (one saying "fag" and the other saying the n-word.)

Its clear the first image linked was a joke. The second image, I witnessed "girlhusband" streaming to our discord VC about getting Scratchh banned, showing logs between him and Sigafoo on Steam and Discord. It's obvious Girlhusband had malicious intent and didn't actually care about being called a "fag". The 3rd and 4th screenshots clearly show the hypocrisy. Need I say more?

BS Ban. RGL.gg as a league has poor admining and rules that bend only in favor of crybabies. Why does anyone still play? No clue. And as a gay woman, Scratchh has never offended me by using terms such as "fag" and "gay" as insults. Don't be so sensitive, its a fuckin video game. My nerd essay is done.

Personally I believe this ban to be excessive. I've seen the logs between Scratchh and Sigafoo as well as the logs between Scratchh and Ben's boyfriend. Sigafoo was very unwilling to reason with Scratchh, and Ben's boyfriend is a hypocrite who spammed the n-word multiple times in Scratchh's dms. It's not unreasonable to say that there is hypocrisy here. It's unfair of RGL admins to punish Scratchh without also punishing Axities/Liam/Nick/"Girlhusband" since their dms reflect the same joking edgy humor (one saying "fag" and the other saying the n-word.)

Its clear the first image linked was a joke. The second image, I witnessed "girlhusband" streaming to our discord VC about getting Scratchh banned, showing logs between him and Sigafoo on Steam and Discord. It's obvious Girlhusband had malicious intent and didn't actually care about being called a "fag". The 3rd and 4th screenshots clearly show the hypocrisy. Need I say more?

BS Ban. RGL.gg as a league has poor admining and rules that bend only in favor of crybabies. Why does anyone still play? No clue. And as a gay woman, Scratchh has never offended me by using terms such as "fag" and "gay" as insults. Don't be so sensitive, its a fuckin video game. My nerd essay is done.
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the entire point of the probation program is to give rgl an excuse to ban people they don't like for random shit

the entire point of the probation program is to give rgl an excuse to ban people they don't like for random shit
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if anyone has experience with running a league and only needs financial backing to make it happen hml

if anyone has experience with running a league and only needs financial backing to make it happen hml
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According to Sigafoo, and his response on the HL forums, players will never get more than a vague ban, and a vague rule set. This is an easy way to extend admin discretion beyond reasonable limits.



According to Sigafoo, and his response on the HL forums, players will never get more than a vague ban, and a vague rule set. This is an easy way to extend admin discretion beyond reasonable limits.


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vecSigafoo was very unwilling to reason with Scratchh

sigafoo is unwilling to reason with anyone because he doesnt read anything you tell him
hes just a power tripping retard

[quote=vec]Sigafoo was very unwilling to reason with Scratchh[/quote]
sigafoo is unwilling to reason with anyone because he doesnt read anything you tell him
hes just a power tripping retard
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i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about sigafoo. u wouldnt say this shit to him in private dms, because he'd ban you and then give a vague reason as to why you got banned and then block you so you can't even find out why you actually got banned lol.

i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about sigafoo. u wouldnt say this shit to him in private dms, because he'd ban you and then give a vague reason as to why you got banned and then block you so you can't even find out why you actually got banned lol.
-10 Frags +

I guess either we all make a new league and move to it, or we sit down on rgl for the next season or seasons.

I guess either we all make a new league and move to it, or we sit down on rgl for the next season or seasons.
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they just keepin scratch from debuting in invite -_-

they just keepin scratch from debuting in invite -_-
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This is an absolutely terrible precedent to set. If you can be banned for unsportsmanlike conduct outside of the game, then the next step is people digging through Discord servers for naughty words and wrong opinions and tattling to the admins.

This is an absolutely terrible precedent to set. If you can be banned for unsportsmanlike conduct [i]outside of the game[/i], then the next step is people digging through Discord servers for naughty words and wrong opinions and tattling to the admins.
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T̲o̲ ̲M̲e̲ ̲I̲ ̲T̲h̲i̲n̲k̲ ̲S̲i̲g̲a̲f̲o̲o̲ ̲S̲h̲o̲u̲l̲d̲ ̲G̲e̲t̲ ̲A̲ ̲D̲a̲m̲n̲ ̲J̲o̲b̲ ̲A̲n̲d̲ ̲M̲a̲y̲b̲e̲ ̲G̲e̲t̲ ̲S̲o̲m̲e̲ ̲P̲u̲s̲s̲y̲(̲n̲o̲ ̲d̲i̲s̲r̲e̲s̲p̲e̲c̲t̲)̲!̲ ̲S̲a̲m̲e̲ ̲W̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲S̲c̲r̲a̲t̲c̲h̲ ̲T̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲L̲i̲t̲t̲l̲e̲ ̲B̲i̲t̲c̲h̲ ̲B̲o̲y̲ ̲C̲a̲n̲ ̲W̲o̲u̲l̲d̲n̲'̲t̲ ̲L̲a̲s̲t̲ ̲A̲ ̲s̲e̲c̲o̲n̲d̲ ̲i̲n̲ ̲a̲ ̲f̲i̲s̲t̲f̲i̲g̲h̲t̲ ̲b̲u̲t̲ ̲I̲ ̲s̲t̲i̲l̲l̲ ̲w̲a̲n̲t̲ ̲H̲i̲m̲ ̲U̲N̲B̲A̲N̲N̲E̲D̲ ̲#̲S̲i̲g̲a̲f̲o̲o̲G̲e̲t̲A̲J̲o̲b̲

T̲o̲ ̲M̲e̲ ̲I̲ ̲T̲h̲i̲n̲k̲ ̲S̲i̲g̲a̲f̲o̲o̲ ̲S̲h̲o̲u̲l̲d̲ ̲G̲e̲t̲ ̲A̲ ̲D̲a̲m̲n̲ ̲J̲o̲b̲ ̲A̲n̲d̲ ̲M̲a̲y̲b̲e̲ ̲G̲e̲t̲ ̲S̲o̲m̲e̲ ̲P̲u̲s̲s̲y̲(̲n̲o̲ ̲d̲i̲s̲r̲e̲s̲p̲e̲c̲t̲)̲!̲ ̲S̲a̲m̲e̲ ̲W̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲S̲c̲r̲a̲t̲c̲h̲ ̲T̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲L̲i̲t̲t̲l̲e̲ ̲B̲i̲t̲c̲h̲ ̲B̲o̲y̲ ̲C̲a̲n̲ ̲W̲o̲u̲l̲d̲n̲'̲t̲ ̲L̲a̲s̲t̲ ̲A̲ ̲s̲e̲c̲o̲n̲d̲ ̲i̲n̲ ̲a̲ ̲f̲i̲s̲t̲f̲i̲g̲h̲t̲ ̲b̲u̲t̲ ̲I̲ ̲s̲t̲i̲l̲l̲ ̲w̲a̲n̲t̲ ̲H̲i̲m̲ ̲U̲N̲B̲A̲N̲N̲E̲D̲ ̲#̲S̲i̲g̲a̲f̲o̲o̲G̲e̲t̲A̲J̲o̲b̲
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dbkthe entire point of the probation program is to give rgl an excuse to ban people they don't like for random shit

this but unironically

i seriously believe that being trans/gay/furry in rgl grants you special treatment

[quote=dbk]the entire point of the probation program is to give rgl an excuse to ban people they don't like for random shit[/quote]

this but unironically

i seriously believe that being trans/gay/furry in rgl grants you special treatment
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the new playoff-worthy strat is chasing your upcoming opponent's dm's and keeping naughty word screenshots in your back pocket like a +2 in uno

the new playoff-worthy strat is chasing your upcoming opponent's dm's and keeping naughty word screenshots in your back pocket like a +2 in uno
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Scratchh gets banned after calling a team "gay", meanwhile rocketking is somehow unscathed after maliciously dropping two consecutive n-bombs on aim's stream.

Scratchh gets banned after calling a team "gay", meanwhile rocketking is somehow unscathed after maliciously dropping two consecutive n-bombs on aim's stream.
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