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Last Posted April 15, 2017 at 10:45 PM
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#8 Xbox 180, Xbox One will no longer feature bad DRM in Off Topic
DuwangStill won't change much, the damage is done.

the people whining are the same internet brigade that bitch at EA for DRM and still eat up their games. i don't think they would have had issues selling consoles even had they left it alone.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 The hit sound you didn't know you needed. in TF2 General Discussion

more intelligent posts here than half of the weapon balance opinion threads imo

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Super Smash Brothers 4 Official Trailer! in Other Games
you don't need a carbon copy of an older game for it to be good.
Remember when nintendo decided to make a smash game that was new and different and we got brawl?

yeah, I'd rather have melee 2.0

I liked a game. a sequel came out that I didn't like. Therefore I will not like any sequels. That logic is undeniably weak... and what would be the point of remaking melee anyways? there's no significant engine flaws in the original one to warrant the costs of a remake. if you want to play melee, go play melee.

I feel like you just came here and regurgitated a bunch of technical terms and conclude because they exist it's what makes the game good and competitive. really the only variable is whether or not the game is fun or not. people would have competed in melee if pretty much everything in your list was removed. would there be less depth? sure. but it'd still be fun. most of the depth when you compete in something comes from your opponent anyways.

I wrote this all without even bringing up that brawl really isnt all that bad. some of the changes were undeniably stupid, but it's still fun to play/intense to watch high level play. at the end of the day most of the people that whine about it would probably still play it if there was a scene in their area or they the online play wasn't godawful. having good online is kind of the only factor in whether or not i play the new one personally.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Super Smash Brothers 4 Official Trailer! in Other Games
KhakiReally bored so making a list of everything that smash 4 needs to be at least as good as melee:
SHFFLing(short-hopping, fastfalling, l-cancel)
Ledge tech
power shielding
power shield reflecting
smash DI
jump canceling:
-JC grabs
-JC shines
-JC up smash
-JC up-B
jab resets
ledge drops(dash drop, shield drop, isai drop, pc drop)

character specific skills:
fox/falco shorthop lasers
fox shorthop double laser
fox falco JC shine as said above
fox/falco illusion shorten
fox up-B sweetspotting
fox/falco waveshines
marf's reverse up-b
marf's side-b stall
when playing against marf, lightshield instant edgehog
sheik's needle cancel
sheik's up-B ledge fakeout
sheik's needle air pivot
sheik's infinite ledge stall
samus' infinite up-B tech
samus' super wavedash
samus' infinite down-b recovery
Icies Wobbling
Icies desyncing
Falcon's gentleman(actually, an easier gentleman would be awesome)
Falcon/Ganon Down-B jump reset
falcon/Ganon Eddy spike
pikachu's double upward quick attack

a lot more shit that I can't think of atm


you don't need a carbon copy of an older game for it to be good.

posted about 11 years ago
#176 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

Were either of those kills intentional? No. You decide!

Why is that in this game? Nobody knows. You decide!

dont shoot the rocket?

posted about 11 years ago
#17 E3 Begins in Off Topic

e3s have been a disappointment ever since it stopped being anything but a conference

posted about 11 years ago
#104 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
harbleu2czigzterenigmathe idea isn't to create a new stepping stone into the current 6v6 format, but rather to replace it with something better entirely, to the point where the officially supported 6v6 lobbies are both the competitive and (semi)pub formatThen you still have Tagg's concern where it'll divide the community, because there will definitely be a good amount of people who still want to play the current 6v6 and have nothing to do with the new one.
they will quickly follow the trend.
or quit...

it'd be idiotic to think there wouldn't be a portion of players that would quit if there was a drastic change in the competitive format.

people are all talk. change occurs in every game, and every time there are people who say they'll quit. think of the transition from bw to sc2. the amount of people quitting always ends up negligable, and in this case the returns would obviously be greater

posted about 11 years ago
#66 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion
From what I've been told, the biggest changes currently stand as so:
- A restriction of max 2 of any class, maybe no restrictions at all.
-No weapon bans.
-2 of each map type.
To me, that's not TF2. That's not the game I spent a half a decade playing, practicing, watching, loving and failing at. "Jeez, just a couple changes to our game and we'll have valve support, imagine the numbers we could reach, the eyes we could gain. Next thing you know, we'll be at MLG." TFTV is going to make an experimental league I'd assume. "Hmm, playing some payload for valve's support, it's such a big step. Double demos everywhere, well if it means 6v6 lobbies, it'll be worth it."

a conservative mindset is a bad mindset. there is a clear problem with the game that has finally presented itself an opportunity to be fixed. an adjustment to some arbitrary rules really isn't that big of a deal and the whiners ALWAYS forget about these changes in a month of playing. it's been the case in every game where some radical change comes... unless the change is really bad. but some smart people seem to be helping mold this change with valve, so that is unlikely to happen.

Once again, I'm a fatalist. This is what I forsee:

6v6 lobby gets picked up. We've finally made it. Valve accepts us. The next big thing is the leagues. What's the point of having this lobbying with this rule set if no leagues use it. No lobby players will transition to league play. Either ESEA picks it up or more likely ESEA passes and enigma decides to make the TFTV league. All of a sudden, a huge rift has been formed in competitive TF2. Some players hate the new format, it's killed the game. Some players love it, some of those people might actually like the new gameplay and some just rally around the idea of Valve's support. ESEA experiences a huge drop in numbers, players begin to quit because the money and excitement isn't what it used to be. The open player base is much smaller now. TFTV also experiences a drop of top players. They loved the idea of Valve's support but just don't have the same passion for TF2. Past that, I have no idea what would happen.

This is the strongest gaming community in the world. No numbers will prove it, no forums posts will show it but if I'm sure of anything it's that. Valve will never give us an international, shit I'd still be surprised to ever see a competitive front page post even if 6v6 lobby was introduced. I'm a fatalist. I overexagerate, over dramatize and make everything sound a lot worse than what it is but before you dive head first into a Valve supported future, think about two things. What Valve's support means and How far we've come.

why would esea not follow the ruleset adopted by an ingame system valve creates? the only way a schism will be created is if there are some really stupid people at the top making decisions. The best case scenereo is people stop crying about (gasp) playing more game modes and having more variety, valve implements a matchmaking type system ingame(you can stop here for enough reasons to do this), and valve potentially starts putting more funds into competitive and can say "look! we're giving these guys money while they play the fun competitive mode!" and the casual audience goes "wow this is kind of fun!" Think TI2 style: start prizemoney at x, add ingame item that contributes funds to this tournament. wishful thinking is the international becomes a "valve game" yearly tournament with this sort of prize money system in place.

the worst case scenereo is we get integrated pugging. in a ruleset you'd eventually learn to love. seriously, the effects manual weapon banning would have would be very cool.

anyways, my goal wasnt to be polarizing to what is likely to be a 12 page circlejerk. I just feel like there's a lot of issues that need to be looked at from other people's perspectives. and sorry for the formatting/any strange transitions its 6am and no sleep !

posted about 11 years ago
#65 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion
Again, I'm a fatalist. I'll make it sound scarier than it is but doesn't this sound a bit familiar. History repeats itself. How many concessions are we willing to make just for support from Valve? What does support from Valve even mean? What are they supporting?

TF2 has been around for a bit more than 5 years. How many times has Valve REALLY advertised anything competitive TF2? Besides those hidden announcements on the teamfortress.com site, there's been nothing. A couple medals and a couple shoutouts. None of us ever wanted an international, just a bit of recognition. A FRONT PAGE POST, a news item in TF2 main screen on the right side or a nice embedded link.

If anything is an unpopular opinion it's probably this: how do you expect Valve to support competitive tf2 when it caters to a completely different audience than the majority of the people that play the game?

Think from their perspective: Their goal is to get lots of people to enjoy their content so they're comfortable enough to play it regularly and buy cool stuff from their store. Net effective fun is their measurement for success. We as competitive tf2 players play a game so different from everyone else that the definition of "fun" is shifted completely. And they're not going to choose our miniscule competitive playerbase's definition of fun if it ruins this net effective fun for everyone else.

We play 5cp when it is by far the least popular(or maybe it's ctf) mode played outside of competitive-- we've already created a huge contrast in the player experience. What are the repercussions of this choice? We DESPISE turtling play. Heavies, engis, snipers are considered "annoying" classes because we play a gamemode that is only fun when there's an intense tug-of-war of back and forth pushing. We choose to balance around this. In pub play, there are game modes oriented around cracking the base, which is more inclusive, representative of pub play, and the same notions of what is fun or not are shared among the people good and the people playing casually.

Imagine Valve implemented our current ruleset to some ingame matchmaking system and heavily promoted it. "Hey! Play this competitive stuff it's really cool!" These people with a completely different notion of fun would go "oh boy!" and proceed to click find match. They would get into a game and something like this would happen:

"you mean they only play those 5 point cp maps I always go the wrong way on those XD"
"I cant use ANY of my new items? why did I spend all that time trading..."
"why is everyone mad that im heavy..."

they conclude that experience was terrible and proceed to never play it again. a couple things happen as a result of this. one, valve wasted time and bloated their game with a mm system the majority of their playerbase don't use. two, they show a loss of touch to their main audience. I don't think it takes much to see if rules were changed to have a competitive game that actually mirrors what normal people play tf2 for, there'd be growth and support. highlander has already shown this.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion
CGS was big. Franchise were bought and owned by CGS, players were salaried, prize pots were big and CS was on TV. For CGS though, the current state of Counter Strike was too stale. The casual audience just didn't like it as much as the competitive one. One of the CGS's biggest downfalls was its management. It wasn't run by gamers or fans, it was run by businessmen. CS, in its competitive format, is run 32 rounds. For the casual audience, games lasted too long. There were far too many rounds to keep them interested in matches. They decided to change the rules, from now on CS was to be played in 18 rounds. Hey man, whatever, a few less rounds, who cares, we're on TV. Unfortunately, they still didn't feel that was enough to appeal to newer viewers. For those that don't know, CS players start off with 800$ to buy their guns. Due to your low amount of money, you're forced to buy pistols for the first round. This is known as the "Pistol Round". This dictates a large portion of the game since winning pistol round give you a huge economic advantage. Well jeez, we have fewer rounds now and audiences wanna see the big guns. We wanna hear the boom of the AWP and the big plays with AK, why are we waiting 8 rounds to get there? CS players no longer started with 800$ but started with the full 16k. This way, the big guns came out right away. Hmm, well I mean, we're still playing CS, it's just a bit different, just remember guys WE'RE ON TV. CPL is dead and CGS is the future, LOOK AT THE MONEY, we'll stick with it.

But they didn't, in 2008 CGS ceased all operations. CGS was sold to a new company who had decided to no longer continue. No reason was given, you can only speculate. One can only imagine that it was due to viewership. The competitive community wasn't too pleased at that point. The game they loved had turned into something else during the time of CGS. The casual gamers moved on, they liked it but they are always chasing the newest trend, no need to stay. Gamers quit, franchises went bankrupt and eSports in the west entered the "dark ages". Viewership was big back then and I believe that FPS will never recover.

it was because the system was unmaintainable. people were getting paid more than what people are getting paid NOW-- when we have more access to larger viewerships that can be maintained daily, way more access to advertising, and way more player/team fanbases than back then. combine this with the bewildering and backwards "push to tv" when the rest of the world has been heading towards internet content, and it's pretty obvious why it failed.

posted about 11 years ago
#63 The Unpopular Opinion in TF2 General Discussion


KillingI wanna start with off by saying I'm a fatalist. I overexagerate, over dramatize and make everything sound a lot worse than what it is. I decided to write this big ass thing because I know I'll never be asked on podcasts or streams. If there was ever a time for a gotfrag essay, now is the time.

To begin, we gotta go all the way back to 2007, back when eSports was still booming. At the time, Counter Strike was the biggest game by far in the west. Dota and SC for the most part were only popular out in the east, FPS dominated the western scene. People think that just recently eSports has begun to explode, they're wrong. eSports was huge back then, maybe not as big, but still very sizeable. CPL, the biggest of the circuits, was set to close down in 2007. After all the corruption and "misplaced" prizes, it had actually grown the scene a fair amount. CGS, Championship Gaming Series, had begun to form around 2006 but it's first "real" season was in 2007. For those that don't know what the CGS is, it was a very short lived league that was televised on DirectTV. Since then, the only eSports on TV in North America has been Halo on ESPN by MLG (2008/9?). Counter Strike was getting big and there was plenty of excitement of finally getting on TV, being recognized.

Firstly, I think this is an opinion that a lot of people in oldschool fps scenes feel. This is not an unpopular opinion for the board you're talking to. I've been a part of all those scenes as well, but try to be impartial when looking at the big picture of what's going on. hope everyone doesnt get too mad at me

Esports really wasn't all that big back then. The flashiness of competitive events can numb someone to the numbers: The biggest viewership in the old days of CS was CPL 2004 with an HLTV filled to 40000. This was "The International" for competitive gaming at the time. Accounting for the inconvenience of no live-streaming is hard to factor but I would guess those numbers would increase by 1.5x.

For comparison, The International 2, a comparable game (where both essentially revolve around one big tournament), brought in 4million concurrent viewers. The game wasn't even officially available in China yet, and many weren't even aware of its existence. In a few months TI3 will bring even bigger numbers.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 logitech engineer explains mouse design in Hardware


here u go

posted about 11 years ago
#64 New kind of 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterenigmathe idea isn't to create a new stepping stone into the current 6v6 format, but rather to replace it with something better entirely, to the point where the officially supported 6v6 lobbies are both the competitive and (semi)pub formatThen you still have Tagg's concern where it'll divide the community, because there will definitely be a good amount of people who still want to play the current 6v6 and have nothing to do with the new one.

they will quickly follow the trend.

posted about 11 years ago
#535 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
dummyNeonYou guys need to remember that there are 9 classes in TF2 not 4. He's just trying to get ALL of the pubbers involved and eventually with enough exposure they'll hopefully follow the 6s path but if not they can have a great time in HL.
DotA 2 has over 100 heroes, that doesn't mean it's meant for 50 vs 50. Minor tweaks could allow for 9 classes to be relevant in 6v6.

but dota doesn't have the issue of competitive play drastically differing from pub play, which is why all of this is getting brought up in the first place. 6s will never be able to capture the same experience because people find pubs that small to be boring.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 logitech engineer explains mouse design in Hardware


posted about 11 years ago
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