critical mass
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SteamID64 | 76561197960363526 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:97798] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:48899 |
Country | Switzerland |
Signed Up | July 18, 2012 |
Last Posted | April 15, 2017 at 10:45 PM |
Posts | 1071 (0.2 per day) |
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Goodbye, Dexter Morgan.
Off Topic
the character arcs are like 2 episodes long consistently.
the show was the dirtiest ive watched for years now
posted about 11 years ago
mge alts eXposed
TF2 General Discussion
Kanecozigzter"If you weren't supposed to use the quickfix then it wouldn't be on the fuckin game. Jesus."
I can't begin to describe how dumb these people are.
If you weren't supposed to shoot at the other guy spawning the spawns would be on the fucking ground. Jesus.
Things do have flaws, nothing is built perfect, and endif is no different. Sorry, but shooting someone with very limited strafing ability since you are basically falling vertically is tryharding at its best.
it's the entire point of endif u goddam idiot lmao
posted about 11 years ago
Goodbye, Dexter Morgan.
Off Topic
i was emo over that shit for like 2 days
posted about 11 years ago
Question about quotation marks in binds
TF2 General Discussion
have u tried using one set of quotations working inside of just a .cfg file
posted about 11 years ago
Games worth buying.
Other Games
bastion is in the humble bundle goin on right now
posted about 11 years ago
What the hell do i do in this situation.
Off Topic
the earlier you get in the habit of relying on books instead of teachers the better tbh
posted about 11 years ago
Dreamhack CS gets 250k from cosmetic sales
CS2 General Discussion
insomnia isn't primarily a competition lan. neither is dreamhack I guess, but the culture over the years there has always harbored it.
look at the production value once they move to stage and it's out of the hands of anyone who cares about tf2
posted about 11 years ago